Photoshoot and Schedule

Carméline; the golden era
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========== After debut.


They ran through the photoshoot details quickly, realizing that the concept was relatively easy to pull off. The backstory was that they were all students studying in the same school, and each of them had a different, unique persona to live up to. Firstly, the soft-spoken Emma, had the role of a typical good girl, a scholarship student. She had glasses on, followed by a thin grey sweater with leggings. Her look was completed by a worn brown bag, and she posed with a pile of books in a classroom or at the field, reading. Her photos came out in pastel colors, light, refreshing, and it suited her peaceful personality quite well. Her set of photos showed off her exotic beauty and her subtle elegance.

Xin, on the other hand, was also the stereotypical ‘good-girl’, just that she had on a lot more stylish clothes than Emma did. She was playing the native everyday student, a quiet and graceful girl, and she had on a pin trench coat and a sundress, coupled with flats. Pastel colors looked good on her as well, and the elegant look was not wasted on her, as she moved from pose to pose fluidly.

Lueni went next. As the girl with a more flashy attitude, she was playing the queen , the girl with tons and tons of followers, friends, and enemies. The girl who only lives once, the girl who could never have too much. She was clad in jean shorts, and deep, v-neck, skin tight clothes, coupled with a shiny outer coat that showed off her curvaceous figure. Everyone had to admit, that she was hot, hot in the typical idol way, and her in pictures, it was just amazing.

Hyerim had the cute girl concept. Her colors were more sunny, brighter than pastel, and her hair flowed freely, almost wildly around her face. Holding flowers (that she playfully pretended to bite, after the other members' teasing about her being a bunny), she took her photos outside, in the garden, showing off a delightfully innocent feel and completing her scenes without any mishap. Her outfit was simple, light colored jeans and even lighter colored shirts.

Angel and Yoonmi went next. Their concept was somewhat similar, being the typical run of the mill students, clad in pastel colors similar to that of Emma and Xin's, but they each had their distinct styles. Angel's clothes were cut slightly tighter, and in a slightly darker hue, and Yoonmi had on more accessories, defining her as a more well-off heir. Angel was wearing sports shoes instead of sandals as well, since she was playing the part of an athlete.

Yue and Jing, obviously donned the darkest colors. Jing was playing the part of a rebel, with her tight leather apparel and long leather boots going up till her knees. Her black biker's jacket was sometimes slung over a shoulder, sometimes worn in the early spring air, but it was a pleasant experience, since it was no secret to the group that this girl had a towards leather clothing. Yue, on the other hand, was clad in a white and black street dance outfit, a little strange for a student, but she held the supposed 'school blazer' in one hand, showing the 'school crest'. She had black converse sneakers and leather gloves with chains hanging off her knuckles, and her crop top drew itself loosely above her belly button. Topping off the outfit with a baseball cap, she looked every bit a street girl.


It was schedule after schedule, venue after venue, until they were all bloody exhausted. It was 3a.m in the morning when they had finally arrived at the dormitory, but the members of Eclipse were not going to be let off so easily.

"Eclipse, pack your luggage. We'll meet in the living room in an hour. The plane to China for your china debut is at 7a.m," the eclipse manager, minhyuk, announced. The members of eclipse just looked at each other tiredly, with only one thought in their mind: maybe they’ll get some sleep on the plane. They knew not to argue with Minhyuk, who was much less lively than Soohyun and stricter towards the girls.

As members of Charme all forgo a bath and just slammed themselves onto the bed, the members of Eclipse slowly made their way to their cupboard, pulling out several clothes that would suit the airport. After all, they were pretty sure that there would be someone there with a DSLR, taking photos of their airport fashion.

One hour later, the girls were done with luggage packing and choosing their outfit specially for the airport.

Angel was decked in white wash jeans and a flannel shirt with a plain singlet underneath. Her outfit was completed with a pair of red sneakers. Jing was wearing a white sleeveless shirt which had the words "Dear Valentine, Thank you whoever you are," inscribed on it and her bare arms were covered by a black leather jacket. She, too, was wearing jeans, but instead of white-washed, her skinny jeans were slightly ripped and a shade of dark blue, almost black. Her shoes were a pair of leather boots with complicated laces. Yue, who was probably the most casual out of them all, had donned a baggy shirt and jeans. She had black gloves on (Jing thought it was pretty cool) and her shoes were a blue high-cut converse. Lueni, on the other hand, was at the opposite of the spectrum compared to Yue. She was wearing all sorts of branded items. Her shirt was obviously from Abercrombie and Fitch, and her pants were from H&M. Her dior necklace and Louis Vuitton high heels were even more outstanding.

