Part One

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)



The sound of bell chimed from time to time, indicating shuffling of customers into and out of the cafe. At the end of the cafe, near the window which is quite isolated from other tables, there sat a boy, in his middle twenties, sipping on his hot chocolate topped with couple of fluffy white marshmallows.


He continued sipping on his beverages while admiring the scene outside. Autumn leaves falling gracefully, covering the roadside making the whole scenery engulfed in warmth yellow. It was quite romantic to say the least.


The lone boy placed his mug on the table and flipped open his diary instead. He picked up the pen next to the diary and started to scribble on the pages.


21 March 2014


I had breakfast with my parents today. I thought it was the same old routine we're having, chatting, telling lame jokes and such. But then my mom decided to drop a bomb on me. She told me about this, Kevin..umm, wait nope i think its Kris, uhh, whatever his name is. Eventually, that guy with naming crisis is my fiance who happened to be the son of her old friend when she studied in China decades ago and also the sole heir of Wu Corp.


Honestly, I really wouldn't mind marrying whoever my parents taken a liking to, it's not like I have someone in mind. But the thing is, i've got this feeling, in fact, a really bad feeling about all this. I don't even know what it is but for sure , it's not a good thing. We'll never know what waits in the future....


Kim Junmyeon


He sighed and put away his diary. He shifted his glance to the window, seeing the yellow leaves falling as the wind rustling through. Tomorrow will be the day where he would meet his so-called fiancé for the first time.


'I wonder what he looked like? What is his says about this planned thing? Did he even agree? Will he even likes me? Let alone loving me...'


His shoulder slumped as he thought about the few last words. Love... Since childhood, he dreamed of a perfect life, with loving partner, kids and a good stable job. A partner that is willing to spend the rest of her/his life loving him to the core, through sweet bitter moments in life and consistently trying to complement each other.


He snapped out of his thought as he felt presence of two figures oppose to him.


"What're you thinking about hyung?” asked the wide-eyed boy.


"Yeah, what's with this entire gloomy aura surrounding you? If my business flop today I'm sure gonna blame it on you. It won't be a surprise if the customers run away with these nasty auras wafting here and there." another boy, who also happened to be the owner of this cafe, sassed.


'I wonder how he managed to keep his innocent puppy looks with that sassy personality of his? I mean, come on. Whoever see this I'm-a-diva-and-I-love-eyeliner guy here will thought that he is some kind of angel.' Junmyeon thought.


"Hey guys, I got something to tell you. But, pleaaaaaaase hear me out first and DON'T, I repeat, DON'T overreact," Junmyeon gave pleading look to those two boys.


"Well, depends" the wide eyed boy shrugged.


"Kyungsoo~~~" Junmyeon whined.


"Uhuh, second to Kyungie. I only react accordingly," the diva puppy interjected.


"Baekhyun-ah~~ please don't be like that. It's very important and I want you guys to support me," again, Junmyeon whined.


"Wait, what the heck you have done hyung?! Oh my god! Don't tell me you got some random girl pregnant a-and yo-you want her to abort the child! Oh god! Hyung! The child is innocent! I can't believe you would actually do that!" Kyungsoo started to panic and flailing his arms in all directions.


Junmyeon started to panic as Kyungsoo started rambling s. Well, who wouldn't be when an idiot friend of yours sputtered out some s about you that you don't even know of and almost all heads in the cafe started turning to them.


So much for attention.


Before Junmyeon could clear things out, another shrieking voice emanated through the cafe.


"What?! Abortion?! Hyung, are you some heartless crazy monster?! How could you do that to an innocent soul?! Your own bloodline on top of that!" Baekhyun shrieked, he huffed and puffed. Soon, there were two pairs of arms flailing around and thrash talking of God knows what.


Oh look! Dumb and dumber on strike.


“Guys! I didn’t make any girl pregnant let alone asking someone to abort any innocent child! Gosh! Just what the heck inside that little brains of yours?!” Junmyeon snapped. Two pairs of eyes landed on him, both have confused looks on their face; arms stopped flailing and paused midair. No sounds emitted. If only someone could insert some cricket sound around here...


