Testing Moron

Moron Trap

I eyed myself in the mirror , making sure that my hair was neat and presentable enough. Im here to dress and impress , of course only for Jiyeon. Somehow i was still a little unsure of the whole situation and i decided that i would test Jiyeon today. I put on my cardigan and stepped out of the house to head to the club. 

I knew somehow that Jiyeon would be at the same place again

today, waiting for me. I was worried that i wouldn't be able to see her again. I took comfort in myself when i spotted her in a short black dress , hugging her curves and forced a gulp down as i wasoverwhelmed by her beauty. 

"Hey" i greeted her with a grin. 

She looked up and smiled back . Oh the heavens have showed me grace with that angelic smile. I was completely smitten. I settle down myself on the stool beside her and ordered a cocktail. 

'' still no chance of revealing anything about yourself ? " i tried my luck again. 

She squinted her eyes at me and gave me a playful sneer . "No."

"Aw come on please ? "

She shook her head , showing that i had no chance at all.

"How about your interests ? '' i tried my luck again. 

She paused for awhile , deep in her cloud of thoughts. " i suppose thats fine. I like clothes a lot. Fashion. Not just shopping and going around to buy clothes to make myself look good.. i want to become a designer, or even own a fashion business next time. " she babbled on with an expression full of hope.

I nodded and understood her perfectly well. I myself have the aspiration of being an entrepreneur , although uncertain of which industry i would like to be in. I suddenly remembered the second purpose of coming back here. 

"Sorry , excuse me i need to go to the washroom" i excused myself from Jiyeon and headed towards the gents. 

I whipped out my mobile phone , and texted Suho. "Hey bud. Wheres moron? " i sent. 

I got a reply pretty quickly afterwards . "Asleep in her room. Why?" 

''Nothing much". And i sent it back to him. 

I walked back to the counter and saw Jiyeon looking rather bored. Since moron is home and she's here , i guess it means that they two aren't the same person. I finally decided to wave off all suspicions .

"Hey , wanna grab supper ? " i suggested to Jiyeon. 

"Why not ? " and we headed out of the club. 

I woke up at 1pm the next day. Pretty late as i recalled the enjoyable night out with Jiyeon. We ate at a stall at the side of the street as i shared some of the funny things happening in school as well as some really lame jokes i got off the internet. She bid me farewell with a strange hand sign , and it sort of bugged me. I guess i would ask her about it when i see her again.  I rubbed my face before willing myself to get out of bed. 

I arrived at Suho's house shortly and it was pretty much the same old cycle. Everyday it would be like this and its getting really mundane. I was lying on the couch , one hand supporting my droopy looking face , expressing my boredom . I traced circles on the couch with one finger and looked over to what moron was doing. 

She was reading a marvel comic , abundant in suho's house actually. He's a real big fan and he is very about maintaining then in a tiptop condition. I studied her face and felt a blush creeping up my cheeks , remembering Jiyeon. Maybe i'd like the moron if she wasn't one. I wasn't so sure that i liked Jiyeon only because of her face.. hmm. 

Moron suddenly turned around to look at me and she eyed me. Literally. I stared back into her deep brown orbs , a fog of mystery shadowing them. She rolled her eyes at me before returning back to the comic. I gasped. That effrontery to do that to baek lord ?! I rubbed my own chest as i breathed out heavily , trying to contain my annoyabce. I am kind. I am understanding. I am patient. Yes i am. 

And the rest of the day went like this. Uneventful. 

Authors note : it's a boring update after such a long time. My apologies ! I also want to say that i will develop it more quickly soon , as i want to get on the morality debate of liking a moron. Whether baek likes the moron because he likes jiyeon or whether he likes jiyeon because she looks like moron . Stay tuned :) 

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Baekyeonshippers #1
YavBaekyeon #2
Chapter 7: update soon !
baekyeon09 #3
Chapter 7: update soon authornim..
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Chapter 6: Update very very very soon author-nim!!
Chapter 6: I'm confused is Taeyeon pretending? or she is really a moron?
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Chapter 6: I'm guessing it's actually her...but when she goes out and all that she goes under another identity.
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little_eunkyung #8
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: I totally confused..Is Tae really a moron or...just by acting?
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Chapter 5: woah! tae you got caught! update soon?