Congrats to the winner

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

Taemin ran, he ran as fast as he could in the 8cm high black stilettos. As he Finally located Natalee's house he took a deep breath, wiped off his sweat and knocked on her door.

* Knock Knock*

" Oh hi Tammy, I'd knew you'd show up" Natalee's mum said as she opened the door

" Wha... What?" Taemin said while still catching his breath

" Natalee didn't want to go to the dance for some apparent reason, I knew you'd come to find out why, so come on in"


" Oh okay.."

Natalee's mum smiled at Taemin " She's upstairs"

Taemin slowly walked up the stairs and found the door that said Natalee on it

" Natalee?" Taemin whispered as he opened her door

Natalee laid on her bed crying but as she saw Taemin she wiped away her tears

" Tammy?... What are you doing here?"

Taemin sat down beside Natalee

" Samantha showed up wearing your dress"

" I knew it"  said Natalee " I knew it'd be her"

Taemin pat Natalee on the back

" I also knew that you'd come and comfort me" Natalee sniffed

" Just find another dress, you'll still look beautiful and um... wouldn't your date be worried?"

Natalee smiled " I don't have a date Tammy"

Taemin's face went shocked " What?"

" The person I was looking forward to spending time with, was you, because you're my best friend" Natalee giggled " And  I wanted to throw you off-guard, and I did"

" Is it time?.... should i tell her? that... I love her? should I risk this bet for her?" Thought Taemin


" Ohhh!! so there is no date?" Taemin snickered " Aiya... and I brought Jonghyun for nothing..... OH MY GOSH!! JONGHYUN!!! Natalee!! wear whatever dress, we need to go"

Taemin and Natalee rushed back to the dance and Jonghyun was still there dancing with girls

" Hey isn't that JONGHYUN??" Natalee squealed " OH MY SHINEE!!!!"

Taemin choked " But.. but.... don't you liked Taemin?"

" Yeah, but Jonghyun has the most awesome abs haha" Natalee joked

Taemin scoffed

" But Nah, I'm a loyal person, Taemin will always be in my heart"

Taemin let out a little smile " Come, I need to tell you something" , Taemin held Natalee hand and took her outside

" What is it Tammy? You seem serious.."

" I....... I....."

Suddenly rattling noises came from the bush, Taemin looked around and the rattling stopped

" I..."

The rattling continued

" WHAT IS THAT??" Taemin looked back at the bush and saw the other SHINee members giving him signals, The Beast members stood behind them pleading that Taemin will confess

" What's going on?" Natalee asked

" Um..." Taemin said nervously

" NO TAEMIN NO!! NO HRIUEGIGVNEG" said Onew but Doo Joon covered his mouth

Taemin looked at the SHINee members nervously and looked back at Natalee " AISHH.. What do I do?" . As he looked back at the SHINee members, they gave him a death stare,warning him that if he said anything to Natalee, they'd kill him

Taemin couldn't take it any longer.

He pulled Natalee towards her and kissed her softly on the lips

Natalee stood there speechless with her eyes wide open

" Oh no... bad idea Taemin bad idea" Thought Taemin " What is she thinking right now?"

" That was one hell of a kiss" Thought Natalee

"Um......Tammy...... you know that I'm not gay... right?" Natalee stuttered

Taemin took off his heels, rubbed off his make-up and took his wig off

" Oh my gosh...... Am I seeing things?" Natalee rubbed her eyes " Tammy.... you're actually.... TAEMIN?"

" Y...Y...Yes...." Taemin answered awkwardly

" I can't believe this.... how? what? I'm so embarassed, you actually seemed like a girl"

" You're embarassed??? what about my position?" Taemin laughed " Are you mad?"

" Hmm... definitely not mad, I am very confused on the otherhand"

Taemin let out a breath of relief and gave Natalee a warm hug

" Why? out of all the girls, why me?" Natalee asked

" Because you've seen the true side of me"

" Wait, so you're actually A GIRL?" Natalee sniggered

" No........"

Natalee chuckled

Taemin looked at Natalee " Saranghae"

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" The SHINee members weeped " WHYYY!??!!!!