Krik krik krikk . . . . .


Why, thank you~


“So, if that’s not it, what is it that you’re going to say?” the dumb owl asked while tilting his head to one side.


The diva puppy also tilted his head, confusion written all over his face.


“Well, the thing should I say this..umm..ok, I’m getting married. Yeah.” Junmyeon finally said after some words stumbling.


“WHAT?!! You what??!! For the love of cheesecake why didn’t you say so earlier?! Oh emm geee!” the owl shout and squeal at the same time, if that even possible.


Again, the whole café turned to them.


‘Just what happened to my serene, calming moment again?’


Junmyeon sighed at the thought.


"Well, if you guys just DIDN'T overreact and hear me out first I bet you'll get the whole story correctly without all these people in this cafe tagging me as some -bastard-also-heartless-babies-murderer," replied Junmyeon, note the sarcasm.


On the other hand, Baekhyun just sat there, quiet. Oh, that's new!


"So, who is this guy/girl that you're marrying?" Baekhyun spoke, after several minutes of idling.


"His name is, I mean Kevin...ughh, no no I think it’s Yifan. Oh I give up, whatever his name is. He's the son of my mom's bestest friend (is that even a word?). I think my mom said something about him being the heir of Wu Corp, given he is the only son." Junmyeon explained.


At that, Baekhyun's eyes dilated almost as wide as the owl boy beside him.


"Dude! You're marrying that super duper filthy rich guy?! The young face-but-drop-dead-gorgeous CEO of Wu Corp?! OMG,'re one damn lucky bastard," Baekhyun stated, more like cursing+praising+drooling about that Chinese CEO.


"Gosh, Baekkie! We're gonna be friend with super rich guy's wife soon! Kyaaaa!" both dumb dumb squealed like some teenage fangirls.


"Hey! Why am I the wife??" Junmyeon protested.


"Hyung, you're definitely a bottom. End of discussion." That diva puppy stated, monotonously. The owl beside him nodded in agreement.


Junmyeon pouted.


'Why the hell am I bothered to be friend with these two dumbos'



Shuffling sounds of papers could be heard throughout the 30-storey building. Office workers walked in all directions, heading to each of their own destinations trying to complete the tasks given.


Random scenes can be seen throughout the floors. At the reception desk, a receptionist could be seen with huge fake smile, eye twitching from trying to suppress anger when dealing with some of a client.


On another floor, an office guy, a haggard looking one with his sleeves folded until reached the elbows, hands running through his hair, more like trying to pull out his hair out of frustration while cursing in front of a printer, which emitting some funny noises as if it shredding some important papers into confetti...yup, that was the case.


On the 16th floor, a tall lanky man, with short, neat-looking brunette hair was seen heading towards a room at the end of the floor. The door had 'CEO' plate written on it. He knocked on the door twice before a voice can be heard from the inside, permitting him to come in.


Inside the room, a drop dead gorgeous blonde man can be seen sat on a black leather chair, checking on papers in front of him. On his desk, there was a plaque with words written on it, read as 'Kris Wu, CEO'.


"Hey hyung, wanna go lunch together?" the brunette asked.


The said man looked up from his papers, making eye contact with the former.


"Sure," the blond man or also known as Kris shrugged.


Kris put away all the papers, grabbing his coat and followed the brunette out.



The two chatted while the brunette drove them to their desired destination, silence sometimes slipping in between them.


"So, what's this I heard about?" the brunette started.


"About what?" Kris questioned back, a bit confused about the former question.


"Dude, stop playing dumb. You know what I'm talking about." the brunette pushed.


"Seriously Chanyeol, what the hell are you talking about? What am I missing here?" Kris said, getting impatient of the brunette confusing act.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes.


'Just tell me how on earth this slow poke getting his position as a CEO and managed to keep that face parallel with that slow brain of his?' Chanyeol thought.


