Part Two

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)



Okay. Do you know how to define ‘awkwardness’? Now here’s a situation where we could totally define the term. Do you know the feels when you’re stuck with a damn gorgeous blonde guy, who is in fact the blind date that your parents set up with, and you have zero knowledge on who the said person is? And it didn’t help when the said person has no intention on initiating a conversation, let alone trying to be friendly with his first-time-meeting company. Yup, that’s what we called as ‘awkward’, and not forgetting to mention, rude. That was what Junmyeon thought.


So this was what happened earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Kim brought Junmyeon out of  his comfort zone, in which his room, to have dinner with their so-called friends from China. So Junmyeon being an obedient son he is, put on some decent attire for the dinner and followed his parents to the promised location, in which it was in a gigantic five star hotel. Just how the heck his parents could afford eating in that pocket-holing place?!


And so the three went into the dining hall and a waiter there ushered them to where the Chinese are. Once they reached the said table, a dramatic reunion scene unfolds in front of Junmyeon, where his mother squealed...yes believe him, that old hag squealed and gave a bear hug to another woman around her age. The woman returned the gesture with the same amount of enthusiasm. No wonder old women got osteoporosis.


His father on the other hand, being all calm and collected while greeting another man while exchanging 'How's life?' with one another. But there's another figure it seems. A tall blonde guy, almost two metres tall, could be seen smiling politely and shook hands with Mr. Kim. The blonde then turned to Junmyeon and offered his hand for greetings. Junmyeon returned the gesture, giving a sweet smile to the blonde. However Junmyeon could see the blonde's smile faltered a bit, and his expression turned darker, but still masked it with a small insincere smile. Okay, that's not gonna be good.


It turns out that the so-called friends from from China are Junmyeon's future in laws, which makes the blonde guy his fiance. Junmyeon felt restless as he could feel a pair of eyes boring his soul, scrutinizing his every movement. It didn't help when their parents decided to leave the youngsters for bonding with each other. Those immature geezers.


And that's how Junmyeon was stuck with this arrogant brat in front of him. The blonde was fiddling with his phone, ignoring the presence of another human being in front of him.


"Umm, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I'm Junmyeon, and you are?"


Junmyeon started the conversation.




The blonde answered curtly without looking up from his phone. Junmyeon noticed the cold demeanour from the former but he continued liven up the conversation.


"Oh, I heard that you're holding a quite important position in the company. I guess you're a really capable man. It must be tough huh?"


The blonde let out a harsh sigh. He looked up from his phone and his eyes pierced through Junmyeon's, making the latter startled.


"Look, I know our parents arranged this for us and all but it's not like I'm agreeing to this. You don't need to be all goody goody and prod into my life. Stay out of it. I'm doing this for my parents’ sake, for the company's sake. If I didn't agree to this, then the company wouldn't be mine, and all my hard works all these years would be totally in vain. So, let's just hold onto this marriage for a year or less then we'll go on our ways. You'll do your things and I'll do mine. Did I get myself clear?"


Junmyeon was beyond dumbfounded. He knew that his fiancé is an , even when he got to know the latter only for the past few hours, but he didn't expect that the blonde is another level of asses. A jerkass butthole. But the sharp gaze from the blonde caused Junmyeon to gulp his saliva and nodded his head automatically. The blonde's deep voice didn't help the situation, as it gives this sorta authoritive tone and one needs to follow his command.


Let's just say that the night didn't end well where the two lads went home with Junmyeon took a cab home. He couldn't believe he would be stuck with that dragon. For a year for God's sake! One goddamn year!



Now, let's just say that Junmyeon didn't even felt like he's married when he and his so-called husbandwas not in a speaking term with each other. Yeah, they've gotten married a  few weeks ago. Just a simple party where they invited some close relatives and friends. Not much. Somehow Junmyeon felt horrible for putting up a facade in front of his parents and also in laws just to show that both of them are okay, in which the truth is, they're not.


Their first day living together was a . Kris would totally ignore the younger, as if the younger didn't even exist.  And their days went along that way, ignoring each other existence. Don't even mention honeymoon. Kris didn't even take a leave from his work to go for one. Junmyeon, even when knowing that his husband wouldn't even glance at his way, trying his best being a good wifey, I mean, hubby. Every morning he would wake up early to prepare breakfast for Kris, even when the latter didn't bother to have a bite. He would send lunchbox to his husband through the latter's secretary. Heck, he even prepared dinner for his husband, even when he had a complete knowledge that his husband would come home really late, and the latter has already ate.


