Enrollment Strategy

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

Special thanks to:

-Sweet Strawberryy 



 *the next day*

beep beep beep beep


" Aish" groaned Yoseob as he pressed the snooze button on his alarm, " i'll wake up in 5 more minutes"

*5 Minutes later*

As Yoseob's alarm went off again he reached again for the snooze button but someone stopped him, Yoseob opened his eyes and saw Taemin staring at him.


" WHAAA!! what are you doing here?? i thought you went home last night after the Harry Potter marathon!!" screamed Yoseob

" Yea, well i came back"

" came back? what time is it?"

" it's 1 pm you naughty boy"

" WHAT??" where is everyone?" Yoseob asked while getting out of bed and looking everywhere for the Beast members

" Don't try and look for them THEY'RE GONE!!" Taemin yelled

" huh?"

" Sorry Hyung, it's just fun to be random once in awhile, what I meant was that everyone else went to enroll us in the Girls Highschool" said Taemin

" ARE YOU SERIOUS? we only discussed this yesterday and they are already enrolling us???

Taemin explained. " well yea... we have the Beast and Shinee concert in half a year and they need to enroll us in the school so that we have the winner by the date of our concert"


"Aigoo.... what school??"

Taemin with a puzzled look on replied " um.... I'm not sure actually...."


While Yoseob and Taemin were at the Beast dorm, the Shinee and Beast members were outside the school waiting in their van thinking about a strategy of how to enroll Taemin and Yoseob into the girl's highschool

Doo Joon thought for a moment and came up with an idea, " OKAY!, I will go inside the school, in a disguise of course, and persuade the school to immediately enroll Yoseob and Taemin"

" What the hell?? you can't just do that! it won't work" exclaimed Hyunseung

" That's the crappest idea i've ever heard" shouted Onew

" don't worry, if the principal is a woman, i can convince her with my charm"


" I'd like to see that" the Shinee and Beast members replied

" okay then, I need someone to come with me..hmm....Gikwang!! you should since you can use your  muscles for persuasion"

" HUH? come again? " cried Gikwang

Doo Joon gets out of the van dragging Gikwang who was sobbing behind him


* Doo Joon and Gikwang walk into the school*

Doo Joon gazes at the sight of the school, " omo... it's soo clean, from what i know of Yoseob, he'll probably wreck the school on the first day"

" Ohh, theres the Principal's office hurry hurry" whispered Gikwang

Doo Joon and Gikwang rushes to the door when the school office lady stops them

" eh hem... may i help you? are you two visitors of the school?? if you are, you need a pass"

" get ready " said Doo Joon whispering to Gikwang under his breath while taking off their sunglasses in a y way like what they do in those movies


" Hi" said Doo Joon ," we need to see the principal of this school right away please", and right after that the office lady screamed


" um.... sure...but right after you let us in" Gikwang said nervously

" Yes, of course, right this way" , the office lady led the way while trying not to squeal, " Excuse me ma'am, my husbands....er...i mean, BEAST!!...are here to see you

" BEAST????!!!!.....um...er... send them in"

is this chapter alright??? i know...it's sort of unrealistic, but it's supposed to be fiction right? hehe

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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(