Final Chapter - Forgiveness and Promises

Always in my heart

 Disclaimer: Below picture doesn't belong to me! Now that that's outta the way, enjoy~


Final Chapter - Forgiveness and Promises

Suho Chanyeol baekhyun

 "So? What is your oh so very good reason for lying to us? It better be a damn great one or I'm so gonna punch your face. Yeah you heard me. Your face." 

" Haaa.... fine fine I'll explain. then let me check that there's nobody in the house first. Guys please help. "

I walked out of chanyeol's room with both of them following me. 

" Hell baekhyun, why so dramatic? "

" Yeah "

" Safety measures "

" What the hell"

" Sigh just do it "

I swear I saw suho hyung rolled his eyes. That .

We briefly check through each rooms and our bathroom to ensure nobody's around.

Thank god everybody's out for the day. Only us will be in our dorm on our off day huh.... how lonesome.

" Okay cleared " 

Then I went back to chanyeol's room. Chanyeol and I sat on his bed while suho pulled a chair from the table and sat facing us. And finally I spoke everything out.

" Sigh. Forgive me taeyeon noona.... I'm so sorry. /breathes in/ She only has half a year left. "

" Say what? "

" Taeyeon noona. She's dying. "

" WHAT?! "

chanyeol and Suho Suho both shouted in sync.

" Yeah. I know. Hard to believe. It's true. She told me. "

" oh my god..... "

"I'm so sorry....."

"um... sorry to ask but what's that gotta do with you? "

" Well..... she told me she liked me, ever since predebut. She said just for half a year, to be her boyfriend. Fall in love with her and love her. That was her wish. I knew if I agreed, it'll danger our relationship. I knew that. But then I ..... because she took care of me, and helped me so much since predebut, I wanted to repay her somehow. Also, how could I reject a dying person's wish? She was so desperate. She was crying so badly. I felt really bad. So I agreed. Then I thought if I really wanted to love her, I need to forget about you chanyeol. I wanted you to hate me. I wanted you to dump me. A boyfriend like me don't deserve you. I rather sacrifice our love and risk the fact that we might not love each other anymore, than to reject a dying person. Why should you be with me? That's why. I wanted you to tell me that you hated me. So that I can let go. I can't bare to say break up to you so I thought if you are the one saying it, I would be able to take it easier and fulfill her wish wholeheartedly. And after.... you know.... when she's..... gone... I can explain everything to you then. Holding on to that tiny little hope that after explanations, you'd forgive me and stay with me forever, I hid my feelings for you and went out with her. "

" Then why didn't you tell us then? Even to the extent of lying to the company. No even worse, your own boyfriend. "

" She didn't want anyone to find out. She wanted to keep it all a secret. She's a very brave woman. She said that when the time comes, everyone would know eventually. And because, she didn't want people around her to change their attitude towards her when they knew about her sickness. She didn't want pity. So she wanted to keep it a secret. I'm the only one who knew about it. Until now. "

I lowered my head into my palms, feeling guilt all over me. I'm sorry I told your secrets out taeyeon noona. Somehow, forgive me.

" I even promised her that I'll keep it a secret. Sigh. "

" I'm sorry baekhyun "

" No. It's fine now. It's my fault. I was the one who blurted out that we're fake first "

I reached for chanyeol's hand beside me and squeezed it slightly. I felt his hand twitched a little. So cute!

" I know I wanted him to break up with me. I thought I could went through it, I thought I was much stronger than this. But when I heard he's leaving us, nothing matters anymore. I realized that even that tiny hope that I once hold on to will disappear. I was scared. I never knew until now actually, I didn't want him to leave me. And that, I wouldn't be able to stand it if he left."

" So... what's your plan now? Are you going to continue date her?"

" I .... don't know. I want to continue to help her fulfill her wish. But I don't want to see you sad. I don't want you to leave." I rubbed my thumb against the back of chanyeol's hand. I looked at his eyes earnestly, hoping to find an answer to this dilemma.

Chanyeol looked at me and smile the most beautiful smile in the entire world. That's when I realized how much I missed him smiling at me like this as much as I missed him kissing me.

"Baby, I'm glad that you're putting all your effort into everything you do. That's one of the many reasons why I love you so much you cute adorable love of my life. And I thought you go by the motto : fearless ? "

" But it's you. Nothing is the same with you."

