Moron's mysterious doppelganger

Moron Trap

I quickly got out of the bed , washed up as fast as possible, the idea of moron at the club giving impetus to my haste. So many questions ran through my mind as i was brushing my teeth. Well it's not a big deal.. but i thought she behaved like ten? Where did she learn to dress and kill? She clearly didn't look like or behaved like a moron . 

I checked out of the hotel before leaving and thanking the staff . I flagged a cab down immediately and recited Suho's address. In about twenty minutes time , i reached my destination. I rang the bell and waited for a couple of seconds before it opened. 

Suho opened it , first with a surprised look , which then changed into a smile. "Hey bro where'd you go last night ? I couldn't find you anywhere. Got a girl huh? " he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Wheres moron? " I asked.

"Upstairs ? Hey dude u o.." i cut him off and marched past him , a fast steady march up to the second level. 

I opened the door to the moron's room and i saw her in the midst of playing with her barbie dolls. My face scrunched up in disbelief. No that definitely wasn't her. I must be kidding myself. Right after that , Suho was behind me , with a rather perplexed expression. "Uhm what's going on?" 

I stared harder at the moron who was now staring back at me , her steady gaze with a hint of haziness of a moron showing no signs of being the lady yestersay who had me right into her gaze. 

"Uhm Taeyeon where were you last night? " i gave an awkward laugh seeing that the two were rather baffled at why i was reacting this way.

"Meh why should i tell you?" She sticked out her tongue before giving her full attention back to the toys.

I turned around to face Suho, hoping to get an answer. "She was home? The housekeepers saw her home too" 

"Oh." I muttered.

"And may i ask why you are so interested where she was last night ? " 

"Nothing. I thought i saw someone like her at the club last night" i said , scratching my head as i was trying to explain.

"Dude you must be hallucinating. It's not possible. Number one , you can treat her like shes ten . Two , she was home. Three, number one overrules every reason. " Suho replied in astonishment. 

I knew Suho was right , but somehow i knew that i didn't recall wrongly . It was definitely her. I decided to go back to the club again tonight.

A few hours later , i was outside the club. I braced myself to enter,determined to look for moron. I would prove Suho wrong. I stepped in , and was welcomed with the blaring music once again. Clinks of glasses accompanied with cheers were in the background , and i trained my eyes to focus and look for my target and not to be distracted where the sounds were coming from. I scanned through the crowd for awhile , and was about to lose hope when aha ! I saw someone with a similar backview.

I tried to squeeze through the crowd , desperate to reach my goal. A few more people and she would be within my reach. I got it. I tapped on her shoulder before spinning her around. Her eyes widened in shock and i saw her face , full view clearly. 

I was right. I caught you now. 


A/N hahahaha its just getting started im not done. 


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Baekyeonshippers #1
YavBaekyeon #2
Chapter 7: update soon !
baekyeon09 #3
Chapter 7: update soon authornim..
Baekyeonshippers #4
Chapter 6: Update very very very soon author-nim!!
Chapter 6: I'm confused is Taeyeon pretending? or she is really a moron?
FathAnnaA #6
Chapter 6: I'm guessing it's actually her...but when she goes out and all that she goes under another identity.
Baekyeonshippers #7
little_eunkyung #8
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: I totally confused..Is Tae really a moron or...just by acting?
Iloveexalot #9
Chapter 5: woah! tae you got caught! update soon?