Unrequited [Friends?]






Unrequited [Friends?] - 유키 님




He opened the door to have a walk. When he got home, he found a letter sticked in front of his door, and a paper bag. He smiled and took it inside.

It reads,

"Dear Elf,

Hey! This is unfair, you know my name now... Well. I should probably introduce myself, my name is Song Hyemi, I like to be by myself a lot, only music as my company... Well I guess, I have you now! What might your real name be? Oh and I made too much breakfast. Help yourself with some sandwich. Have a nice day Elf!!

Sincerely, Hyemi"


Time went by so fast... So fast that days turned to weeks.

Weeks turned to months.

And now it has been a year. A year from the first time I met this stranger. Or rather I should call him my friend, we smile at each other when we occasionally meet, and I'm not going to deny that I always can't control my heartbeat when we do so. I also found out what his name was. Park Chanyeol. And... He's not addicted to smoking as I thought. But uses it when needed, which is always 3 times a day. Well, at least he doesn't finish a pack in a day.

I go out once again to check the ATM machine. Its one of the payment, sent by one of my students. Haha~ I need a more specific job. Maybe I should apply on a college nearby... Nah~ too much a hassle. Internet teaching is much more favorable. Walking out, locking my door, I see a rather different envelope than the usual brown one. I read immediately, it reads,

"Dear Hyemi,

Hey! Guess who's turning 22?! Weeee!!! It's this adorable Elf right here~ You know that place where I almost got kicked out of? You know? When I was smoking? Then I smiled at you? Remember? That café who plays classical music, sometimes not? That! Get down here in about 7pm! The place closes at 10! Don't be late!! Just text me if you are! See you soon~

Sincerely, Chanyeol"

Oh my gosh. I checked my phone of what time it was. It was 5:30pm. I dash to the stairs, and to the subway I go. It would take about 30 minutes in complete. Maybe I should just take a cab... No. It's too expensive. I can't sit still... I kept thinking about how I'll be late and such. Gosh. The train stopped. I am here, I ran to the nearest ATM machine and cashed out the money just sent to me. Good thing there were stores here. My music helped me calm down a bit. And that is when I saw it. The perfect present. A Zippo lighter. It was perfect for him, though I needed to look for the perfect design. About 10 minutes, and there it was. The perfect design. He said he always liked birds. Of how free they are, and everything... A Zippo lighter with a phoenix as a design. There was no any other bird besides this one or a rooster... This one is way awesome, and I bought it, asked the guy if they have a box for it and they did.

With that I enjoyed the short distance, it was just a block away. Ahh~ I remember it like it was just yesterday. I walked down these same pathways, except it was a little brighter, soon getting dark because of the rain. And now~ I'm walking down these same pathways with my loud music and the neon lights illuminating everything that is everywhere. I smiled. I see it. That café. I just noticed that this certain café's name was 'Plaisant Memoire" I find it adorable. I can see that there was a group of people somewhere at the back, I suddenly stop at my steps, I feel anxious... I suddenly remember that I'm not used to this... And then the next thing I knew, I was hyperventilating. I tried to catch my breath. I got my inhaler inside my bag and I feel much better. Is it my asthma? I'm not really sure. I look at myself, I am wearing a black bonnet, my red sweater, its so long that it almost seems like a dress, cat stockings, and high top converse.  I sigh and thought to myself, why did I pick such an outfit. I sighed in frustration, and when I looked up they were looking at me, then that guy... The one with big eyes poked Chanyeol and pointed at me, then he turned around and saw me.

I swear at that moment my heart almost stopped, then he smiled. That huge smile that almost reaches his ears, as if he'd been waiting for me all day, and that dimple! Then he stood up and walks towards me. I walked towards him too, but he got to me first, we were still outside when...

He hugged me. It was too tight at first, as if he was squeezing me, then lightly, he let go.

"I am so glad you came~!"
He said still beaming his smile at me.

"Happy Birthday."
I answered smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, you have to meet my friends."
I take a deep breath and follow him.

