Choreography Flaws

Carméline; the golden era
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  choreography flaws。   tensions ...

Days had passed. Recording for Beautiful Killer had gone by without major glitches, and many other small, eventful and uneventful incidents had passed. They grew accustomed to each others' presence, settled into their routine, and fights were kept to a minimal.

Was the peace to last?

Probably not.

Yue felt as if her eyes were rolling into their sockets as she watched the choreography of their title track, her arms folded across her chest. The dance was too conventional, at least in her opinion, and lacked the “wow” factor, not to mention that more than half of the members are unable to pull off that dance.

She scanned across the room. I bet I can choreograph dances which can fit these people better.

She was about to let out a protest before someone beat her to it, and it was none other than the annoying, bossy… Basically the leader whom she had run out of ways to describe.

“Gosh the dance is so good, I can’t wait to learn it!”

To her utter shock and surprise, the leader seemed very supportive of that dance and was actually enthusiastic about learning it. And you call that a professional dancer… But on the other hand, to be honest, Lueni was one of the very few members of Carmeline who could carry that dance well. Suddenly everything seemed clear as Yue spied Hyerim’s uncomfortable expression from the corner of her eye.

“We have to change it.” Her voice was hardened as she stared at the team of choreographers in the eye.

"What?" The head choreographer looked a little peeved. "But we spent ages working on that... Especially after you tried to change the lyrics and the song as well."

She shrugged, blinking. "How many of you can tell me, without a doubt, that you can do this dance and not look funny?"

Lueni shot her a look.

"Your point is?" Yue opened , but got cut off. "We already have you editing our debut song. Can you just keep your mouth shut for once?" Angel retorted, bluntly.

"I'm doing this for the good of the group."

Angel opened again, but Yue's glare promptly shut her up. "Hey. I know that I seem to be really stand-off-ish and whatever. And you know what, think whatever the you like of my personality. I don't give a flying damn. But this is an idol group, and I'm part of this group. I'm stressed and I'm sure you are too. This is my reputation on the line, this is your reputation on the line. And here is me trying to save it, and you don't care because YG doesn't allow you into its studios. That's why you're jealous, aren't you?"

She hit the nail on the head.

Angel's temper was starting to rage.

"Who the is jealous?! You all can burn in that god forsaken building if you all want! See if I give a , okay?"

Yue ignored her. "We need to change the—"

"And you're still going to go through with changing it? Where's does your nerve come from?"

"Look." Yue spun around. The room had suddenly gone extremely quiet, and all eyes were on the two feuding girls.

"I am the most experienced in dancing here. I know you are a figure skater, but can you compare to my fifteen years of dance experience?"

Angel thought better of it, and shut .

"I've watched every single dancing clip that your CEO has posted online. I have done my homework, I have learned our strengths and weaknesses."

Her voice was quiet. Icy. Cold.

"You are a talented girl in terms of grace. When it comes to traditional dances, you take the cake. Fair enough?"

Without waiting for her answer, she turned around and addressed the rest. "Jing. Your body is stiff, but this gives you an edge in Hip hop and street. You know you really at ballet and stuff, but I'll give you a gold chain and a cap, and you can pull of an Usher choreography any day. Xin," She turned around. "You are structured to do Jazz dances. Fast, quick, light, flexible. Modern and Jazz is your forte, is it not? You can do ballet and Chinese dance, but it's in modern and jazz that you can wow the audience. I'm sure even these choreographers can't tell you have done extensive training in those aspects before."

She turned again, swiping her gaze over Angel's sudden stupefied and stiff body, almost as if telling her that it wasn't worth her time explaining these things. "Hyerim. You're a cute dancer. You dance like you don't even care about the dances, but that alone is a style. You will be an epic idol group dancer, because of all the things you can actually do to sell your charms. You can also do something with a wide variety of ranges, from very soft and adorable to something harder, like Infinite's choreography. Moving with the music and the rhythm is your strong point."

She turned around again. "Lueni. y dancer, no doubt. You know how to tempt the guys and that's good. You know how to move your body and that's brilliant. But there's a tendency to go overboard, such that even cute dances will make you look y. Be careful with the concepts, and we have a winner on our hands. This dance fits you well." She added. "But the way you pull it off is wrong. So we need a few amendments in the choreography." Lueni blinked, almost as if she wasn't sure if Yue was being sarcastic, but judging by the serious look on her face and the overwhelming amount of confidence that was flowing from Yue, she decided that the ice queen had actually decided to pay her a compliment.