That's how diligent Junmyeon is. He knows his job as a husband. And he'll do it without complaint even when he didn't get a single tiny weenie gratitude from his husband.



Kris was beyond disbelief. He already tried his hardest to ignore his newly wedded husband but it seems that his efforts were gradually drained into vain. The younger was just too good to be true.  Almost too angelic. His husband would always cook for him, and even sent him lunch almost every day, even when Kris was being a wipe to his so-called husband. Like right now, a lunch box was sitting there on his mahogany table in his office. Kris opened the lunchbox, and was greeted with a hearty homemade meal. He's salivating right now, only to be disturbed by another tall guy, who was named a Chanyeol.


"Dude! That looks absolutely gorgeous! Gosh! I'm totally drooling right now. Aren't you gonna eat that?"


"Nah, you eat it. I'm full."


Kris pushed the lunchbox towards the younger, in which the latter received happily.


"You're sooo gonna regret this. Omaigosh! This food is totally worthy." Chanyeol moaned at the savoury taste of the food. He kept shoving food inside his mouth, earning a disgusted look from the blonde.


What a disgusting ape.’


Kris continued reviewing the paper works piling up on his table, while Chanyeol ate the food prepared noisily in front of him. Even with the papers in front of him, he couldn’t help it when the image of his husband suddenly popped into his mind. No, he shouldn’t. Forget about it.



Kris came home late that night, as per usual. It was 1.00 a.m. And he was greeted with darkness. No sounds could be heard inside the house. He went to the kitchen to find something to drink. And as per usual, plates of foods could be seen on the dining table, wrapped with transparent food wrappers. Kris ignored the guilty feelings inside of him for not appreciating the younger’s hard work. But he just couldn’t let his wall crumble for that boy. No, no way. His ego was bigger than that.


Kris padded towards his room but he unconsciously halted in front of the younger’s room beside his own. Yup, they have separate room and that really come in handy. Kris turned the knob of the younger’s door. It was unlocked. The door made a creaky sound. Kris discreetly tried to open the door, afraid to wake up the younger from his slumber. However he was bewildered when he found that the room was empty. The bed was as if it was it has never been touch. Kris panicked. Where the hell that boy had gone to?


Kris pulled out his phone only to curse at his own stupidity for not having his husband’s number. His freaking own husband for God’s sake!


Kris started feeling restless. He paced around the house to find any possible clue on where his husband had gone to, but to no avail.


Kim Junmyeon, just where the heck are you?



Junmyeon got out of the car and waved a goodbye to Kyungsoo. He watched the younger drove away until the younger’s car disappeared from his view. Last night, Kyungsoo went to get Junmyeon at the latter’s house. They’re having their sleepover routine once a month, usually at Kyungsoo’s, with Baekhyun joining along. Junmyeon only remembered that he hasn’t told Kris about the sleepover at Kyungsoo’s when he reached the younger’s house. And he forget to ask for the blonde’s number. Brilliant!


It would be weird if he asked for Kris’s number from their parents. Who the hell didn’t have their own spouse’s number after getting married to each other for almost a month?


Ah, forget about it. He wouldn’t care anyway.’


Boy did Junmyeon thought it wrong. It turns out that once he stepped his foot into the house, his tall husband had been waiting for him just a few feet from the front door, with his long arms crossed on his broad chest, with a hard glare had been thrown directly to the younger.


“Where have you been?”


Kris’s voice was hard and firm. His eyes were still digging holes on the poor boy’s soul.


“I-I went to Kyungsoo’s yesterday. We’re h-having a sleepover.”


Junmyeon stuttered. His hands started to become clammy.


“And you didn’t even bother to inform me on your whereabouts?”


Will you even care?’


Junmyeon pursed his lips. He didn’t bother to make a comeback. His eyes were casted down, letting himself being scrutinized under the judging gaze from his husband.

“You’re married to me and living in my house, so I expect you to follow my rules. Now the first rule, inform me wherever you’re going and whomever you’re going to meet. If our parents suddenly asked about your whereabouts at least I’ve got something to say to them. It would be weird if I, as your husband, didn’t know about your whereabouts. Second, my words are law and you’re abode to it. Third, don’t even question on whatever business I’m doing. In other words, mind your own business. Did I make myself clear?”


