Sorry, not a chapter...

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

Sorry this isn't a chapter..... my friend Neversaynever made a parody of my chapter 20, so if you guys want a good laugh or something, please check it out :D

Chapter 20 parody

ALSO!!! feel free to comment who you want to win/ think will win the bet ,TAEMIN or YOSEOB?? I won't be giving out any hints tee hee.

Ps. I am the co-author for Kawaiimashmallow's new fanfic, check it out too if you have time :D

A wish upon a SHINee star

I'll Update soon!!!!

Thanks sooooo much for reading you  <3

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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(