"Seriously hyung, what on earth is in that brain of yours? (Hey! Offended here! ---->Kris's brain) I'm talking about your wedding to your mom's best friend's son! Did'ya meet him? Is he hot? Cute?" Chanyeol shot bullets of questions (and insults..) to the blond. His eyes twinkled in excitement.


'Oh , I totally forgot about that guy. Wait, how the heck this derp knew about this?' Kris thought.


"Your mom told me last evening when I accompanied her shopping yesterday. And I'm not a derp, you buttwipe!" Chanyeol said, as if he was reading the blonde’s mind.


'Okay, now he's some derpy-psychic reading on what's inside my head. Impressive.' Kris mentally applauded.


"As much as I wanted to be one, but sorry to disappoint you, I'm not a psychic. AND I'M NOT A DERP! Aishh... forget about it. Now do tell me how does he look like?" Chanyeol asked again, persistent aren't we?


Kris sighed for the umpteenth time, while his hand travelled into his pocket, trying to find something. Once found, he pulled the thing, more likely, a picture and shoved it in front of the younger's face, which was in fact, still driving at the moment. Okay, that's dangerous.


"WHAT THE HELL?! I'm driving here you nut head! Are you going to get us killed?!" Chanyeol yelled on top of his lung. He then grabbed the picture that was shoved onto his face seconds ago, with a frown decorating his face. Chanyeol took a glimpse on the picture.


In the picture, there was a cute brunette boy staring at something, his lips parted a bit, but that didn’t lessen the adorable look on his face. The picture was as if it has been taken secretly.


“My mom took his picture secretly at the airport when that boy boarding to Japan. Work stuffs I guess” Kris shrugged.


“Wow, your mom got some Sherlock inside of her huh? Wait, that’s not the point. Dude, you’ve got some fine daaaaaaamn cutie here! OMG! I wish I was your mom’s son! Oh, wait…that would make you my hyung. The y me and face, nu-uh, no go” Chanyeol started rambling while shook his head in disagreement with himself.


Kris rolled his eyes.


“Dude, believe me when I say that guy is totally fake. His face screamed plastic surgery all over. Anyway, we’re in Korea, where you can even become Andrew Garfield or s like that.” Kris stated, a bit skeptical…..naw alright, a lot actually.


“Hey hey, what’s with the negative perception here? Come on, I don’t think the guy has gotten anything fixed or what sorts. It took a beauty to know another beauty. And I’m totally one of them! Oh, here we are!” Chanyeol countered a bit full of himself.


Kris rolled his eyes for the nth times that day. The younger pulled his car in front of a café and parked the car expertly. Both of them got off the car and walked towards the café. The café entrance was decorated with some baby’s breath and heliotropes, planted in small pots, making them look adorable. The plaque on the door read as ‘Baekkie’s Café’. The bell chimed as they entered the café.



Both of the gentlemen settled down in a corner of the cafe. A tall, handsome young waiter moved to their spot to take their orders. There was a nametag spelled ‘Sehun’ attached on his left-chest pocket of his white dress shirt.


“Here’re the menus. I’ll be right back whenever you’re ready to place your order.” The waiter said almost robotically, completed with his blank/stoic face.


After placing the menus, the waiter moved to the counter, where an assassin-looking cashier was at. His eyes were piercing and rimmed with prominent dark circles, looking almost like a panda, only that pandas are cute-fluffy-adorable creatures, not this one, waaaaay far from cute and fluffy.


“Man, I swear if look could kill, we’ll be 6 feet under right now. R.I.P.” Chanyeol whispered faintly, only to be caught by Kris. The latter could only nod in agreement. Just why the heck the owner employed some robot and serial killer to do jobs in a freaking cafe?


After several minutes of contemplating of what to have to fill their empty stomachs, both decided to have some steaks and coffees.


“Okay, two plates of steaks and two cups of coffee, one with two shots of espresso. Anything else?” the robot boy asked.


Chanyeol, who oblivious to the boy’s enquiry, craning his neck, checking for any possible start-up buttons on the waiter. 


'Just where the heck is that damn button? Or does this robot require some magical code like "Boomshakalaka" or something? That would be totally cool!'


