Chapter 2: Hong Kong

Different Worlds

It's past 6:00pm when I arrived at Hong Kong.

It's not my first time here in HK, I went here for a family vacation when I was 15 years old.

Nostalgic, huh.

I saw a Chinese man-in-black-suit holding a name board. It was my name written on it so I approached him. "Yuna Gomez? Are you Ms. Yuna Gomez?"

What the hell am I doing near him if I'm not Yuna. Duuuuh.

"Yes, I'm Yuna Gomez."

"Welcome to Hong Kong! Follow me, I'll bring you to the employee's dormitory."

"Thank you."

We rode a black car. He said that it's going to be a long drive that's why I decided to nap since I was a bit tired from the 2 hour flight from Manila.

"Ms. Yuna, Ms. Yuna." I heard someone calling my name. "We already arrived in the dorm."

Oh yeah. I'm here in HK. Still unused to it, huh.

It's 7:15pm.

"I'm sorry, I took a nap."

"It's okay, I understand. You can continue it later. But first, let us take your luggage to your room."

"Thanks. By the way, who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Kevin Shin. I'm one of the Computer Engineers in the company. Nice meeting you! I'm excited to work with you............."

He's continuously talking until we reached a room.

"Here's your room. You have a roommate but she's still at work. I'll leave you here but be sure to go to the cafeteria at the 1st floor by 8pm. Contact me if you need something. Here's my number. See you later then!"

He sure does talk a lot huh? What a usual guy. Yah. Usual meaning "noisy". But now that he's gone, I can rest my ears. Poor eardrums. :( He's Chinese, but he's fluent in English. Maybe he studied abroad? Mehhh. I don't really care that much.

I started unpacking my things. Then I wonder, what kind of lady will I be sharing this room with? Is she Chinese too? Is she "the usual" too?

-END OF CH. 2-

(Author's note: Please be patient. :3 )

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Puterikusuma #1
Chapter 7: Hi it's mrs.wuyifan here hahaha you're going to continue this fanfic right?? And who's Kris' princess??