The Unforgettable night

365 Kisses & A Slap

Dear diary, how can Sunye forget everything about me?

Why does her brain selfishly take out her memory of me?

At first, I thought this kind of things only happen in movies but then again, anything happen in movie actually happen in real life, well at least 50% of it.

In Sunye’s case, hers has been exceptional. The doctor said she is suffering from post traumatic amnesia meaning she can’t really remember anything prior to the accident, scratch that, she can’t remember anything prior to the last two years.

On top of that, her amnesia is anterograde meaning that she is unlikely to store memories beyond a one day limit.

So every day, will be like a reset button to Sunye’s life back to two years ago when she was 25, before meeting me, her fiancé.

Frustrating over this brought me back to the night of the accident which occurred almost a month ago.


“Oppa, how do I look?” Sunye asked for Jiyong’s opinion.

Her fashion is quirky according to Jiyong. But in her dictionary, their fashion sense is just different. Sunye likes to wear simple clothes with reference to indie and bohemian style. Jiyong’s fashion taste is more sophisticated and avant grade, not really to Sunye’s liking but tonight especially, she has to look impressive in front of Jiyong’s potential client or business customers. It will be news if Jiyong’s fiancé, Min Sunye, looks everything but fashionable. It will also be an ‘insult’ to Jiyong’s reputation who has styled many celebrities not only in Korea but also in China and Japan.

“You look stunning as ever!” Jiyong complimented her and hugged her from behind. “But, I would prefer if you don’t reveal too much because I’m getting jealous already”

“I don’t think this is too revealing, do you? I’ll wear scarf to cover it up, if that makes you feel better” Sunye said, after all there are going to Jiyong’s fashion show.

As much as Jiyong loves it when Sunye tries to impress him by dressing according to his taste, he admitted that Sunye looks good with everything even with her usual quirky style. Or maybe because he is just being bias since Sunye is his fiancé after all.

“Oppa, are you done? We are going to be late!” Sunye reminded Jiyong who was reading a newly-received message on his phone.

“Yeah, I’m done. But baby, can you drop me off at the workshop, my car is ready and the mechanics are waiting for me to pick it up”

“Sure, but won’t you be late for your fashion show. Why can’t you pick it up tomorrow?” Sunye suggested.

“The workshop will be closed for a week starting tomorrow, so I have to get my car by then. Besides, I can’t use your car for another week since you are going for a road trip with your girlfriends soon”

Sunye contemplated, “Why not I go pick up your car, and you can just go straight to your fashion show. You, as the host of your show, can’t make your guests waiting”

“Really? Thank you so much dear. I really appreciate it”

“Of course, it’s not a big deal after all” Sunye assured him.

”Before I forget..” Jiyong paused and went closer towards Sunye.

“I love you, baby” he said and kissed her cheeks. He really felt grateful to have Sunye, where else could he find such understanding and beautiful woman as his fiancé.

Sunye just smile at him seductively and whispered ‘Love You Too’.

“Gosh, you and if I stay another minute, we end up going nowhere” Jiyong teased as he gave another kissed on her forehead.

“See you later, oppa” Sunye laughed at him while she disappear again inside their room to get her purse.

Picking up a newly-repaired car is not an easy task apparently as Sunye had to test drive Jiyong’s car to make sure that nothing is wrong or everything is already fixed. As expected, Sunye came late for the fashion show but arrived on time just for the after-party event. Quietly, Sunye helped herself with the refreshments and looked around the exuberant party to see if any of her model friends are around.

Sunye found Jiyong talking to some men and she knew better then not to interfere with him because it is the time when he ‘mingled’ with his clients. There were also models by Jiyong side. One look, people might say that he is flirting and normal couple will raise their jealousy alert. But, this is all part of the business game. How can a fashion designer design clothes without a model. Besides, all the models dressing in Jiyong’s fashion line are actually her friends.

“Alone?” A guy approached Sunye.

