Chapter 2

Expanding Horizons

The very same day, I received a text from Naka before the boys arrived home telling me that the move was in two days and we were going to help EXO-K and M finish packing tomorrow. I didn't have to go along if we didn't finish tonight or if I didn't want to but we did finish and I did go because I wanted to. Once all the packing for everyone was done, it was late at night and everyone just seemed to collapse on the floor in the living room, but they weren't sleeping. They were just laying there talking as if it wasn't nearly morning. Even when they were using indoor voices, with how many people were in the room, it was a tiny bit loud, but not too loud.

When I yawned quietly to myself and leaned back against the wall I was sitting in front of, Sehun decided to scoot next to me and do the same. I just watched him silently as he did that, wondering why he was over here with me.

"You're name is Miko, right?" he looked down at me and asked softly.

"Well, that's my nickname. If you want to know a sort of secret, my real name is Tomiko Nakai."

"Why is that a sort of secret? Don't EXO-J know your real name too?"

"That's why. The rest of EXO doesn't know it though," I cocked my head to the side with a smirk. He smiled slightly and nodded.

"So, does anyone call you Nakai?"

"Only when they want to be serious and think that I'm not being serious. You want to call me something different than everyone else?"

"I never said that," he looked away.

"Kaiko. You can call me Kaiko. It's something that my first friend called me. We're not friends anymore, but you can replace her if you want," I realized how that sounded so I quickly added," I mean, you can take her place in calling me that. No one else knows that nickname, not even Naka."

"Oh," he nodded again. slower this time. I liked watching him in their videos and on shows and such, but seeing him in person, this close, felt weird to me. I know that I've met with them twice before, but we'd never talked to each other or been close enough to each other to talk to each other. I don't mean close like friends, just proximity.

I don't even think he realizes how close he is to me. If I move away a bit, would that be rude? But if I move at all, we'll touch each other and he might move. What's the most natural thing to do? 

I couldn't even think that far before I sneezed.

"Are you cold? I could go get you a blanket," Sehun offered.

"Oh, I'm not cold. I've been doing that lately. I think I'm just slowly catching a cold or something."

"Then all the more reason for me to get you a blanket! You could at least try to stop it before it comes."

"Ah, that's true. I'll be living with more idols after all. I really shouldn't get anyone else sick," I nodded, reasoning more with myself.

"It's not just about us. You should take care of yourself too. It's all the little things you do that counts too."

"Hehe. Yeah, I guess so," I couldn't help but laugh at his inspirational words. "And Naka can't do that for me forever!"

"You've let him take care of you for this long?"

"He's my older brother. Not to mention we're twins. He does that for me so I got too comfortable. I do carry myself a lot more now, especially when he was going though training with the J boys."

"I'll be right back, I'll get the blanket for you," he stood up quickly and left me. It feels colder over here somehow with him gone.

"Hi! You're Miko, right?" Kai came over to me next. I didn't talk to many of the boys. I talked a lot with Kyungsoo, but that was about the kitchen. We both decided to help each other sometimes when we cooked, Lay too.

"Yep. Nice to finally meet you, Kai," I smiled and nodded to him.

"You can call me Jong-" I accidentally cut him off with a sneeze, which he laughed at. "That was cute." When I scoffed, he shook his head at me. "That wasn't sarcasm."

"Oh, then thank you."

"Are you cold?"

"Sehun just went to get a blanket for me so I'll be okay."

"Oh, be careful not to get a cold though, okay? It would be a shame, not being able to play with us."

"I would still be there though. Just, sick and watching." I shrugged, the both of us laughing.

"I got the blanket," Sehun kneeled next to me and draped the blanket over me and sitting down and leaning against the wall again. He was still just as close to me as before, but I didn't mind because the blanket was separating us from each other.

"Thank you," I smiled appreciatively.

"You're welcome," he nodded once before looking back to Kai, who was watching us with a strangely interested face.

"Hey! How come you guys are sitting in the-Oh! There's a person there!" Chen said, suddenly appearing behind Kai, well, Jongin I should say.

"Hello. I'm Miko, Naka's twin sister. I'm the younger one, by the way. He's just childish," I joked, causing the three to laugh.

"So you're Miko! Kyungsoo was saying that he, you, and Lay were going to be cooking together sometimes."

"Yes. Don't worry though, I'm a good cook. I would tell you to ask Haru but he'll eat anything as long as it's edible. Once I burned something, I can't remember what it was though. He ate the whole thing without making a face and told me it tasted good."

"That's crazy," Jongin scoffed.

"I know what prank to pull on him now," Chen smiled mischievously.

"Nothing scary though. He cries easily. And no snakes, he'll flip out. The only person that will be able to calm him at that point would be Sho. And even then, he's a handful until then."

"Once Umin brought some buns to their practice and he told us all the ingredients in it after he ate it," Sehun laughed.

"Oh yeah, that was awesome," Jongin joined in the laughing.

"He does that. Because of that, if you're a good enough cook, you can learn to cook anything with just that much," I said.

"Are you a good enough cook, Niko?" Baekhyun popped up.

"Yes and it's Miko, not Niko."

"It's not Niko? When Joonmyun said your name, I thought he said Niko."

"It doesn't really matter. My classmates in high school called me Niko. Don't do that though."

"Why not?"

"They weren't very nice."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be! I wasn't bullied!" I laughed

"Oh! I thought that was what you meant."

"Yeah, me too," Chen added.

"You had Naka with you then, huh?" Sehun asked. I nodded.

"Asking wasn't even necessary with either set of twins," Baekhyun scoffed. Sehun rolled his eyes.

"That was why I didn't mind my rude classmates. They only cared about themselves so we never united as a class."

"You weren't one," Jongin laughed. The other three groaned slightly and I laughed at their faces.

"Sure, we were one. But that's the past and it doesn't matter. I was one with Naka, so it didn't bother me."

"You were always one with Naka," Chen pointed out.

"Can we stop with that already?" Sehun complained. Baekhyun hummed in agreement.

"So, why did Naka make you come along? Or did you want to come here?" Jongin changed the subject.

"I wanted to come here and Naka made me because he wanted to protect me. I don't know why, but he does. Honestly, I think it was quite careless to bring your little sister to live with five other guys for four years since he wants to protect me so much."

"But now you're going to live with all of us. We'll be a household of nineteen, eighteen of us will be boys, seventeen aren't related to you at all. He realizes that he has to protect you from seventeen guys, right?"

"I'm sure he does. It just shows that he trusts you guys just as much as he trusts all the J members."

"Aw! That's so sweet!" Baekhyun cooed.

"He's the youngest member now, right? You're younger than him too?" Chen asked after laughing at Baekhyun. When I nodded, he started giggling to himself as though something amusing came to mind and he had no intention on telling anyone what it was.

After a while of casual conversation with them, allowing them to get to know myself a bit better, Baekhyun and Chen started talking about a story, but it was really long and I was getting comfortable and warm. Because Sehun was so close to me, I just leaned on him after a while and he seemed to be fine with it, while the other three either didn't notice or pretended not to. And after some time, I began to drift off to sleep.

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Naka's POV is coming soon, hopefully by this weekend. I'm sorry! I also have two other stories I have to work on and homework everyday so it's a busy schedule.


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