"Hey guys~ this is Hyemi. She's my neighbor."
He introduced me to his friends.

"Ohh~! That one you write letters to? Hi I am Kyungsoo, and I have one question, why don't you guys just talk?"
The guy with the big eyes asked.

"Well~ Its better in letters, because I can just write it and I don't have to worry about what his reactions would be. Yup."
I said and smiled.

"Wow~ this is new. C'mon, sit down~ I'm Baekhyun by the way. I'm the cashier lady's son."
The other guy who had too much feminine physical looks says.

"Oh~ Hi."
I said chuckling and sat down.

I'm sitting beside Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are sitting together.

I smiled... I haven't felt this feeling since... Since nahh... Not in the mood for flashbacks. I'm just happy.

Chanyeol poked my cheek.

"What are you smiling about?"

I just smiled more. Sipping on my iced tea.

"Hmm... I'm just happy."

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun just smiled at us.

"They're so cute."

I just chuckled.

We spent the whole night there talking and laughing.
Finding out more about my new friends, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sings, while Chanyeol... Is a writer.

No wonder he smokes that much... Probably as a stress relief? It was about 9:30 when my stomach finally refused the hunger. It growled so loud. And we were quiet for a moment...

"Guys did you not hear that, I'm starving."
I said and we laughed.

"I have to agree with her on that one, Yeol... We are starving."
Baekhyun said chuckling.

And so we left, and off to Baekhyun's mom.

We came there laughing and happy, first look at us, we may look like drunk adults, perhaps even lunatics. That is how happy we looked and sounded. So happy, that someone could mistake you for being insane. It was the joy I never felt for so long.



"Mrs. Byun~ We need ingredients for seaweed soup~"

Mrs. Byun welcomed us and each gave us a hug.

"Hey~ Happy Birthday kiddo. I already made the soup, here take it with you. I still have to guard this shop you know? Haha~ enjoy your birthday."

Mrs. Byun said as she ruffles Chanyeol's pushed back hair.

"Thank you Mrs. Byun. You're the best." He smiles big, and happy. Showing his wealthy set of teeth and deep dimples.

Baekhyun hugged his mother goodbye, and so did we. And we, were on our way.

Up to the flat, the two complained so much that I just laughed at them, how there was no elevator and such. I told them there was, but its not safe. And so up we go.

We were already on the fourth floor when...

"Hey, uhh. Hyemi. C-can we go to your place instead?"

Chanyeol asked.


I exclaimed. I was aware that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are already friends, but it is a fact that they are still strangers, and like I said, I'm not fond of socializing and this whole thing is violating my personal space and over the line. I was almost out of breath when he shook me and calmed me down.

"Hey, hey are you alright?
Look, my place is very much... Oh I don't know, not decent. I can't let you in there, its too disturbing. I haven't tidied up in months. I--"
He explained.

"N-no... Its okay. Haha... I just--"

I grabbed Chanyeol by the arm and whispered.

"Chanyeol, you know I'm not good with trusting people..."

Chanyeol then, cupped my face and said...

"Shh. Everything is going to be alright. Just relax, okay?"


And with that I bowed a lightly towards the two and unlocked my door.

I see my place, tidy. As always.

A desk at the end of my bed, its head on the wall. A huge window, curtains drawn. A bookshelf almost over flown with books, and some dvd series. A laptop on the side table beside the lamp. A small speaker set. A sofa in the middle, a rectangular fuzzy rug under the coffee table.

To summarize it, my home was cozy.

"You don't have a T.V.?"

Baekhyun asked looking around

"No, I listen to the radio for news. To cut down on electricity bills, I mean the fridge takes all the power up, then there is the lightings of this place, my gadgets... Yeah."

I answered, settling down the things on the table.

"You get visitors?"

Chanyeol asked, his eyes gazed on the kitchen.

"Rarely. Just incase I do get visitors... There would be chairs for them."

I smiled answering.

"You're a weird girl."

Kyungsoo commented and laughed.

"And I don't really care what other people thinks."

I said and laughed too.