Chanyeol widened his eyes at the thought. Then he grinned, almost creepily, cue the eye twitching.


Kris, who saw the creepy grin on the younger face, shook his head in disbelief while sighing.


‘Just how wild his imagination can be?’ Kris thought before slapping the latter on the head.


“Owww! W-what??” Chanyeol groaned, that was one painful slap. His eyes darted from Kris, to the waiter, who was still having the same expression, as if it was normal for someone getting -slap from another.


Kris rolled his eyes, again.


“The boy asked if you need anything else.” Kris repeated the forgotten question.


“Huh? Oh! N-no. I’m good.” Chanyeol grinned at the waiter. His cheeks dusted pink, shame on his act.


“Okay. Your orders will be served in 15 minutes.” The waiter said. He then turned and waltzed to the kitchen.


After the waiter left, Kris stared at the younger, then his eyebrows his quirked in amusement.


“You really believed that the poor boy is some artificial intelligence thingy huh?” Kris said, his tone dripping with tease, in addition to his smirking lips.


“N-no I don’t! Sheesh! Like that would even exist!” Chanyeol retorted, stuttering along the way.


Kris just chuckled, amused by the younger action.


Minutes later, they heard some gasping, choking noises from a table not far from them, only that the table was quite isolated. Then they saw two boys, arms flailing as if panicking about something, while sputtering some incoherent words. The only words that caught by Kris ears were ‘abortion’, ‘pregnant’ and ‘innocent soul’. Another boy, who sat at the opposite of the two flailing, shouting boys, could be seen getting flustered from the attention they’ve got.


‘Tsk... kids these days,’ Kris sighed.


“Heh, I guess they’re at it again huh?” the waiter snorted.


Both Kris and Chanyeol turned their heads towards the source of sound. Oh, the robot again.


The waiter was occupied with two plates of steaks on each hand. A mischievous smirk painted the boy’s face. Okay, that’s new. Besides him was the killer-panda guy, carrying a tray with two cups of coffees, smirking at the scene unfold in his view.


“Guess we’ll be needing popcorns for this. It’s not an everyday thing we’ve got drama unfold in front of us. Especially in this boring cafe.” The panda said excitedly, having forgotten about the two customers in front of him.


The two boys placed the foods and drinks on the table. Then they return back to the cashier spot after saying ‘Enjoy your meals’ to the two gentlemen. The robot boy and the panda watched the said table just now.....while eating popcorns...........don’t ask where the heck did they got them.


Chanyeol glanced to the table that caused some riot just now, his forehead wrinkled, thinking hardly on something from the look of it.


“Aha!” Chanyeol snapped his finger, realizing something.


Kris looked up from devouring his steaks. Eyes blinking at the younger.


“Whad??” Kris asked mouth still full with meats.


“Eww...that’s disgusting bro! Would you mind swallow that big chunks first before saying anything? Geez...” Chanyeol said, while making disgusted face.


Kris swallowed his food. Then he nodded to the younger, giving signal for the younger to continue.


“Hyung, don’tcha think that the boy over there looks reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally similar to your fiancé? Okay, scratch that, he’s not similar, he IS your fiance” Chanyeol said, emphasizing each words.


Kris looked back and forth from Chanyeol to the said boy. Then he pulled out the picture from his pocket, comparing it with the boy. He gasped.


‘OMG! It is him! What do I do?! What do I do??!!’ Kris started panicking. His hands started sweating and became clammy. But still, not forgetting to wear his face on. Hey, his face is precious!


“Hyung, why don’t you greet him? Say hi or something.” Chanyeol suggested.


If not because of his face, Kris would totally have this 'did-you-just-told-me-to-kill-my-alpaca-Ace' look.


“Just shut up and eat your food.” Kris deadpanned.


Chanyeol pouted. Tchh… Prissy dragon!


Unknown to the pouting brunette in front of him, Kris secretly glanced at the table where the said fiancé is.


So that’s the boy.







so that's the first part. Enjoy!


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2451 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2451 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2451 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2451 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2451 streak #5
2451 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.