Kris arched his eyebrows, as if challenging the younger to dare disobey his words. Junmyeon could only mutter out a soft ‘Yes sir’, voice chocking a bit as he tried to hold his tears threatening to fall.


“Very well then.”


Kris ended his one-sided conversation and left the younger at his spot. The younger still had his face casted down. Kris wasn’t that oblivious. He could sense that the younger was trying to hold himself from crying.  He felt like someone just punched him straight on the face. Seeing the younger’s vulnerable state really made him feel these weird feelings. He couldn’t even decipher what it is. He couldn’t let himself waver. He’s ing straight for God’s sake! He loves the V and s. Not ding dongs.


Junmyeon moved from his spot and went to his room. He closed the door and leaned his back on the piece of plank. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. He got no more strength and slide down, hugging his knees and buried his face. He silently sobbed in his room. This is not what he asked for as he agreed to this marriage. He didn’t know if he could stand it for a year.


It was painful to be ignored.



Junmyeon was doing his grocery shopping when he stumbled upon a familiar face. It was one of Kris’s friend, and from what he knew, the lad is also Kris’s secretary.

“Oh, hi! Nice seeing you here. Junmyeon right?”


The lad gave Junmyeon a sweet smile. Junmyeon couldn’t help but to smile back. The lad’s smile was contagious.


“Yes, I am. I’m sorry, I could recognize your face but I just couldn’t dig in my peanut-sized brain on your name. Mind to tell me?”


The lad chuckled.


“I’m Chanyeol. Kris’s secretary. Groceries?”


Chanyeol referred to the half-full cart that Junmyeon pushed.


“Yeah, I’ll go for groceries every week. Even when my cooking is not that great...”


Junmyeon trailed off. His cheeks were dusted pink, a bit unconfident in his cooking abilities.


“Are you serious?! Your cooking is the best that I’ve tasted! Gosh! I could eat your cooking all day without getting tired of it!”


Chanyeol said enthusiastically. Junmyeon couldn’t help but to feel bashful.


“H-how did you know that my foods are that good?”


“Oh, Kris shared some of his lunch with me and good God; it was really good that I might faint on the spot.”


Junmyeon giggled.


“You’re flattering me too much.”


“No I’m not! You’re like...a God of Cooking sent from above to make delicious food for my empty stomach!”


Chanyeol continued his rambling. Their conversations were going smooth as it was filled with Chanyeol being his derp self and Junmyeon giggled at the tall lad. They’re quick to click. It seems that Junmyeon found himself a new friend.



It was an odd occasion when Junmyeon came back from his grocery shopping and found Kris watching the news in the leisure room in his workday. Usually the blonde would come home at midnight, or even morning. Junmyeon looked at the clock. 6.00 p.m. Okay, that’s the earliest record. Kris turned his gaze from the news and faced Junmyeon, with face void of any emotions. Junmyeon gave the blonde a small smile, just to be ignored by his husband as the latter turned back to watch the news.




That’s the sound of Junmyeon’s heart cracking. But then he decided to ignore his breaking heart and proceeded to cook dinner. He wouldn’t want to spoil his fun moments earlier with Chanyeol just because that pricks of his husband.


‘Why didn’t I have a husband as sweet and funny as Chanyeol?’


Junmyeon shook his head, chuckled at his own silly thought. He wore his apron and started to cook.



Kris heard someone humming out a tune from the kitchen. He padded to the kitchen, and took a sneak peek inside. He saw Junmyeon was humming out a happy tune, once in a while his younger husband let out a giggle while texting to someone.


That’s odd. Who’s he texting to?


As if his inner voice was heard, Kris saw Junmyeon lowered the heat on stove, in which he cooked something that looked like kimchi stew, and went somewhere, toilet maybe. Junmyeon’s phone was left on the kitchen cabinet.


Once Junmyeon was out of sight, Kris quickly made his way to the phone. He took the device and unlocked it. No password. Yes!


Once the device was unlocked, there was a chat window popped out on the screen. And there he saw a very familiar name on it.




He scrolled through the message. God, he didn’t like the odd feeling settled in his gut.


Chanyeol (^<>^)

Hey! Thanx for today. It was nice talking to ya!



Don’t mention it. You’ve been a good company too :)


Chanyeol (^<>^)

Let’s hang out together some other time!



Kay. That’s cool. Let me know whenever ya wanna.


Chanyeol (^<>^)

Orite babe!


