You Deserved It.


So... Hi~! :D
You guys wanna read a rather different one from my first one?
You see, something tragic happened to me... [I got robbed T^T]
And, I can't really get back what's gone, and I just vent it out on writing...
It's just, I want revenge. Hahahaha xD
Even if it's just in this story. [poem?]
For my satisfaction.
I hope you enjoy.


Wooh! SUdden change of events!! I'm keeping this poem, THIS way xD
It's not that I don't want to write it anymore... [i'm lazy]
It's just... the wound is too fresh.. about that incident, and I don't want to ever think about it again...

Guess who had another change of mind...
Well, I finished it this time :D
Tho, it remains as a poem.


You Deserved It. [Prologue] - 유키 님





Head down.
Brows furrowed.
I frowned.
Hands clutched.

Sweat drips…
Oh so slowly it slid…
down from head to chin.
I wanted to rip off her skin.

I didn’t…
I couldn’t…
I shouldn’t…
I wouldn’t…

But I did…
And so I did…
Slowly, oh so slowly…
Quietly, oh so quietly…

Rusty, and edgy, it went in shallow.
Hard and unsteady, I dug in deeper.
Rusty, and edgy, she screamed.
Hard and unsteady, I pulled.

And then another,
it went in deeper.
Deeper and deeper it went in.
Slowly, oh so slowly, I pulled.

She screamed and screamed.
Blood splashed and splashed.
A hammer smashed and smashed.
Her head on the ground bashed.

Her scream echoed into the distance.
Until, she was no more.

Head tilted.
Brows relaxed.
I grinned.
Hands clutched.

Blood flows and flows.
Smoothly it goes.
Blood dripped and dripped.
Smoothly it trickled.

I laughed and whispered…

“You deserved it.”



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