That Particular Chat Group

Soojoon joined

Hyerin: Let’s welcome him back!

Soojoon: Hey

Jihyun: You’re fine now?

Soojoon: Yeah I moved on

Kyomi: What is it you two are not telling us?

Soojoon: I’d rather not say

Kyungsoo: Welcome back

Eunmi: Yes, welcome back!!

Soojoon: Thanks

Kai: Does Kyungsoo know of that something you two are not telling us?

Soojoon: I don't know if Jihyun told him or not

Jihyun: I did, sorry

Soojoon: It’s okay, nothing big

Kyomi: If it’s nothing big then can you share it?

Soojoon: No

Jihyun: I‘m still glad you’re back

Soojoon: Me too, though I won’t be posting much here

Hyerin: Oh another silent member

Hyori: Like Raemi

Raemi: Why am I dragged into this??

Ji ae: Oh yay you’re finally here

Raemi: Like I said, I’m always here, always judging

Jihyun: You’re being creepy

Raemi: Too bad for you

Sookyu: Whoa I never realised she was in here

Raemi: Now you know

Hwajae: And she’s going to disappear again

Raemi: That’s right

Soojoon: I figure that Kyungsoo and Jihyun are together? Given the group icon…

Hyerin: They are!

Kyomi: We use the term Squishycookies

Ji ae: Kai and Hwajae are also together #Jongjae

Soojoon: Sounds like I missed a lot of stuff

Kyomi: You did

Soojoon: Wait who’s the new member?

Sookyu: I’m Sookyu!

Soojoon: Oh nice to meet you, how did you get in?

Sookyu: Nice to meet you too, I was scouted in by Jihyun

Soojoon: They’re recruiting people now?

Sookyu: I don't know really

Hyori: So many ‘soo’s

Hyerin: Kyomi also got attached to someone we don't know

Kyomi: Stop talking about that!

Hwajae: And Hyori is getting closer to this Kris guy (although he’s like old)

Hyori: I’m never telling you anything again. And by the way, he’s only 24 this year

Hwajae: That’s a difference of 6 years

Kai: Kris said that Hyori is interesting

Hwajae: Should he be added in here?

Jihyun: Jongjae is basically the couple who aims to expose everyone’s deeds

Kai: Don’t make it sound so bad

Hwajae: We’re helping everyone

Hyerin: Someone give me his number

Hyori: If you add him here, I will quit

Hwajae: She’s not going to quit

Kai: Contact: Kris

Hyori: Don't you dare

Kris joined


Kris: What’s this? The first message is a couple of capitalised ‘F’s

Hyerin: Welcome!

Kris: Who’s that? And what’s #squishycookies and #jongjae?

Soojoon: Hey dude

Kris: I don't know anyone here!!

Kai: Yo

Kris: Kyungsoo’s here too

Kyungsoo: Unfortunately, yes

Kai: Count it as a blessing, hyung

Kyungsoo: I refuse to

Hyori: All the people’s names who start with ‘K’

Kris: Oh hi

Hyori: Hi

Jihyun: (Awkward)

Ji ae: Should we start shipping now?

Sookyu: Yes please

Hyori: No

Hwajae: Hyori is suddenly more active nowadays

Hyori: No I’m not

Hwajae: Just compare the messages you sent in the past and the present

Kris: Am I supposed to be here?

Hyerin: Yes!

Kris: But I barely know anyone here

Kyungsoo: That’s me when I first entered

Kris: I still don't understand why I’m here

Ji ae: You’re here for Hyori

Hyori: No

Ji ae: Can I come up with the ship name please?

Hyori: No

Ji ae: There’s this type of noodles that I tasted on a holiday to Malaysia and Singapore, it’s called ‘Horfun’

Jihyun: And?

Ji ae: Well, Hyofan

Kyomi: I don't get it…?

Ji ae: Shall I send a voice note?

Kyomi: Yes please

Ji ae: Voice note

Kyomi: Wow

Sookyu: Oh I see now!

Hyori: Why

Kris: I still don't get it??

Kyungsoo: You’ll catch on soon

Jihyun: Why not just Kyori?

Kyomi: Hey that sounds like my name!

Ji ae: Because unique

Jihyun: I support Kyori

Ji ae: Noooooooo

Kyomi: I support Kyori too!

Ji ae: Fine, be that way

Kris: Can someone please explain everything to me?

Hyori: It’s nothing, you can leave anytime

Hyerin: You are not allowed to leave

Kyungsoo: They’ll just add you back again and again

Kris: So explanation??

Jihyun: This is a group aimed to bring you and Hyori together

Sookyu: Talk about straightforward

Kris: I still don't get it

Kai: You don't have to, just go with the flow and you’ll understand soon enough

Ji ae: Horfun!

Hwajae: Stop it with the Horfun thingy

Ji ae: It was delicious

Kai: I think their heights are so suitable for each other

Kyungsoo: Kris is tallest among the guys

Jihyun: Hyori is tallest among the girls

Kai: Kyungsoo is shortest among the guys

Kyungsoo: Shut up Kai

Ji ae: But Jihyun is not the shortest among the girls

Kai: She’s still short

Jihyun: Can you not

Hyerin: Please shut up Kai

Kyomi: This is the first time Hyerin is flaring up

Kai: Oops sorry

Kyomi: When Hyerin flares up, you know ’s going to go down

Hyerin: Yes

Kai: I’m sorry I’ll never talk about height again please forgive me

Hyerin: Not forgiven

Hwajae: I’ll slap him for you

Kyungsoo: Count me in

Jihyun: Me too

Kris: Why are we talking about slapping Kai??

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Heyy , it says that That Particular Boy story is not available .... but your story is so cuteeeeeeee . ㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: #2? wah!!!!!!!!!
dosoojung #3
Chapter 21: I reread this today and I started to feel nostalgic somehow :(
lucky us readers the sequel of the chatgroup is only a month away<3
I hope I can read more of Squishycookies side stories for the other members of the fanclub!
Chapter 20: its so sadd seeing them all leave the chat and disbanding!!!! ah!!! author-nim!!!! i feel soo sadd.. ;(
dosoojung #5
Chapter 20: so,its officially over
Squishycookies is over,the fanclub is over
I'll keep shipping Squishycookies even though they're over!SOOKYU BELIEVES THAT SQUISHYCOOKIES WILL COMEBACK TOGETHER
omg/rolls on the floor/
Chapter 20: I CRY A HAN RIVER T______T
but still looking forward for strayed ;))) update soonnnnnn
ChocoChen21 #7
Chapter 19: Im in the same boat as Ji ae.....
I searched it....and what has been seen cant be unseen....
Kris....I know you're an adult.....but why??
LOL, you're becoming a pedo, a hot one that is XD
ChocoChen21 #8
Chapter 7: It is definitely a fanfic-ception.