Baekhyun went out for a while and came back with a cake. We sang Chanyeol a Happy Birthday again and he ate the seaweed soup. We ordered pizza and watched something. We couldn't really pick something, rather they can't pick something really, either the movies I have is sad, gore, or horror, they already watched the action movies I had. There was one that they liked though... It was Peter Pan.

Gosh. These... Men. Well they are reasonable about picking this movie, since we are eating, gore is not an option, but I think its just an excuse, or maybe I just don't have a weak stomach. Peter Pan is a nice movie and suitable for all ages, there are also lessons and everything. Soon enough it was nearing midnight, a mess in the kitchen, a mess at the coffee table, we're watching our second movie... It was unavoidable not to sleep. I was still into the movie though, we are now watching Spirited Away. By we, I meant me, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, Baekhyun was already fast asleep. Chanyeol and I are in between these two sleepy heads, a couple of minutes later... They were three. I can hear his soft snores, then he shifts and rests his head on my shoulder. I can feel his gentle breath on my cheek. I was already blushing strawberry red, my heart unsteady... I close my eyes and lay back, then I tell myself. That I must not, that I should not, that I cannot fall. Its a little too late for such a realization, for that moment on, when I laid back, and rested my own head gently to his. I know, that I already have. And I cannot stop it now.

Despite the lack of sleep and tiredness, I still woke up early. I remember falling asleep around 1:30 in the morning, it was already 5 on my phone. And like it was before, we are still sleeping in the sofa, Kyungsoo's head on my shoulder, Baekhyun's head on Chanyeol's, his on mine, and mine on his crown. I looked around, my eyes gazed on the window, the sun have not risen yet. I got up very slowly and gently, not wanting to wake up the three. I stare at them. I smiled and took a picture on my phone. I just wanted a stolen memorabilia. I laughed quietly to myself and started cleaning up. We made a hell of a mess last night...

The sun rays beaming on the three boys lying on the bed... The tall one with ash brown hair woke up. Looking around the place with his hazel brown eyes, he calls a name with raspy voice.


He rubbed his eyes and notice a note on the side table with a tiny box. It reads,

"Hey~ you're awake! Wondering why you guys are on the bed? I dragged you guys there, remember? Oh I already made breakfast, its on the kitchen table. I won't be gone too long, I'll just go grocery shopping. No need to wait though, just make sure the three of you will get to eat, and then leave if you want. Hahaha~ just text me if you need anything, okay??


P.S. Check out my present. Hehe


He smiled and got up quickly, his friends still soundly asleep. He strides to the kitchen, pocketing the tiny box, with the note in his hand, and his phone in the other.

He dialed the number, it rang for two times, and he said with a sleepy rasped voice.


"Hello? Chanyeol?"

"Yah... Why did you leave so early? What time is it?"

"Wow~ Good morning~ I almost didn't recognize you're voice, its just too deep. Ahahah. Anyway, I think its 8."

"Hahahah... Good morning."

"Hey, eat up okay? Are the others awake yet?"

"No... Still sleeping like babies."

"Hahahaha~ wake them up soon and eat!"

"Yeah, yeah. When will you be back?"

"I'll be there soon, don't worry."


"Bye bye now.


He hanged up first.

Taking out the tiny box and opening it. Shows a Zippo lighter with a phoenix as a design, he smiled and proceeded to eat the breakfast served at the table.



I climb up the stairs with haste, hoping maybe they're still there. That I still have someone to look forward to. I'm in front of my door now, slowly unlocked my door and entered.

I was shocked, laughter and teasing words being thrown from each side of the kitchen table, I thought they left.

Chanyeol saw me, flashed me a wide goofy smile.

"Hyemi!! You're back!"

I smiled back at him, and suddenly his long arms around me, and whispered.

"Next time, don't leave without any words, okay?"

I nodded and freed myself from his hold.

"Hey, lovebirds. The food's gonna get cold."

Kyungsoo said, setting more food down the table.

"Sorry I'm late."

I said, and they smiled, and we ate.

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