Chapter 4.5: Kevin Shin's POV

Different Worlds

Hi! It's Kevin Shin. Computer Engineer at XX Company in Hong Kong.

I like my team. We're more like a family. I can say that no one could ever break our bond.

One day, the Boss approached me. "Mr. Shin, I hired a Chemical Engineer from the Philippines and she will be in your team. I would like you to fetch her in the airport at 6pm today. I'm leaving her in your care."

Chemical Engineer? I heard it's a rare profession. This girl is amazing.

The Boss handed me her bio-data but I was so busy to browse it. It's still early so I continued my work.

"Hey Kevs, I saw this bio-data on your table. Sorry I took it without asking permission. Have you seen it? She's a Chemical Engineer." Vennie said, a teammate of mine and her office is just across mine.

"Vens? Why did you touch my things without asking? Give me that!" I shouted to her.

We call each other nicknames, because we are the closest one in the team. The guys in the team thought that we're dating, but we're not. We are actually working with each other for already 4years now, ahead of the others.

"Wow, Kevs! She's a beauty! You haven't seen her picture yet?" "Not yet! Get it now? Give me that and let me see! The Boss asked me to fetch her in the airport later."

"Is she on the same team?"


"Ow! Bingo! Fei will have a roommate then! What kind of girl do you think she is?" Vennie said that while handing me the bio data. "Dunno. I'm not the kind of guy who judge others just by the outer appearance. Will you just work? You're disturbing me!" again, I shouted at her.

I was stunned when I saw the picture in the bio data. Vennie's right. She's a beauty. Given the fact that she has no make up in the picture. She is a NATURAL BEAUTY! For a moment, I felt lucky to be in the same team with her. Now I'm liking the team even more!

It's 4:30pm and I'm on my way to the airport. I am wearing a black suit. Perfect outfit? Yeah. I'm really lucky because I will be the first one to see her. :">


(in Mandarin)

"Hello? Kev?"

"Hey dude! It's been decades! How is the singer-turned-actor?" I answered.

"Still handsome and cool you know. Hahaha. I'm on my way to GuangZhou. When is your freetime?"

"You're still as arrogant as before. You haven't contacted me eversince you moved out of Korea. My freetime? Maybe on the weekend."

"I'll contact you when I go there in Hongkong"

"Ok. It's near so no problem."

"I can't hear you properly. Are you in a car?"

"Yes. I'm on my way to the airport."

"Airport? Why?"

"I'm gonna fetch my princess. Haha! See you then!"

"Make sure she is pretty! Hahaha take care then!" -end of call-

The one who called? My brother from another mother, Kris, or Wu YiFan. He's a popular singer in South Korea until then. But now he's an actor in mainland China. He's arrogant but he's so good looking. I'm actually envious of him, I admit it. Born with talent and good looks. Unfair.

6:13pm, when Yuna Gomez approached me. She's more gorgeous in person than in the picture. Brown eyes, long black hair, red cheeks, and pink lips. I could die right now!

I was so nervous to talk to her. I just got her things and asked her to follow me. So uncool of me. But she just thanked me? Is she shy? Or is she a Fei-type girl?

"Will I talk to her? About what?" I said to myself. I looked at the mirror in the car. I saw her sleeping. She must be tired? Haha. Anyways, she so cute. I stopped the car. I stared at her. Then, my heart skipped a beat. It was that time that I realized I like her.


-END OF CH 4.5-

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Puterikusuma #1
Chapter 7: Hi it's mrs.wuyifan here hahaha you're going to continue this fanfic right?? And who's Kris' princess??