“Waiting for my fiancé” Sunye flashes her ring to the stranger. A sign that shows she is taken. There are times like this when Sunye hated to be left alone in the party.

“Oooh, I’m so scared of the ring. Even married couple divorced, you know” the guy replied showing his stubbornness.

Before Sunye could protest, Jiyong came to the rescue. He just finished talking to his clients when he spotted Sunye arriving at the party.

“Any problem here, baby?” He said and wrapped his hands around Sunye’s waist.

“Nothing, we are just exchanging greetings, Jiyong-sshi” the guy replied.

“So you must be the new guy in the industry, Park Tae Hwan, I assumed?” Jiyong said sarcastically.

“Guilty” he said ignoring Jiyong’s remark. At the moment, two models came to his side.

“Meet my model friends from Japan” Tae Hwan introduced them.

Jiyong announced, “Meet my fiancé, Min Sunye”

Out of courtesy, he bowed to Sunye, “You have a good catch” Tae Hwan said to Jiyong, complimenting Sunye’s indirectly.

“Well, well what have we here, the two most potential designers in the industry. Why don’t we find some quiet place to discuss business” an elderly man, hailed as Korea’s ‘Godfather of fashion industry’ interrupted them.

“Sure, why not?” Tae Hwan answered as Jiyong ushered them to a room upstairs.

“I’ll be back in a moment, baby” Jiyong said to Sunye who just smiled back at him.

As the night grew deeper, the party became livelier with people. Luckily, Sunye has her friends to hang out with or she will definitely be bored to death.

“What took Jiyong so long?” Sunye started to wander. Usually, his discussions at the party last for half an hour because it is really not a place to discuss serious business. She started to get anxious and found her way to the room upstairs.

On the way, she found TaeHwan who told her that he saw Jiyong with his Japanese friend alone in the room. Sunye, of course, would not take Taehwan’s word especially after their undesirable first meeting earlier. On the other hand, Sunye also trusts Jiyong as her responsible fiance.

But, when Sunye opened the door to the VIP room, she couldn’t believe her eyes – Jiyong was lip locking with the Japanese model. Unforeseen, she dropped her wine glass which startled both Jiyong and the model.

“Sunye, it isn’t what you think…” Jiyong tried to stand up but was too drunk.

Without a word, Sunye stormed out of the room and went to the car park. She got on to the car and quickly flee the scene. Her emotions took control of her as she cried reminiscing the scene of Jiyong with the model. Hence, she could not see a pedestrian crossing the road and was too late to hit the brake to stop. Instinctually, Sunye swerved the car to avoid the pedestrians. As a result, her car stumbled at the road side due to its high acceleration and sudden brake. The next thing she recalled, everything around her turned black.

.: Author's Note :.
I wasn’t sure actually whether to post another flashback or G-Ye’s present stories, but I think I should tell the most important flashback which is the ‘accident’. After this, the story will focus more on current event and maybe, a ‘drama-like-story’ will also happen hehe
I am also aware that most of my readers wanted me to extend the ‘short-chapters’. Actually, for those who have read my previous works will know that I usually update my fanfix weekly. Therefore, my chapters are usually short and are drafted between 1200-1300 words. Im left only to edit my ‘finished-stories’ weekly, which at the moment I don’t have that much time since editing actually requires double the time than creating a story. I do hope that I can get back updating fanfix weekly by adjusting my daily timetable, see if anything works ^_^ Till then, hope you can wait patiently for the next chapter :)

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lonely_cat #1
awww your story is very cute!
I really love it, may I translate it by Vietnamese and share it with Vietnamese fan :)
Plz mail me back soon!
Iheartlife #2
AWWW! great story :D
end of story?
i love this story
can u make sequel?
Iheartlife #4
new reader...update soon :D
omo sunye getting married? <br />
update soon
I like the plot
so she pretend for 3month<br />
Why sunye leave jiyong? T.T<br />
thx for update
That ...
This reminds me of the movie "50 First Dates" but the 365 time kinda...farfetched ^^<br />