Yue narrowed her eyes at Lueni, but she was too tired to open to speak. Anyway, she had her own fair share of branded clothes in the cupboard. All of them did since they were pretty much all fashionable individuals.

“Ok, are all of you here?” Minhyuk came into the living room with his own luggage. Jing replaced her original retort of “Obviously, I mean like there’s only four people here, do you still need to ask?”, with an eye rolling since she was too lazy to voice out something that long.

“Yes, we are,” Lueni answered the redundant question with confidence. She was the only one who seemed like she was ready to face the long journey to China.

“Be more energetic. There’s going to be fans at the airport.”

Jing groaned, while Angel splashed some water from her bottle on her face to keep herself awake. Yue judged Angel’s action and was about to speak before deciding that it was not worth it to start another quarrel now.

“Ok, let’s go. Oh, and for Jing, you’ll be happy to know that Bangtan would be at the same music show for our debut stage.”

Jing’s face lightened up considerably.


[ 08 June 2015, 4a.m — Seoul, South Korea]

Yue fell asleep the moment they went into the van, Lueni and Angel talked quietly amongst themselves at the back, while Jing blasted some songs on her phone and closed her eyes, losing herself in the music. The drive to the airport was pretty short, but it seemed long, what with the fans suddenly swarming them out of nowhere. They may have just debuted, but being from the big three accounted for something.

“Oh my God.” Angel murmured, glancing around wide-eyed. “When I knew Korean fans were crazy, I didn’t know they were this crazy.” Jing reached around and shook Yue awake. The girl blinked, and promptly stared out the window as the movement of people caught her eye. “Holy-”

Lueni, obviously, being leader, was first one out. The rest watched, open mouthed, as she waved to the fans who were desperately trying to get closer to her while being stopped by security. People held signs and screamed her name, while she looked around wildly for some traces of a clear path that she could actually pass through to.

“Lueni!” Minhyuk shouted. “This way!”

Angel followed next, hurrying behind their leader. Her actions were hurried, a little erratic, as she wasn’t exactly that fond of crowded places, but she did her best to smile to the people carrying her name on their banners. After all, the fans there had it way worse than she did.

“You ready?” Jing asked their maknae (Yue was the youngest in Eclipse). The maknae blink her eyes for a few times, before shrugging, "Ready when you are."

Jing got off first, which set off another bout of screaming. Jing badly wanted to cover her ears, but she know that was freaking rude and she was going to be all over the net in an unpopular form tomorrow if she actually did that. Yue stepped out next, and the screams got even louder, when the fans of Yue joined in the 'chorus'. Yue seemed to be jolted out of her sleeping mode as she linked arms with Jing and casually walked towards where Minhyuk, Lueni and Angel were waiting.

Before they could reach them, a girl, holding a signboard with criticisms about mainly jing, blocked their path.

"So you are that ."

Yue and Jing were the epitome of calm at that moment. They both stared at the girl like she was some exotic animal. The raging girl seemed to be even more angry at the fact that they both had no reaction to her threat. Part of the reason why Yue and Jing stayed silent was the fact that they were trained for this kind of situations. In fear of them saying something wrong, idols were always advised to keep their mouths shut until security comes to remove the person of trouble out of their way.

Yue and Jing did not need to wait long, as they had securities escorting them in the first place. The securities mercilessly pulled the girl away by brute force when simple requesting did not work. Jing felt some pity for the girl dragged away as she knew what it was like being a fangirl, but she knew she would never act this way when she sees bangtan or any other cool hip-hop artist

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--VintageRose #1
Chapter 25: Oh My Gawd! The poster looks amazing <3
Chapter 24: Been waiting for thisssss!!
I totally lurvv the update! ❤❤❤
DevilicWolf #3
Chapter 24: Nicely written! Love how u described their debut XD
Chapter 21: Jing's sarcastic mode forever on, got me laughing XD
DevilicWolf #5
Chapter 21: Wow *.* Nicee I like this chapter XD Keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 20: Was that everyone? I feel like but everyone was there but regardless I can't wait for Hyuna to MC their debut stage
Chapter 17: Congrats to Emma!
--VintageRose #8
Chapter 17: OMG! Thank you so much for choosing Emma! I can't wait for the group to debut^^
Chapter 17: Congrats Emma :D
Can't wait for the last member <3
DevilicWolf #10
Chapter 14: Ooo~cool Emma ^^ But wait o.o there's gna be two leaders of Carameline?