Chapter 6: Free Day and New Wallpapers

Beautiful Mistake

Kiari’s POV

I woke up by the sound of laughing then I felt something heavy on my head then when I opened my eyes, the first sight I saw was all the boys in front of me and they were smiling then when I turned to look at my left to see what was heavy on my head, I saw Niel sleeping beside me, leaning his head on me then my eyes went wide when I saw this and then I turned my attention to the boys in front of me only to see them smiling teasingly and then I felt Niel stirring meaning he was about to wake up then when his eyes opened, and when he saw me, he just smiled sleepily and said “ Good Morning, Dear Kiari” then when he said that, I got even redder than I already was then I got up quickly then I was gonna check my phone on what time it was when I couldn’t find it then I asked the guys “ Hey, Guys, did you by any chance see my phone?” I ask them then they smirked and then L.joe answered “ At the table at the living room” he said then I went to the living room and did see it there.

I picked it up and then turned it on only to be greeted by a different wallpaper, it was the scene a while ago, me and Niel sleeping then I turned red then I went to the kitchen and looked at the members to see them smirking then I yelled “ WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” then they kept on laughing then I pouted and I couldn’t take this anymore, so early in the morning then I could feel tears on my eyes and then when they saw me they stopped laughing and their eyes widened then they had a horrified expression on their faces, horrified that I would cry even if they were the one who teased me this bad then I ran to my room with tears in my eyes but then I bumped into Niel who just got out of the shower I suppose since he was only wearing a towel and his hair was wet then his eyes widen when he saw me since he didn’t know what happened then I got up quickly and dodged him and then ran straight to my room and then I slammed the door and locked it.

Then cried silently then I heard footsteps near my door then I heard L.joe “ Kiari, we’re really sorry about teasing you too much please don’t cry, We’re really sorry” he said. Then I heard the others say “ Yah, sorry” and “ sorry” then I heard a voice tell them “ Hey, Guys, leave her for a while” and I guessed the voice was Niel’s then I heard the sound footsteps fading then I felt someone leaning at the others side of my door and then I heard him say “ Sorry for them, especially L.joe and me sometimes since we always tease you and we may got too far sometimes but we don’t mean to make you cry” he said and I already knew that it was Niel he then continued “ I’m sorry since it’s just not often that we have company in this apartment and we get bored with each other and since we have a visitor, we have fun with them so Sorry if we go to far sometimes, we and I don’t really mean to hurt you so sorry” Then I stood up then I opened the door only to see him still seating in front of me his back turned against me I still had a little tears on my face when I saw his face, I knew that he was really sorry then he turned to me then I closed the door and sat beside him then I said “ There’s no need to be Sorry I was just overreacting since I’m not used to having so much people with me at home for such a long time since at home at usually alone since I’m a only child and my father does not care about me at all and my mom died years ago maybe I’m just envious that you guys have each other’s company” I said smiling sadly while he looked at me then he put his arm around me and held me closer to him as he said “ You don’t have to be alone, you just have to have fun with us, you have our company with Kiya and Ray too and you won’t ever be alone again” he said then I smiled and cried out of happiness lightly then I leaned my head on his shoulder then he said “ You like doing that don’t you?” he said smiling then I decided to too “ And you like it when I do it too don’t you” then he said “ Maybe” I laughed at him then after awhile we both laughed then we saw the others by the corner watching us then I said to them “ C’mon I’m not mad” then they smiled and then sat beside us then L.joe said “ Niel can really work his magic” then he added “ meaning that’s just how close you two are” we all laughed at him since I decided not to have tease wars with them right now but just at that moment, there was something bothering me, my father and his assassins have been quiet, too quiet and I have a feeling that they were on there way.

It was now 5pm so I decided to go out for a while but then Niel and L.joe then asked in unsion “ Where you going?” while I was by the door then I told them “ Just going out for a while” I said smiling weakly then they said “ We’ll come with you” then they were gonna put their shoes on when I stopped them and said “ Oh, don’t I want to be alone for a while please?” then they looked at me then nodded then I smiled at them and the walked out the door. If the assassins were going to attack me today, I wouldn’t want those guys to get involved then I went out of the building but then when I was walking and observing my surroundings, someone called out to me “ Kiari!” I turned to see that it was Kiya then I waited for her to catch up to me then I asked her “ What are you doing here I taught you had a meeting at another country today?” she then smiled at me still panting then she told me “ I just got back and I got something from the my office when I saw you” I nodded and then we started walking but I felt someone following us so I turned at a empty alley dragging Kiya with me since she might get attacked too then I said “ Kiro, everyone, show up already, I know your there.” Then Kiro and the other assassins came out wearing their usual black uniform then Kiya had wide eyes and gasped and asked me “ Kiari, who are they?” then I decided to tell her the truth “ Promise me you can keep a secret” then she nodded then I told her “ Their assassins sent to kill me by my father since he hates my guts since I was just made by a drunk mistake and when my mother died when I was three, he’s been torturing me at home and he never let anyone know me as his daughter since he was afraid that his reputation might get ruined because of my existence so when I was 12, he hired assassins to kill me and that guy over there that has black messy hair and red eyes was my childhood friend but since his family works for my father, he was sent to assassinate me and until now they have still been haunting me but I get away every time and please keep this as a secret.” Then she said “ You had that kind of past?” then I nodded then I got out a gun and gave it to her saying

