An affair to remember

365 Kisses & A Slap

Jiyong rubbed his tired eyes and looked at the alarm clock beside him, it was only two in the morning. Sunye was still sound asleep next to him. Feeling thirsty, he quietly crept his way to the kitchen. 

While drinking his glass of water, he glanced through his work. Today, after approximately three weeks, he ‘officially’ visit his office, mostly because he has an important project due end of the month. One good thing about his profession - it gives him freedom to work anywhere at his convenient and thus he can managed to look after Sunye at the same time. 

Looking at the mess on his working table, Jiyong attempted to arrange the disorderliness. He stopped halfway, when a photo drop out from the stack of books. It brought him back to a particular memory two years ago.


“SMACK” the man’s ears were ringing inside as his hand automatically massaged his red cheek. 

“What was that slap for?” he ask dumbfounded. It was his first time being slapped by a woman.

“Who give you permission to kiss my cheek?” the woman asked. 

“Well, since I am your boyfriend, of course I can kiss you” he said smugly.

“No,no,no…Not that fast, my boy. I may agree to be your girlfriend but that doesn’t mean you can kiss me any time” she answered.

“Oh, really?” the man hold her wrist and lean closer towards her, she retreated backwards.

“What are you trying to do?” she stammered, her fiery stance was shaken when his face got closer to hers. She fell backward on the huge sofa while the man leaned on top of her, still eyeing her face silently.

“What do you suggest me to do?” he answered her with his question, his lips was inching closer to hers.

“Taking picture to commemorate?” she said innocently.

The man fell on to the side of the sofa.

“Are you okay?” she asked. 

He answered her with a laugh, “You are truly one of a kind, my lady” 

“Okay, as you wish” he said still laughing. 

Both of them sat together on the sofa while the woman tried to adjust her camera. He put his arms around her shoulder. 

“Are you ready?” she asked while checking her hair. Without waiting for his answer, she countdown herself, “One, two…” 

“Wait…” he shouted which make her turned towards him. But by then, it was too late and the camera flashes the picture of the two new lovebirds kissing together.

The kiss on the lips took the woman by surprise, and she started to ‘protest’ with her other ‘vacant’ hand but the man grabbed her wrist and pushed her back against the sofa. He released his grip on her after a moment and smile smugly.

“That was……unfair Ji” feeling shy after their intimate moment, she didn’t know what to say.

“Admit you like it, Sunye and from now on, call me oppa” 

She stuck out her tongue, teasing him. “I call you whatever I felt like calling you, Ji” she answered, showing her stubbornness.


Jiyong was still smiling at the memories of him and Sunye as he slipped the ‘first picture they took together’ back into his diary. Coincidentally, he opened at the ‘chapter’ where he first met her. He can’t help but to sit and read his own life journal.

Dear diary,

Today, my first and very own fashion collection, G-Dragon for Ladies, debuted at Seoul Fashion Week. I felt so proud of my work and thankful towards the positive feedbacks saved this one strange woman who gave me this really weird comment. Honestly, I never met her ‘kind’ in my life before and it all started…


“All the best, Sohee” Sunye said to her close dongseng who has been modeling for two years and was going to debut as a runaway model tonight. 

Sohee smiled back at her, “Thank you, unnie” she said to Sunye while squeezing her hands to ease off her nervousness. 

“You are going to be fine, dongseng. I’ll be watching with Yoobin unnie at the front” Sunye said before she left the backstage. It was her first fashion show in Korea after moving back from New York a month ago. She did attend a few fashion shows before but fashion is not her ‘thing’. As a choreographer, she prefers comfortable clothes like shirts and trousers and if she is not practicing, she wears ‘windy clothes’ like maxi dress or boho-skirts.

“Sunye!!” Yoobin shouted while waving her hands calling her friend.

“Sohee looks nervous” she informed. 

“I’m sure she’ll be fine” Yoobin answered and was queued by a loud music signaling that the show has started. The whole fashion line was very avant garde and sophisticated for Sunye, it is definitely not something that she will wear though. Sohee was the main model as she was the last to come out and as the show was about to end, the fashion designer, Kwon Jiyong, along with all his models came out to take their bow. 

