Testing the theory

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

I'm soo bored in class, i am dying from boredom!! my teacher does not stop talking!!!
thanx heaps to my friend Jessie, for the encouragement on this story!!! ily <3


Taemin's POV
"I have to admit, it's fun playing dressups, i feel soo pretty tee hee, if Yoseob refused to dress up with me i honestly would of done it anyways and besides, I would've got McDonalds everyday for the whole year!!"

Yoseob POV
"Damn!! i Look soo hot!!!! If i were a guy> WHOOPS!!! i mean...i AM A GUY!! i would totally be hitting on myself right now :D wow.... i needa change out of these clothes soon, aish... I knew this would happen...."


"Okay!! time to test this theory, Yoseob!, you go and flirt with that guy over there at the clothes counter!!, and Taemin, you ask that guy for fashion tips, NOW BREAK!!" Exclaimed Onew

Yoseob turns to Onew, " YOU SAID TO TRY THE CLOTHES ON!! WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT TRYING TO PICK UP GUYS???!!! ARE YOU FORGETTING THAT I AM A GUY!!!!NO!! NO WAY!!!! Mc Donalds for a year is not worth this!!!

"Is it weird that I find this very amusing??? i'm soo lucky i have my abs" thought Gikwang

Taemin starts to regret this decision

"But...but....Onew...you didn't say anything about that!! our deal was to only trick people.... i feel soo used...." said Taemin

Onew winks, " technically you are tricking people"

Yoseob is about to walk away when Dong Woon pushes him onto the counter, the guy at the counter stares and asks " Um.. Yes?? may i help you with something???

The members of Beast and Shinee giggle silently and Yoseob panicks

Yoseob stares back at the guy and looks at his name tag, "um... hi..... (reads)Pete??? what a.....nice name???..hehe...."
Pete popped into my head I have no idea why....

Pete looks at Yoseob with a confused face

Doo Joon urges Yoseob to interact more

Yoseob whispers under his breath "oh gosh..i can't believe i'm doing this....." and turns back to Pete and with a flick of his long black hair and a cute wink says " my friend here thinks your cute!!! ( pointing to Taemin), can she have your number???"


Taemin with a shocked expression exclaims " WAIT!! WHAT JUST HAPPENED??"

While rushing away with laughter and relief, Yoseob quickly runs back into the change rooms, the men's change room this time and leaving Taemin standing there scared

Pete looks at Taemin and his eyes light up

"Why... i've never seen such beauty in my entire life!!!" exclaimed Pete

Taemin stands there terrified and shocked

Pete immediately jumps over the counter and hands over a piece of paper to Taemin and whispers in his ear "call me"

Not even a second after that terrible experience,Taemin runs to the men's change rooms crying out "EWWWWWWW!!! AHHH THIS WORLD IS CRUEL!!! YOSEOB!! WAIT FOR ME!!!"

Everyone is on the floor cracking up laughing

"this is hereby my favourite day in my whole life, i'm totally updating my status on twitter!!" exclaimed Hyungseung

"ALREADY DID!!!!" exclaims everyone else


After Yoseob and Taemin finish changing back to their own clothes, they didn't speak another word to anyone else, they were trying to forget about the whole day. An awkward silence filled the atmosphere....

Junhyung trying to hold in his laughter bursts out laughing


"What was his name??? PETE???" asked Minho

Everyone continues laughing

Hyunseung asks Taemin permission to look at the piece of paper, Dong woon, Gikwang, Doo Joon and Junhyung looks at the paper as well

Jonghyun takes the piece of paper off Hyunseung and reads " 0478 8273 12, can't wait for your call <3"

the laughing continues

"HAHA!! he even put a love heart!!! he loves you!!!" exclaimed Onew

Yoseob and Taemin agrees to take a taxi back home to avoid the laughter they'd have by the members on the ride back home


Please leave comments, i'd love to hear any thoughts or suggestions! <3

heres a gif :D



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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(