 " Aww baby... alright alright I know the reason now. You know baekhyun, I know we are trained to give all we have in whatever we do. But there's a limit to this don't you think? I'm sorry to say this so harshly but this is different you know. It's not work anymore. It's your personal life. You get to choose what do you want. To what extent do you want to put your effort in. If you think that it's gonna hurt yourself, hold back a little bit. For you, and also for me. Ask yourself, would you regret your decisions in the future? If you know it will, think of another solution."

" Mmmmm..... I did think about it. I thought. Alot. But I don't want her to leave this world with regrets. I wanted her to leave peacefully. She's dying. I thought that this is all I can do for her right now. I want her to feel loved. I'm still alive. I can try so much things after that but she can't.... that's why.... I agreed. And sacrificed. But if you're going to leave, then I'm not doing this anymore. "

" Then don't do it if you're hurting like this. "

" I ....  but I.. it hurts me too if I knew I didn't fulfill her wish. It's not that simple chanyeol. Or I would've chosen to keep you both already. " 

" How about you just tell her the truth? Talk to her. Negotiate with her. Who's more important? Taeyeon or Chanyeol ?  "

" Um... i don't know......... Also, I don't think it's that simple. I-"

" Did you even try? I'm sure noona will understand baby. Fearless. Remember? I'll go with you this time. I'm not leaving you alone anymore. I promise. "

" Yes. Yes you're right! Sorry chanyeol... "

" That's my love! "

Then I see chanyeol moved in closer... Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod he's gonna kiss me. And I felt a peck on my lips. O....Kay..... Somehow I have conflicting feelings about that kiss. I'm happy that he finally kissed me. But I guess I'm more sad because it's not a kiss where our tongues meet and our salivas joined and we melt in each other- Ohmygod baekhyun! What the hell are you thinking?! I can feel my face heating up.

" urgh I guess I'm glad u guys made up but seriously can both of you stop displaying your affections in front of people? disgusting.  "

" Yeah as if you're any better. Your moans are even louder than baekhyun's. When lay hyung s you, the entire house knows! You ert! "

What the ?!

I instinctively grabbed the nearest pillow and slammed it to chanyeol's face. How dare he. HOW DARE HE.

" Woah! what the hell baekhyun "

I want to dig up a ground and bury myself inside forever! I'll never get out! NEVER! Ahhhhhh my god so embarrassing!

I take a look at suho hyung. Holy . He's blushing so much! That color. His face reminds me of.... OH! OH POSTBOX!  That's the same color!

(A/N: let's just pretend Oh Post box happened months ago. He's so adorable I feel like I need to have him in my fic! GAWD)

" Hyung, your face. It's the same color as oh postbox! " I smirked.

Suho hyung looks confused for a second. In 3....2....1... then his eyes widened. Ah he got it now. Then he hastily walked away from chanyeol's room.


Both me and chanyeol jumped in unison. Woah scared the hell out of me!


A distant voice shouted.


We high-gives each other and laughed hearts out together. I missed this so much. Finally. I can finally be with chanyeol again.

When we finally relaxed and got our together, chanyeol grabbed my hands and sincerely looked into my eyes. Awwwww... I missed this too.

" Byun baekhyun, I want you to promise me. Don't keep any secrets from me any more. Anything, we can go through it together. Don't ever handle anything yourself you hear me? Now. You promise me this. And don't you dare break it, you understand me? "

" Yes. Yes I promise you baby "

And we leaned in. Finally , the kiss I've been waiting for. We didn't stop with just a kiss. We did more..... y things. But let's just leave it for another time. All I  can say was that it was the greatest night I had in a long time. And poor suho hyung, he must be reflecting on himself now.

" Baby.... focus " Chanyeol breathes beside my ear."

" Ah....! mmmmmfff.....haaaaaaaa" 


Chanyeol POV

I know that I promised to..... to never leave him. But Baekhyun. He wasn't able to choose between me and taeyeon noona. Doesn't this means that he's not that much in love with me anymore? The thought of leaving haven't left my mind to be honest. Sure he still considered me now, but in the future? Baekhyun can't make decisions for himself. No, he won't. He's just got persuaded very easily and just wanted everyone to be happy with him. I guess he's still scared of being left alone like in the past. So baekhyun, I'll make your choices for you this time. But when you find me even a slight nuisance in your life, when I see that you don't need me anymore, don't worry. I'll leave you. Quietly and unnoticeably this time, so that you won't be able to waver anymore. Because there's no way, I'll be able to win a girl. And, aren't promises always meant to be broken?