‘Babe. That freaking Yoda called my husband a freaking ‘babe’! And what’s with the ‘Joonie’ thing?! Now they even have pet names for each other?! The hell?! just’ how the heck did they knew each other?!’


“Um, are you hungry? Just wait for a sec. I’ll set up the table.”


Junmyeon’s soft voice could be heard from behind. Kris turned around to face the younger, with the phone still in his hand. His face was hard.


“How did you know Chanyeol?”


Junmyeon gasped as he saw his phone in the blonde’s hand. Okay, that really crossed the line. Who the hell gave that blonde permission to prod into his private life?!


“What’re you doing with MY phone?” Junmyeon hissed.


Kris didn’t budge. Instead he asked the same question.


“I asked you, how the hell did you know Chanyeol?”


“Why do you need to know?” Junmyeon retorted.


“Just answer the damn question dammit!” Kris snapped, which left Junmyeon startle.


Junmyeon took a long breath.


“Look, I thought that we agreed that both of us,” Junmyeon pointed to himself and to Kris, “agreed that we wouldn’t interfere with each other’s life. So where did this came from? You said that yourself and I’m expecting that it will goes the same to me. You didn’t need to bother yourself to know what I’m doing, with whom I’m meeting and so on. That’s my business and you just mind yours.”


Junmyeon said calmly in which in return, left Kris perplexed. The blonde’s face was red with anger.


“Fine. It’s not like a give a damn about it.”


Kris stomped out of the kitchen. He grabbed the car keys and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door as he went outside and ignited the car. He rushed his car out to God knows where.



It was 3 a.m. and Junmyeon was still on the couch in the living room, waiting for his husband. After their fight earlier, he got restless. There couldn’t point what but one thing for sure, it ain’t good.


Suddenly he heard the front door clicked open. He rushed to the door only to hear his heart cracked even more. The wound inside his heart got deeper. He saw Kris stumbled into the house with a tightly dressed woman, who was stench with cheap perfume and alcohol. Kris started rambling s and kissed the woman in front of Junmyeon. Junmyeon was rendered speechless. Kris didn’t even spare a glance towards the younger and led the giggling woman towards his room. The door to Kris’s room was slammed shut, with faint giggled still could be heard from the room.


Junmyeon walked towards his own room and shut the door. His face was void of any expression. But he knew his heart was slowly breaking into pieces. Again, he started to sob silently into the night.



Kris attitude was getting worst day by day. Every day he would bring different woman into his room, and for each day Junmyeon would cried himself to sleep. His heart couldn’t take it anymore.



Kris woke up with the worst hangover ever. There was a nearly half girl sleeping soundly beside him. He woke up the girl, in a not very gentle way I’d say.


“Get up.”


The girl woke up and gave Kris a seductive smile.


“Hey there y.”


“Just get your fat up and get loss.”


The girl frowned but still got up.


“But baby, we didn’t get to do anything yesterday.”


The girl traced her fingers on Kris’s chest, in which the latter slapped it away harshly.


“Just off while I’m being nice. Or you wouldn’t go out of this ing house one piece. And i really mean it.” Kris snarled.


The girl scrambled from the bed and picked up her things before dashed out of the house. Kris washed his face and went to the kitchen. On the dining table, he could see some breakfast and hangover soup prepared for him, as usual. Even when knowing the blonde bringing different girls everyday back home in a worst drunken state ever, Junmyeon never failed to do his job as a husband. Kris could feel the guilt inside him was eating him up, but he just shrugged it off.


That’s odd.


He couldn’t feel the presence of the younger inside the house.


Usually when he woke up, he could see the younger making breakfast and would have this crestfallen look whenever he saw he girl that Kris brought home. But today, he couldn’t even trace a sign from the younger.


It was nighttimes and Junmyeon hasn’t gotten back home. Kris started feeling restless. He tried to call the younger for the zillionth times but the call just went through the voicemail. He waited until midnight, without knowing, he fell asleep on the couch.


Junmyeon didn’t come back the next day, and so the other following days. Kris was getting insane. Even his works in the office got abandoned. He was looking haggard and unkempt. The absence of the younger was really taking a toll on him. He really missed the younger. He missed the younger’s cooking and concern the latter was giving him before. He was too stupid for not appreciating the latter’s effort. He knew his feelings for the younger. All these while he was too busy wrapping himself in denial. He really does regret it. A lot.


‘Please come back home. I beg you. Just please let me make it right. Please...’





okay! the second part is up!

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2457 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2457 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.