"Emma. My label mate, and also the girl that I've seen training, first hand." She moved, footsteps measured and assured, a slightly exaggerated tilting of her shoulders as she walked. "You are the most disciplined dancer here. You do the steps that you are assigned, and you do it well. Your memory is like no other, and there is a distinct character in each and every move that you make. You are no doubt one of the better dancers on this team, and I have no doubt that you will be able to handle anything that is thrown our way. As for distinct style though, I'd say that you are a lot more suited to conventional YG style dances, though you can obviously do a lot more, but this is the type you can do best."

She spun on her heel and walked again, to the centre of the room. Jing was murmuring something to the head choreographer at the sides, the latter looking completely dismayed and shaking his head, but there was a spark in Jing's eyes as she motioned with quick gestures.

"And then for you, Angel. I'm not done. You're the most similar to me, in terms of both personality and dancing style. We both have an art that we adore and trained extensively in. This art has given us discipline, honour, and given us a reason to be respected and treasured by coaches, by fans. We are expected to be graceful, to be strong, to put on a good performance for everyone out there in the audience."

Dead silence. Jing rejoined the group, and the choreographer looked disappointed.

"The only difference, is that you are a lot more used to dancing on your own, while I've had to work my way up from the very bottom to the spotlight. I've had to teach myself to take note of the simplest detail, where the lead choreographers would smile, where their eyes would even spark at a particularly well-executed turn of a leg, of a flick of the finger. Dance doesn't come easy. Nor does figure skating. I don't pretend to know your art, but I do believe that there is a fundamental difference. Correct me if you will. Trust me, dance isn't just about moving with the music. Dance is about a coordination with the audience, a connection from the very tips of your fingers and toes to the very essence of the viewer's souls, but you can't do it by yourself. It's a teamwork, where every single movement on stage has to lead to another and every single person to work together to show the best picture possible."

She didn't talk anymore, just turned around to face the rest. "Do we have an agreement?"

Jing caught her eye, then nodded towards the choreographers. One of them grudgingly gave a thumbs-up, and Yue cheered inwardly at her victory.

"Yes, Yue. Would you like to reconstruct the entire dance?" Emma asked. "We can always use the original one if you can't, it depends on how fast you can manage this."

"Three days." Yue responded. "I'll need to head back to YG tonight to consult a few of the choreographers there. But three days should be enough."

"Alright, shall we see Boss too? We might need to make some tweaks on that too. Yue, would you...?" To her surprise, Lueni was the one who spoke up this time. Still, this change was welcomed.

"Sure." She smiled, a genuine one, and Lueni smiled back.



"It's been quite some time since we last came back."

"And this is officially our third time in the main headquarters." Emma quipped back. It was nice to have a change in scenery, only the two of them. "Who are you planning to meet?"

"Who do you think we are planning to meet?"

"I doubt you'd want anything to do with the other trainees. As far as I know, you only have good relations with Jung Hanna. And maybe Lalice. She's a dancing devil, but..."

"Yup. I'm not looking for the trainees. Why else would we be at the main building?"

"So who are we looking for?"

"You'll see."


"Kim Jiwon!" They had gone by the back doors, Yue having memorized the place even before they had debuted. They went up to the practice rooms, having caught their sunbaes and a few familiar staff members, and Yue headed straight to the practice room that she always frequented.

"Annyeong, Sunbae." Emma nodded to the boys. "Are you guys training today?"

"Training just ended, thanks Noona." B.I smiled. "And now, what brings the golden trainees back today?"

"Yue here, decided to piss of half our group members and the choreographers in charge with that typical display of 'I'm the queen so I do what I want'. Anyway, she's stuck with the re-choreography for No More Dream."

They talked, chatted, sneaking some snacks that Yue had thoughtfully snuck in. Before long, Emma decided to check up with the other seniors for tips and advice, while Yue was left alone with the rest of the iKon members. Well, those

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--VintageRose #1
Chapter 25: Oh My Gawd! The poster looks amazing <3
Chapter 24: Been waiting for thisssss!!
I totally lurvv the update! ❤❤❤
DevilicWolf #3
Chapter 24: Nicely written! Love how u described their debut XD
Chapter 21: Jing's sarcastic mode forever on, got me laughing XD
DevilicWolf #5
Chapter 21: Wow *.* Nicee I like this chapter XD Keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 20: Was that everyone? I feel like but everyone was there but regardless I can't wait for Hyuna to MC their debut stage
Chapter 17: Congrats to Emma!
--VintageRose #8
Chapter 17: OMG! Thank you so much for choosing Emma! I can't wait for the group to debut^^
Chapter 17: Congrats Emma :D
Can't wait for the last member <3
DevilicWolf #10
Chapter 14: Ooo~cool Emma ^^ But wait o.o there's gna be two leaders of Carameline?