The basics

Carméline; the golden era
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  THE basics。   settling down...

“Ok, so first, the roomings. We have to mix so we can’t just stick with people from the same entertainment,” Lueni ordered, with Emma standing quietly at her side and nodding.

“Do we get to choose at least? or are you going to assign it to us, miss bossy?” Jing commented, her voice and attitude showing her annoyance completely.

“You get to choose, but we have the final say,” Emma quietly put in, sensing the tension when Lueni’s eyes narrowed at Jing.

“Let’s just draw lots. Simpler that way,” Hyerim, who had settled comfortably on the sofa in between Angel and Yoonmi, voiced out. The two leaders were standing in front of the television while Jing, Xin and Yue decided that the floor was more comfortable, so they sprawled on the floor in various positions, with Xin being the most ladylike---a cross-legged position (Yue, for some reasons or another, was in a split, while Jing was just lying on her back, hands behind her head.).

“Does everyone agree with that?” Lueni, after having calmed down from Jing’s attack, spoke up.

No one voiced out objections. Emma digged out a pen and paper from somewhere in her luggage and started writing everyone’s name down. After she’s done, she teared them up and crushed them into tiny balls, placing them randomly on the ground two by two. She gestured towards Lueni to open them up and announce the official roomings in Korea.

Lueni picked the first pair of paper balls,” Yue and Xin.”

Then the next, “Hyerim and Yoonmi.”

“Emma and Jing.”

“So the last pair would be me and Angel,” Lueni did not bothered opening the last two balls. She just picked them up and sent them to the trash like she did with the other strips of paper.

“So, this shall be the roomings for now. Is there any objections?” “as long as i don’t end up with miss bossy, anything’s fine,” Jing whispered to Xin, but Yue caught what she was saying and could not help letting out a small smile. The girl may be anti-social but she really hit the nail on the head---Lueni was bossy.

“Ok, so no objections. right. now, we shall draw up rosters for cleaning-up, laundry duties and cooking. We have to be organised, since anyone may come to our dormitory and we just can’t show a messy side."


A few hours later, they were done with arguing and below was the result they agreed upon.

Monday: Cleaning - Yue, Cooking - Xin, Laundry - Jing

“I said I hate doing the laundry and she placed me with it on the first day of the week. what a great leader we have,” Jing muttered, her complains about Lueni were never-ending.

Tuesday: Cleaning - Hyerim, Cooking - Yoonmi, Laundry - Emma

“I can’t really cook so don’t blame me if I just do the simpler stuff,” Yoonmi warned and there was assurance that as long as edible food was on the table, no one was going to complain.

“It will probably be controlled anyway. What we are eating, I mean,” Emma casually commented, earning some groans from the members.

Wednesday: Cleaning - Lueni, Cooking - Angel, Laundry - Yue

“I hate doing laundry too,” Yue whispered to no one in particular but Jing’s sharp ears caught what Yue said. “At least your’s is not on the first day of the week. Monday is a terrible day for poor me.”

Yue had to hide a laugh in case she was called out upon to explain the reason behind it.

Thursday: Cleaning - Xin, Cooking - Hyerim, Laundry - Jing

“Guess who’s the lucky chap who got switched out from cooking and back into the laundry she loved so much?” Jing rolled her eyes, her sarcastic mode forever on.

“You can’t cook, so don’t complain.”

“I can! You just don’t know how to appreciate it.”

“You’re baking skills are great, but when it comes to a meal, worse kimchi noodles I ever tasted,” Xin retorted.

Friday: Cleaning - Yoonmi, Cooking - Emma, Laundry - Lueni

Saturday: Cleaning - Angel, Cooking - Yue, Laundry - Xin

Sunday: whoever is free

“and that actually means no one is going to do it,” Angel pointed out.

“Then so be it. Sunday is a free day!” Hyerim replied, her enthusiasm seemed to annoy Jing, as said girl made a face.


"Okay kids, let's move in!" Lueni clapped enthusiastically, eliciting a few not-so-subtle moans from the rest of the team. Yue casually picked up the guitar bag already placed in the corner of the common area, grabbed her luggage, then proceeded soundlessly into the room closest to the kitchen, with a nice view of the Seoul skyline. It paid off to have arrived first, after all, since she got the best impression of everything already.

Xin followed, a little taken back by her stand-offish attitude, but decided to hold her tongue. After all, she shouldn't be this quick to judge.

"Which side do you want?" Yue's soft voice reached her ears. "Huh?" She wasn't really listening, so she responded with the first syllable that came to mind.

This response made the girl backtrack, and she stared up at Xin. "What?"

For a moment, there was an awkward silence, Yue pausing in putting her guitar bag down and Xin staring at her.

"Oh. Um, I'm fine with everything."

"Ah. Do you mind if I take this side?" Yue pointed to the bed closer to the door. "I feel safer next to the door."

"No problem."

There was another silence, and Xin decided to focus on packing her books. They had time to play twenty questions later, she decided, as she arranged her books in alphabetical order on the shelf.

Chinese novels were scattered here and there, with a few Korean and English books here and there, nothing too difficult, more like teenager novels that she still adored reading. Her Korean was not exceptionally fluent, but she could get by, and reading was an excellent way of improving her language skills.

She turned around, and realized that Yue had already finished organizing her bookshelf. There were a wide variety of English books, including poem collections both by contemporary and classical poets, Shakespearean plays and some classic novels. She recognized Pride and Prejudice on the far end of one shelf.

As her eyes travelled, she saw some textbooks on Law and Order, as well as an ultra thick law handbook.

Was she a law student?

Yet more books were appearing on the study table. Notebooks, mostly. Then there was a large file of slightly torn and tattered notes, but the pencil marks and scribbles on them were too messy to be from a girl.

Unless Yue had really atrocious handwriting, she didn't believe that Yue wrote those.

On closer inspection, there were the letters B.I&S.Y on one of the notebooks.

"B.I?" She questioned, with a slight laugh. "I should have known. You're from the same company, aren't you?"

"Hm?" Yue turned around from pushing a microphone into place on the far end of a wall, where there was a small adjustable mic stand already set there. Wires w

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--VintageRose #1
Chapter 25: Oh My Gawd! The poster looks amazing <3
Chapter 24: Been waiting for thisssss!!
I totally lurvv the update! ❤❤❤
DevilicWolf #3
Chapter 24: Nicely written! Love how u described their debut XD
Chapter 21: Jing's sarcastic mode forever on, got me laughing XD
DevilicWolf #5
Chapter 21: Wow *.* Nicee I like this chapter XD Keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 20: Was that everyone? I feel like but everyone was there but regardless I can't wait for Hyuna to MC their debut stage
Chapter 17: Congrats to Emma!
--VintageRose #8
Chapter 17: OMG! Thank you so much for choosing Emma! I can't wait for the group to debut^^
Chapter 17: Congrats Emma :D
Can't wait for the last member <3
DevilicWolf #10
Chapter 14: Ooo~cool Emma ^^ But wait o.o there's gna be two leaders of Carameline?