I'm Yours

“Yang Yoojin.” Mr. Jung called your name. You walked up to him in full confident since you were so sure that you got the best score. He handed you your exam paper and smiled. “Congratulation. 100.”

“Thank you, Mr. Jung.” you bowed your head and smiled, then walked back to your seat. Your smile faded as you heard Mr. Jung called Joon’s name and said he also got perfect score. Joon smirked at you before walking back to his seat behind you.

“Alright, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to do your homework, class.” Mr. Jung picked up all his stuffs from the table and simply smiled. “See you tomorrow.”

Class was dismissed and everyone quickly rushed to the cafetaria since it was lunch time already. You decided to stay in class because you suddenly felt your stomach got some problem. You hissed, hoping that the pain would go away soon.

“Princess wants to stay here?” you heard Joon asked. You ignored him and put your head on the table, your arms hugged your stomach tight.

“Don’t tell me you’re on diet program and now your stomach is in pain. Aww~ Someone wants to look y.” he chuckled.

 You couldn’t take it anymore. You sat up straight and turned around in your seat only to see the smirking Joon. “Listen, Changsun. First, I’m not doing diet. Second, does it matter to you if my stomach hurts?”

“You don’t have to diet, you’re y already.” Joon said seductively, still smirking. He leaned in to you and now his face was only inches away from yours. “And yes, it matters to me if your stomach hurts because it means I can beat your score in P.E class after this.”

You wanted to argue him back but the pain in your stomach grew stronger and you immediately crouched down in your seat. You let out a weak yelp and bit your lip to hold the pain.

“Just go home now.” Joon ordered. You caught a hint of concern in his voice but you though you just misheard it.

“No. I’m okay.”

“You stubborn princess, even kids would know that you’re not okay.”

You closed your eyes, clutching your stomach. “Shut the up.”

“Tsk. Whatever.” Joon stood up and walked out of the class, leaving you alone. You sighed in relief. You hated being weak in front of Joon, your forever biggest enemy.

Not long after that, you felt your phone vibrate and you quickly fished it out from your bag only to see that your little brother, Yang Yoseob, was calling. Still clutching your stomach, you picked up the call. “Ne, Seobbie?”

“Noona~ Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

There was a pause for a moment, as if Yoseob was thinking about how to answer your question. “Ermm… I remember you haven’t eaten anything ever since two days ago because you kept on studying, so I’m--“

“I’m okay, Seobbie. Can you tell it by my voice?”

“But hyung said--“

You cut his sentence off. “Hyung?”

“Y-- Yes. Joon hyung--“


“No. Joon hyung. Changsun hyung.”

You rolled your eyes as you heard his name. Never in your life had you ever liked hearing his name. He had been your enemy ever since years ago and both of you were still competing until now. “What did he say to you?”

“He said your stomach was in pain and he asked me to take you home.”

You scoffed. “He’s so tricky. He wants you to take me home so he can beat my score in P.E class. We have running test today, Seobbie.”


“I’m okay, dear. Don’t worry too much.”

Yoseob sighed. “Fine. I’ll ask Joon hyung to look after you. Bye, noona.”

“Bye.” with that, you hung up. You ruffled your own hair, a bit frustrated. You had no idea how your little brother could trust Joon, your enemy, so much. Yoseob was Joon’s junior in middle school which means he was also your junior. Yoseob knew that you hated Joon so much since he was the only person who could get the same score as yours in every subject. Even though your little brother knew the whole story between Joon and you, he always told you to be nice to Joon.

Actually, you didn’t hate Joon as much as you did now when you two were in middle school. At first, you just hate him for always getting the same score as yours. But your hatred for him grew bigger when he started ‘bullying’ you two months after your parents died. No, he never hit you or did something physically to you. He always got on your nerves by saying harsh words to you, as if he wanted to start a fight with you.

You tsk-ed and stood up, wanting to go get lunch so you could beat Joon in running test later. But before you could reach your class’ door, your head was spinning and you lost your balance.

You fainted.




Your eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing that came into your sight was a white ceiling. You tried to sit up but a hand stopped you from doing that.

“You should rest more, noona.”

You looked at the boy who was standing on the right side of the bed and a smile crept up on your face. “I’m okay, Mir.”

“You fainted. You’re not okay, noona.” Mir’s voice was full of concern. He sat down next to you on the bed and playfully pinched your nose. “Thanks God I found you first. If Joon hyung did--“

“Mir, stop. I don’t want to hear his name.” you looked away and realized that you were in your school’s medical room. Mir was your junior and you guys were friends even though he was also Joon’s friend.

“Ah, sorry.” he smiled sheepishly.

Your eyes widened as you remember something. “How long have I been in this room?”

“Ermm… Fifty minutes?”

You grabbed Mir’s wrist and looked at his wristwatch in disbelief. You couldn’t believe it. You were late for your P.E class. You missed that running test.

“What’s wrong, noona?” Mir asked.

“That bastard must have beaten my score in P.E class. Argh!” you punched the bed angrily.

Without you mentioned the name, Mir already knew that it was Joon whom you were talking about. “Calm down, noona. Calm down.”

“How can I calm down--“

“It’s not the end of the world, noona. You still can beat Joon hyung in another test.”

You sighed. Mir was right, you still could beat his score later. P.E was your last class for today and you were late to attend it, so you thought it would be better if you just skipped it.

“Let’s go get something to eat, Mir. I’m starving.”

“So am I.” he smiled widely and stood up. “Gaja!”

When you were walking with Mir in the hallway to the cafetaria, you accidentally saw a very familiar figure talking to a beautiful girl in front of the dancing class. You realized it was Joon, who was still wearing his P.E uniform, and a girl who was Mir’s classmate. From the look on Joon’s face, you could see that he was a bit annoyed. You tried to ignore them even though you were so curious about what they were talking about. You saw Joon glanced at you when you and Mir walked past them but you decided to look away and just continue walking.

“That girl has a crush on Joon hyung.” Mir said when you two were in the cafetaria. “She has been liking hyung ever since we were in the first grade.”

You immediately laughed. “Oh Lord! Poor her. She is in love with a jerk.”

Mir didn’t reply. He just asked what you wanted for lunch and got in the line while you looked for a vacant table. You found one by the window and quickly sat there.

A moment later, Mir came and gave you your lunch. Both of you ate the meals while laughing and talking about random things. You always thanked God for sending Mir to your life. He would do everything just to make you happy, just to see your smile.

The happiness in your eyes quickly replaced with hatred as you saw someone coming in to the cafetaria.

Joon was walking to your direction with a pissed off look.

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isaidwhatnow #1
Omona omona!!! Ahahahaha thank you for the update! I love their moments so much! They really feel like things Joon would do. :D
isaidwhatnow #2
This is so cute! I'm grinning like crazy. :D
Seobiee123 #3
Woah. JOONIE! ^^<br />
<br />
Why is he so ... Nehmind^^ <br />
LOVE IT! <br />
More please:)
joeybelle #6
Love it. <3
Awesome storyline! LOVE IT! <br />
Update more soon! ^^
Great story so far! Update soon please~
i can already imagine the argument. nice!! update soon plz!!
Ooo interesting. Update soon!