Expanding Horizons


EXO, a popular group of SME, had grown so popular that SM decided to add another sub group to the mix, affectively increasing the number of overall members to the group. This group is called EXO-J, a Japanese sub group. The boys in this group have been training with SM for three years and have known each other just as long, initially training to be a new group. This story is a two in one story, following twin brother and sister, Tomiko Nakao and Tomiko Nakai, on their journey with EXO-J and EXO as a whole.


EXO, a popular group of SME, had grown so popular that SM decided to add another sub group to the mix, affectively increasing the number of overall members to the group. This group is called EXO-J, a Japanese sub group. The boys in this group have been training with SM for three years and have known each other just as long, initially training to be a new group.

The first story. Tomiko Nakao had been training with SME for the same three years as the rest of EXO-J, but he was just lucky and hard working. In all honesty, the boy can rap but he dances about as average as anyone else. Because of his dedication, he's able to keep up with the other boys. This story is of his career with EXO-J and all the hardships he had to go through to get to the end.

The second story. Tomiko Nakai, Nakao's younger twin sister, was brought along with Nakao when he started training under SME. The reason why was because Nakao didn't want to be seperated from her at all, his little sister had to be protected. For that, she didn't know the reason but she was thankful nonetheless as she had trouble functioning without her brother, who she had never been seperated from for long periods of time. As she is younger than her brother, who is the maknae of the group, she was like everyone's younger sister and always cooked for them when they had the time to eat with her. This story is of her time with EXO as a whole and her bout with love after a huge heartbreak.


EXO (To make this easier for me, I'm including Kris in this story. And yeah, I'm going to pretend that none of the lawsuit stuff happened so that I feel better.)


Tomiko Nakai and Nakao: Main characters and youngest. Also known as Miko(Nakai) and Naka(Nakao). Naka is the youngest member of EXO and Miko's older brother. Naka often changes his mind about things and is quite forgetful. When he's tired, there is really no point in even talking to him because he'll just forget what you said within the next minute. Miko often cooks for the guys and acts as though they are all her older brothers. She gets along really well with the other twins and they are called triplets. She doesn't pull pranks on others though because she's often cleaning them up afterwards. Naka and Miko never keep secrets from each other because they are easy to read, so they spend nights confessing things to each other before they sleep. In the end, Naka just forgets what was said and Miko has to remind him.


Yasukazu Murai: eldest member of EXO-J, kid leader of EXO-J. He's a cool guy type who has the best long and high notes in the group. His actual voice is really deep but when he singings it's a higher, softer pitch. Also known as Yasu. EXO-J's dad. He plays the guitar and drums, but he is also quickly learning to play the piano. He said that if he wasn't in EXO, he would try to be in a band. He feels that drums are under appreciated and that he's bad at talking. He keeps track of everyone's schedules, even the individual ones, and helps Miko keep everything organized. They had been together long enough to where Miko has adjusted to his organization system and can follow it through just as well as he does. He puts a lot of trust into Miko and thus is even closer to her than the other twins, nearly as close as Naka.

Kitahachi Miki and Fujita: Also known as Miki and Fuji. They are the second and third olderest members of EXO-J. The two are quite playful and always completing each others sentences or talking in unison. They're quite naughty too and like to play jokes on others, especially on Haru. When they are on shows or at interviews, they do the explaining whenever Yasu can't because they know he doesn't speak well. The two are very rarely alone, but when they are, they're extremely calm and can be very friendly. They let you know that they like you by slight skinship at first but as time goes on and if you're comfortable with that too, they can get pretty touchy-feely, like they are with each other, Miko, and Naka. They share a bed because they can't sleep without feeling the other person's body beside them, so they often wake up grouchy because they cuddled.

Taro Shoda: Also known as Sho. He's pretty slow for a smart guy. His innocent personality and genuinety is almost like that of a young child. Because of his slowness, he often doesn't understand situations he is facing or jokes when they are told until moments afterward. Because of his slow reaction time, he was deemed EXO-J's dork, even though that title could easily go to Haru as well. That would also explain Haru's adorable attachment to him. It had also been brought to light that Sho, Yuki Furukawa, and Luhan look alike.

Harumi Kobe: Also known as Haru. The second youngest member of EXO-J. He has an attachment to Sho and often gets pranked by the evil twins Miki and Fuji because he cries easily. He has a fear of snakes and therefore hates the zoo. He once had a pet spider so whenever one is found in the dorm, he's the one that deals with it. He's the most childish member of the group but he takes his duties as a member of EXO-J very seriously. He's the groups dancing machine and can often be found dancing. He's often dancing for no reason and because of that and his childish behavior, he could easily be one of the group's biggest dorks. He also loves eating and has no preferences when it comes to food either, as long as it's edible. In his free time, when he's not dancing, he can be found in the kitchen shoveling food down his throat. That's why when he's eating, his nickname changes from Haru to 'Chipmunk Cheeks'. He later gets deemed the second most lovable and fourth cutest member of EXO-J by all the fans.

Other Characters: (will be updated as the story goes along)

An Shin:

Miko's best guy friend and classmate in university. He usually masks his emotions with a cheerful looking smile and puts others before himself. Surprisingly, he's quite clumsy. He was an exchange student at Miko's high school in Japan and Miko was assigned to help him with anything he needed.

Hama Sakura:

Miko's best friend back from Japan. She is to move to Korea too because they're going to attend the same university. Even with their current distance, Miko and Sakura haven't grown apart at all, it's still as if they're next to each other. She and Shin used to argue a lot back in High School.

So I was just thinking, EXO-J is because it's a Japanese group, but now with the official fandom name, EXO-L I thought it was even better. You know, J-K-L-M. It's alphabetical order too. ^-^ I was all proud of myself and such when I realized what I did there. So I told my friend Mir and she gave me this look:

"I see what you did there."

Me: D.O "..." Haha, get it? D.O? Because...I'm sorry, that's not funny. I'm such a dork. I apologize for that. Anyways! I'll try to post the first chapter soon! I've already written enough here so I bid you a goodnight/morning for where you are and when you're reading this. By the way, do you see Yesung, right next to Kyu? I started laughing. They both be creeping.

Okay! Bye bye! (^o^)/)

Naka's POV is coming soon, hopefully by this weekend. I'm sorry! I also have two other stories I have to work on and homework everyday so it's a busy schedule.


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