Chapter 5: First Day

Different Worlds


I woke up so damn early. My work starts at 8:00am. Is my body excited for my first day at work?

"Oh? You're already awake?" asked Fei.

"Yeah. It seems that my body is excited. Wait, You're already going?"

"Yes. The Boss has a meeting. I have to go. Sorry, I didn't cook a breakfast. Could you do it yourself? I really have to go."

"It's ok. See you later." I said as I bid her goodbye.

Poor Fei. I hope she's taking care of herself. I should take care of myself too. But how? I don't cook. I was an engineer for a reason. Haha. I just grabbed the bread and made a coffee.

I the TV for the morning news. 14°C? Quite cold huh. Well, it's already November so no wonder it will be coId. I should wear a jacket or at least a blazer.

I was about to leave but I saw the commercial again. This guy looks so perfect. Is he even human? Haha. Silly me. Of course. I should get going.

"Goodmorning Yuna!" greeted the team.

"Are you excited? Nervous? Happy? What? Tell me!" Kevin who is always in a good mood.

"Stop it Kevin. You're gonna annoy her." said Eric.

Eric is always the mature one. I admire him for that. Keeping his cool despite the immaturity of the other members.

It's so noisy.

The usual.

"Let's get going." Vennie said.

"It's starting to get cold huh. Take good care of yourself and don't get sick! We can't manage to lose to the other team" Josh said.

Honestly, I am nervous. I can't help but think of a lot of things. I'm walking very slowly. I haven't realized that I was so far behind the team so I ran to catch up.

I bumped into a kid. The kid's eye is watery so I bought him an apple nearby. He finally smiled. Pheww. It was near huh.

"Crap! Where are they?! Am I lost? How can I go to the company!" I said to myself.

Luckily, the internet of my phone is working. I entered the company's name then the directions appeared. Thank God.


I arrived at the company. I was nearly late!

"Yuna! Thank God you arrived! We're sorry! We didn't notice you! Sorry! Sorry!" Vennie said while hugging me.

"It's okay," I said. "It's my fault though. I was walking slowly so it's not surprising if I will be left behind."

"Here, Yuna." Kevin held my hand. He handed me a GSM card. "We can now contact you. Register our numbers, okay?" Kevin said.

"Thanks." I answered. "Geeeez. That again. Can you please say something longer? Or at least smile!" Kevin suggested.

I just ignored him. We all went to our own offices and started working. A busy day for me.

It was my break time when I realized my necklace was gone. It's a precious necklace. It was from my mother, given to her by my grandmother.

Where did I put that? Did I left it at home? Did it break? Or perhaps I lost it when I bumped the kid?


(Author's note: Trust me, it will be worth it. Just be patient. :3)

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Puterikusuma #1
Chapter 7: Hi it's mrs.wuyifan here hahaha you're going to continue this fanfic right?? And who's Kris' princess??