“Unnie!!!” Sohee shouted at Sunye and Yoobin who were struggling their way in. The backstage was swarmed with people and it was really hard to get through the other side of the room where Sohee was. 

“How did I perform? Was it okay?” Sohee asked her unnies, like a daughter asking her mother for her opinion. 

“No, it wasn’t. It was awesome, my dear. I am so proud of you. I am sure after this you will be getting offers to model for the Paris or Milan fashion collection that you’ve been dreaming of” Sunye complemented and encouraged her. 

“And I love the fashion line too” Yoobin chirped in. 

“Yeah, right unnie. It is definitely your style and I can totally picture you in it” Sohee answered excitedly. 

“Sorry, I find the clothes too ‘restricted’. Not my taste” Sunye said carelessly. 

“Why is that so?” a man’s voice asked from behind. Sunye turned and found the guy who happens to be the one designing the fashion line. 

“Jiyong-sshi” Sohee said surprised before introducing them, “These are my friends, Sunye and Yoobin”

Displeased with the first impression, Jiyong exchanged half-hearted ‘hellos’ with them but he was still intrigued by Sunye’s remarks. “So what do you mean that it does not suit your taste?” directing his question again to Sunye.

“It simply means that the fashion collection is….” 

“fabulous, of course” Yoobin interrupted. As her friend of many years, Yoobin knew that sometimes Sunye’s ‘devil-may-care’ attitude might hurt others who could not accept it. Sunye was clearly unhappy with Yoobin’s interruption and gave her best friend the ‘look’. Yoobin knew that ‘I-speak-what’s-on-my-mind’ look too well.

”What I’m trying to say is that...” Sunye continued disregard the looks from her two friends, “your collection may be fashion forward but there is no ‘style’ in it” 

Jiyong’s expression dropped and became expressionless as if someone just threw eggs on him. 

“Well, I…I….” For the first time in his life, Jiyong stumbled for words. His confidence was easily crushed by the woman whom to his point of view ‘dress-very-peculiarly’. 

Yoobin was quick to grabbed Sunye to her side, ‘secretly’ trying to stop her from opening further. 

“I’m sure she didn’t mean it. Sunye-unnie likes to joke around” Sohee said trying to ‘lighten up’ the awkward situation. 

“I wasn’t…” 

“Ssshh, don’t you dare open your mouth, lady” Yoobin whispered to Sunye, gritting her teeth. 

“Fine” Sunye retorted and left the venue before any of her friends started to give lecture on her. 

“We are sorry on her behalf. As Sohee mentioned Sunye likes to joke. By the way, I love your collection” Yoobin said trying to cheer up Jiyong before leaving with Sohee to catch up after Sunye. 

Jiyong was left standing, feeling bewildered by the whole affair.

.: Author's Note :.
Phew, I thought I couldn’t post it today because I made a last minute changes as I was influenced by the Wonder Girls teaser video. Due to that too, I changed nearly everything for my chapter two LOL Maybe you might notice the changes, if not all at least one of ‘it’ because it is quite ‘apparent’. You might ‘catch’ what I meant if you have watched the Wonder Girls teaser  Also, this chapter introduces the ‘slap’ received by GD – 365 kisses & a slap, got it? Anyway, I also want to inform you that I am getting busier starting this month because I have an impossible project to do and need to be done in one-and-half months time. But, don’t worry I am not telling you that I am abandoning this fanfix, is just that I’m getting slower with the updates. Not to worry again, because I don’t tend to ‘stray away’ too long from my fanfix (maybe the max three weeks) because it will be hard to ‘switch’ to the ‘right writing mode’ if you abandon it for quite some time. Besides, I already finished drafting this story, just need to edit them during my free time ^_^ Till then take care & don't forget to support the Wonder Girls

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lonely_cat #1
awww your story is very cute!
I really love it, may I translate it by Vietnamese and share it with Vietnamese fan :)
Plz mail me back soon!
Iheartlife #2
AWWW! great story :D
end of story?
i love this story
can u make sequel?
Iheartlife #4
new reader...update soon :D
omo sunye getting married? <br />
update soon
I like the plot
so she pretend for 3month<br />
Why sunye leave jiyong? T.T<br />
thx for update
That ...
This reminds me of the movie "50 First Dates" but the 365 time kinda...farfetched ^^<br />