The dorms

Carméline; the golden era
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  THE DORMS。   the first meeting...

She walked into the tiny dorm.

No other words for it. It was tiny. Well, bigger than the trainee dorms, of course, but still tiny all the same.

Bending down, she reached a hand down and tentatively touched the floor. Her finger came away, pristine white, a stark contrast to her tanned skin color. "Urgh... Do they ever mop the floor or something?" She re-did the laces on her converse shoes again, deciding against walking around in the dorms barefooted. Patting her hands together to try and get rid of the dust, she sneezed a couple of times before her eyes finally cleared enough for her to see what was in front of her.

"Okay... Kitchen." There was a long bar and a few high chairs... Two, to be exact. The kitchenware was simple, a two stoves and a sink, with a rice cooker. There was an oven and a bread toaster hidden behind it, and there were eight glass cups, chopsticks, ten plates and eight bowls. A fridge stood in the corner, and that was it. At least the utensils looked fairly new and white.

She gripped her suitcase tighter. It was a simple black luggage that didn't hold a lot of things. Mainly clothes and books that she couldn't live without. Her trusty iPad and MacBook were inside her backpack, together with millions of wires. She still held a cardboard box in her hands, that contained a bulky keyboard and some essential, expensive studio equipment. Namely Beats headphones, one MacBook and one iMac, and an electronic keyboard as well as an extra drum pad. A professional audio recorder was somewhere at the bottom, getting squashed. Now that, was item number 2 that she couldn't live without. YG would fire her if she could.

Carefully maneuvering her way around, she dumped the black and blue converse sneakers onto the shoe rack and silently muttered thanks to whichever God that had reminded her to wear socks that day.

There was a common area beside the kitchen, then it stretched out into four rooms. Since there were eight members, she guessed that two people had to share a room. Idly, she wondered who her roommate would be. Would she be able to survive?

Probably not. She wasn't the most likeable of living partners, since she didn't like socializing that much anyway. Her laptop was way more important than any other human being.

Leaving her luggage in a pile beside the bookshelf that was directly opposite the kitchen, she crossed over to the living room. The sofa was pretty comfortable, a little old, but it would do. There was a plasma television right opposite, to her surprise, and two armchairs beside the sofa. A small coffee table was in the middle of this tiny circle.

"So... It's only the hygiene that's kind of lacking." Plonking herself down onto the sofa, she picked at her fingernails, wondering if she should claim a room first or wait for the rest to come, and then figure out everything in a more... Civilized manner.

Still. Her luggage looked quite bad, strewn around over the place. No matter, nowhere else to put anyway. She stood up again, walking into one of the rooms. It was already cleaned up, and fresh blankets and bedsheets were already on each bed. The members each had a private closet, the size pretty reasonable, and a desk that they could use. The desks were all put together, one chair on each side. Mentally, she shuddered, imagining composing with her laptop and having to stare at one of her members at the same time.

This is pure torture.

Fingers crossed. She hoped she would get a couch potato or a bed hogger as a roommate. At least the total time for eye contact would decrease until they got used to each other.


"Do you think there are people here already?"

"Beats me. I doubt anyone would be here this early. Especially those YG trainees." The black haired girl shrugged. It was surprising she could still shrug, considering the large black luggage she was carrying on her right hand and french horn and saxaphone cases on the left. She kicked off her sneakers and dumped them haphazardly by the door, lugging her belongings behind her.

"Well, what do you know. There are people here already." She mumbled to no one in particular. "And by the looks of it, it's already been cleaned."

"Well... Nice to know our fellow member has a sense of cleaniness." The brown haired girl tucked her ponytail over a shoulder and carefully placed her flats on the shoe rack.

"I hope she's not OCD though." The black haired sniffed.

"Jing, stop. You don't know anything about her and you're already judging."

"Whatever. I'm not as nice as you, Xin, you know that." Jing sighed at Xin's reprimanding tone and nudged her bags towards the lone black suitcase in a corner. "I'm guessing we know our YG girl. I see the producing stuff."

Xin peeked into the large cardboard box, and smiled. "But I thought there were two people from YG?"

"Not everyone is as close as the two of us, you know. There's still someone from SM and we came without her."

"You have a point."

Jing looked around, eyes lighting up when she saw the plasma television. "Sweet!" Xin caught her gaze, and shook her head. Looking at the other rooms, she quickly summarized her thoughts. Two people to a room, eight rooms, and a small common area besides the living room and kitchen.

A guitar bag was already placed at the common area, she noticed. The rooms were pretty clean. Living here probably wasn't that bad.

Jing had already flopped onto the sofa, her long, lean body taking up the entire thing from armrest to armrest. Her arms stretched around her

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--VintageRose #1
Chapter 25: Oh My Gawd! The poster looks amazing <3
Chapter 24: Been waiting for thisssss!!
I totally lurvv the update! ❤❤❤
DevilicWolf #3
Chapter 24: Nicely written! Love how u described their debut XD
Chapter 21: Jing's sarcastic mode forever on, got me laughing XD
DevilicWolf #5
Chapter 21: Wow *.* Nicee I like this chapter XD Keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 20: Was that everyone? I feel like but everyone was there but regardless I can't wait for Hyuna to MC their debut stage
Chapter 17: Congrats to Emma!
--VintageRose #8
Chapter 17: OMG! Thank you so much for choosing Emma! I can't wait for the group to debut^^
Chapter 17: Congrats Emma :D
Can't wait for the last member <3
DevilicWolf #10
Chapter 14: Ooo~cool Emma ^^ But wait o.o there's gna be two leaders of Carameline?