" I'm gonna feed Taemin to the chickens, then! IM GONNA EAT THE CHICKEN!!!!!" said Onew

" How could he just steal Natalee away from me like that?" Jonghyun sobbed

" I don't want to dance as a girl" Minho sighed

" I SHOTTY PINK!!!!!" Key called out

" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" The Beast members cheered " WE WINNN!!!!!!!!

" Way to go Taemin" said Doo Joon

" How sweet" said Gikwang

" We actually won" Junhyung said in relief

" Is this for real??!!!" thought Dong woon

" YAY!!!!!" Hyunseung exclaimed

" CONGRATS TO ME!!!!" shouted Yoseob


* The day after the Beast and SHINee concert*

Taemin was watching television with Natalee, along with the other members of SHINee and Beast

" Today's top news" said the tv reporter " The members of SHINee showed up at Beast's concert, dressed as women while dancing to Beast's song Beautiful, fans were shocked as the SHINee members came out on stage in dresses and heels"

" Here it goes again...." The SHINee members sighed

The Beast members dropped onto the ground laughing

" Awww. are you sure it was worth dancing up there on stage cus of me? Natalee asked

" Of course" Taemin smiled

Then out of nowhere Caitlin barged into the dorm " YOSEOB!!!!!"

" CAITLIN??!!" Yoseob cringed

" I saw SHINee at your concert on tv!!!  This is the bet you were talking about?" shouted Caitlin

Everyone turned to Yoseob " What is she talking about?"

" Well...."


" Hey you guys, apparently Caitlin is coming over" Yoseob informed the Beast members " Doo Joon can be the Dad and Hyunseung can be the mum, everyone else HIDE!!!"

Caitlin arrived at the Beast dorm " I didn't want to come, but my mum insisted since she heard about the class project"

" Would you like anything to eat?" Hyunseung asked

" Mmm, Have a seat, Yosey will be right out" said Doo Joon

" No, I'm fine" Caitlin answered " Um, may I go to the bathroom?"

" Yup sure"

Caitlin walked towards the bathroom and as she opened the door, she found Yoseob peeing and took a glimpse of know



" Is everything alright? Hyunseung and Doo Joon called out

" Yup yup everything is OKAY" Yoseob answered and pulled Caitlin into his room

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???" Caitlin yelled

" Please, don't tell anyone that I'm a guy please??, It's a bet and I have to win, I'm against an AWFUL group so please bear with me" Yoseob pleaded

" Are you mental?"

" Please?? If i dont win this bet it'll ruin my reputation" Yoseob begged

" ......... Fine....."

" You promise you won't tell anyone?"

" YES!! but this is really weird..."

" Yeah I know..... our class presentation is due tomorrow so you better not say anything"

" Okay I won't.... "

" Thank-you Caitlin"

" Um......I'm going to leave now okay..."

Caitlin ran out of the dorm without a word

" What was that all about?" Doo Joon and Hyunseung asked

" Lets say.. we had an agreement.." said Yoseob


" When you said that you were betting with an awful group you meant SHINee??!!!" Caitlin shouted " HOW COULD YOU!!! "

The Beast and SHINee member's jaws dropped

" WE SWEAR WE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS!!!" The Beast members yelled

" But you have to admit it's funny" Doo Joon laughed

" FUNNY!???!!!" The SHINee members raged

" What? you knew about this Caitlin and you didn't tell me?" Natalee sobbed


" Your Onew?" Onew smirked

" Oh.... I didn't see you there" Caitlin blushed

" Whao she's cute" Onew whispered to the SHINee members


" THOSE BLOODY HEELS" Jonghyun added

" I'M GONNA KILL YOU YOSEOB!!!" Taemin grabbed a gun and shot Yoseob in the head...

....Blood gushed out from everywhere

..........Yoseob laid there on the ground breathing with the air he still had left

..................The members gave him no mercy

..........................Yoseob died a long and painful death


You guys can determine Yoseob's fate :D


Well that's the end of my story, I hope everyone enjoyed reading <3

 To those silent readers, please tell me your thoughts, or I'm gonna have to hunt you all down O.O HAHA!!!

This story was for my awesome friend Natalie<3 I hope you loved it

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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(