seventh member revealed

Carméline; the golden era
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news    credit    features    memes    photos    shop    forums    YG reveals a member. January 12, 2015 @ 09:05 pm by firelightshadow scrap, share & like 2165 shares

It is no surprise that the trainees of YG already has a small fanbase before they even debut. This particular trainee, Emma Ru,  has over 10k followers on Instagram already, and she hasn't even made a formal public appearance yet! She has a close relationship to most of the fans, and Yang Hyun Suk has personally spoken about her to the press. 

"She has improved the most out of all my trainees, and I hope that she, along with my other trainee, will break the YG stereotype and emerge as all rounded entertainers. " 

SEE ALSO: Rabbit look-alike of Carméline

Carméline's seventh member is from YG entertainment. She is the main dancer and the leader. YG has posted a video online, and her moves are incredibly cute. She is also an exotic beauty, being of Korean-French descent. 

Are you look forward to the final member of Carméline? Well, YG has released a statement saying that she will be revealed in two days! 

tags debut YG Entertainment Carméline girlgroup comments There are 510 comments Sort by: Newest First   coolgrill · Posted
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--VintageRose #1
Chapter 25: Oh My Gawd! The poster looks amazing <3
Chapter 24: Been waiting for thisssss!!
I totally lurvv the update! ❤❤❤
DevilicWolf #3
Chapter 24: Nicely written! Love how u described their debut XD
Chapter 21: Jing's sarcastic mode forever on, got me laughing XD
DevilicWolf #5
Chapter 21: Wow *.* Nicee I like this chapter XD Keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 20: Was that everyone? I feel like but everyone was there but regardless I can't wait for Hyuna to MC their debut stage
Chapter 17: Congrats to Emma!
--VintageRose #8
Chapter 17: OMG! Thank you so much for choosing Emma! I can't wait for the group to debut^^
Chapter 17: Congrats Emma :D
Can't wait for the last member <3
DevilicWolf #10
Chapter 14: Ooo~cool Emma ^^ But wait o.o there's gna be two leaders of Carameline?