WELLL GUUUUYYYYSSSS It has been a bumpy and difficult journey but I'm glad you guys stayed with me till the end. And now, Chanyeol! Say something!

Chanyeol: AYoooooo wasssssupppp guuuuyyyss! Hope you guys enjoyed this short story. Shion here is not a good writer. And her first time writing. Please forgive her okay? 

Baekhyun: Yeah! Forgive her~ 

Chanyeol: Stop coping me 

Baekhyun: Shut up Chanyeol 

Chanyeol: How . Dare . You ! Byun baekhyun you're d-mmmm....


Baekhyun: mmm... hhhahhhhhhh.... ..... oh shut up OhPostBox face.


Chanyeol: Damn baekhyun you're so hot I can just you here right now.

Baekhyun: I know right /winks/

Suho : I swear to god guys

Chanyeol: What-


Chanyeol: kiss me again baekhyun.

Baekhyun: sure!




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Chapter 6: DID YOU SERIOUSLY SUDDENLY MAKE A MOOD WHIPLASH? Damn it made sense you know but also at the same time Baek was being an idiot for having ever thought that he could just say yes to a woman (dying or what not) and just bounce back into Chanyeol's arms after the whole affair and the explaining he'd do in the future. Ofc it's a matter of humanity to grant a dying request but is it truly worth it to scar the love of your life for what could wasily be the remainder of his life? Plus they had dreams, man. Putting the group at risk for a woman who shouldn't even be related to it is just..OTL and don't get me started on that last part. It started out so happy and ofc they made up and made out, but my point still stands that the doubt will never go away from PCY's mind now. And that hurts. A hell lot. It's relatively happy, but damn that last paragraph had so many implications.

Moving on. Bro I was confused by the format :( Idk if it's just the mobile thing but the text displayed inconsistently. Different font sizes every other sentence. I found it distracting :( Won't comment on grammar bc I totally know you can edit this to be better and because you ARE better. Dialogues in italics were also distracting? Since typically it's plain text and italics are reserved for thoughts and the like. I found some sentences that could've used a comma somewhere in them (it's hard to process a sentence with lots of ideas).

The monologues were great. Perhaps they should've used the italics instead? Oh and it's a minor thing but do capitalize when necessary, such as the words after a period. Capitalization for emphasis is okay tho.

All in all GOOD JON BRO :D I liked it. I loved angry PCy and I loved his angsty monologues. Surprisingly I liked (in the loosest meaning of the word) Taeyeon too. Peace out.
Chapter 6: Okayyyyy let's get to the serious part :)

First off, I'm kinda ugh when I see the name but that's not the point I'm gonna talk abt here. It's sad when someone you love is suddenly reported having a scandal loving someone else AND I FREAKING HATE THAT because I kind of can imagine how Chanyeol would feel like in real life though when this happened. :( And of course, I didn't expect that would be the reason why Baekhyun dated Taeyeon, but again, he should've told Chanyeol the reason and not made him confused bc omg BAEKHYUN YOUR CHANYEOL IS INNOCENT HAVE SOME MERCY. So far, I like this story! It's good since you said it't the only fic you've written and this is actually great for a first time writer like you! :)) I'm gonna wait for Giann to leave some constructive comments before I post another one :''''D
Chapter 4: So now it's been denial, then anger, and now anger AND self-depreciation. Poor PCY. He has a point with regards to being angry, hell who wouldn't be angry to suddenly discover your boyfriend just replaced you with a woman. No clarifications. No personal talks. Even an excuse would've been better than nothing. At this point Baek is being too much of an to keep going on without expecting his relationship (or what's left of it) with Chanyeol to bleed into that of their group's. But then giving up on everyone just because of an insensitive ex? Hmmm. Debatable. Justifiable, but debatable.
Chapter 2: Okay this chapter tugged my heart because damn PCY was kept in the dark. His mental monologue was hella hot but also sad. I loved especially that he even questioned himself for possibly having done less than what was ideal for Baekhyun. Asking yourself things like that is always sad. And the fact that he can't even remember when they last kissed, and the fact that they haven't officially broken up is ing painful.
deliciousoppars #6
Chapter 6: I love u
marcybacon #7
Chapter 6: Lol awesome ending,loved it
Chapter 6: Loved this fanfic ! Lol the end XD
Chapter 5: Cant wait for the next chapter !