“ Use this to protect yourself but you don’t need to use it that much since I really don’t want to kill them but only weaken them until we get away just a simple kick in the gut may do but they throw knives and sometimes fire guns so you have to dodge them so only use the gun for desperate measures, ok?” then Kiya nodded as I jumped towards Kiro and I was about to kick him when he dodged then I went to the other assassins first since they were easier to knock out I gave them each a punch and a kick until and when one was about to get me, Kiya punched him to the wall and she was smiling and I smirked at her then only Kiro was left so I told Kiya “ Kiya, stay there, I will handle this” then she nodded and I walked to Kiro who was smiling at me then he said “ You’ve been having the good life for a while now, Kiari, did you miss me?” then I chuckled and said “ Miss you?” unknown to him that I was getting a piece of wood at the back of the garbage can in the alley then I told him “ Maybe” then I jumped to him but then I landed in front of him when he was about to hit me but I jumped upwards surprising him and I wacked him with the wood on the head making him fall unconscious. Then I turned to Kiya and she was smiling at me then I smiled and told her “ Don’t tell anyone about this, okay?” then she smiled and then said

“ Fine as long as you count me in this kind of fun” then she laughed then I smiled and said “ Deal” then we started walking and we got some smoothies then we parted ways as I got back to the dorms I opened the door silently then I heard the guys speaking I guess they didn’t hear me come in so I listened to what they were saying and then I saw their faces looking worried especially Niel who was sitting while L.joe was walking back and forth in front of him then L.joe said “ Where is she? We should have gone with her, what if something happened to her?” he said then Niel said “ You’re right we should’ve at least tailed her” then my eyes widened then softened, they were worrying about me. Then I saw the others smirking then Chunji said “ You worry too much, she’ll be alright” then the other two nodded while L.joe and Niel didn’t stop worrying while I decided to come in and tease them “ Worrying about me? Miss me? That’s so sweet of you, I didn’t know you liked me that much, L.joe and Niel~” I said teasing them while their eyes widened and they turned red and the others all laughed rolling on the floor while L.joe and Niel said in unsion “ N-n-no we weren’t” they said embarrassed then I answered them “ Sure you did” then that caused them to get redder as I chuckled. Then I went to the fridge to get some cold water, this was fun… I taught smiling.

Then when I got back to the living room, they were all watching TV then I sat beside Niel and L.joe who had popcorn then I got some while watching Dream High and I took liking to it. We did a marathon of the episodes and we stopped at episode 5 then we took a break and ate dinner which was left over from last night then after that, I told them “ Hey, Guys, don’t watch it first wait for me I’m just gonna take a bath for a while” They nodded as I got my clothes and towel and went in the bathroom and it was a refreshing bath when I got out, I combed my hair and was wearing black shorts and a purple over sized shirt then when I sat beside Niel and L.joe again, Niel asked me “ Why do you always where over sized shirts?” I looked at him and said “ I just find them comfortable and not hot when you wear them” I told him and L.joe said chuckling “ You’re weird” I pouted at him and said “ We’re all different, If you’re exactly the same with another person, then you are weird” then we all laughed at the taught. Then we continued watching and after 5 more episodes almost everyone was a sleep already only me, L.joe and Niel were awake but I knew the two beside me were about to fall asleep as well and I wasn’t far to it to then I was in the middle of the episode when I felt L.joe’s head on my shoulder then I smirked and then I felt Niel’s at my other shoulder then I felt real sleepy as well so I turned off the TV and slept as well sitting since I couldn’t move with them sleeping on me.







Hello! Idk what to say hahaah

If you guys expected this to have drama, it will have heavy drama, but not just yet, I am focusing on letting the characters have some fun first and get closer, so the next few chapters will focus on comedy first, but the drama might start maybe at the 15th chapter, which I am currently writing, Thank You for reading! Sorry if it , I'm new to writing fanfics, i usually just read hehehe 


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Sushi-monster #1
Chapter 1: Seems cool :)
ilovekimjongina #2
cant wait to begin this :)
kimkaixwife #3
just came across this, cant wait to read