The Chicken smell

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

I'm sorry i haven't been updating, too many school assignments, i mean who gives students 3 assignments to do during the holidays ugh!!!

As usual, Yoseob And Taemin head off to school, Yoseob is looking forward to the day while Taemin wasn't
Yoseob and Taemin walked alongside eachother but Taemin sighed

'"What's wrong?" Yoseob giggled 


"Hmph... you know why" Taemin said while kicking his feet as he walked on the pavement

"Awww, don't be sad, dancing to Beautiful isn't all that bad" Yoseob laughed and walked ahead of Taemin

They heard the school bell ring and immediately ran straight to class

As the day went by it was finally english class
(A/N sorry if it's rushed)

"CLASS!!! BE QUIET" Yelled Miss Olive "I will allow you girls to spent this short period working with your partners for the project"

Natalee looked at the clock on the wall, it was a quarter to two. Natalee walked towards Taemin and informed him that it was time to go.

Natalee raised her hand "Miss Olive!!"


"Yes Natalee?" answered Miss Olive

"It's nearly 2pm and Tammy and I need to get going"

"Oh that's right, your Mum called me about it yesterday, Yes you girls can leave now" 

Normally school finishes at 3.10 pm but because Taemin had rehearsals, they needed to leave early
Natalee grabbed Taemin's arm and they both ran out of class.

As Taemin looked back, he saw Yoseob with a large grin on his face, he definitely knew what that look meant

*At the SHINee dorm

"Wow.... you live here?" Natalee said with an amazed expression

" Yup"

"What does your parents work as?" 

" Um..... lets just say they're in the entertainment business" Taemin said while smirking

The Shinee members heard keys shuffling from the other side of the door and was prepared

"Mummy I'm home!!" screamed Taemin

"OH MY DARLING!!!!! YOU'RE HOME!!" Key screamed back

Minho nudged Key " Fake much? "

Key looked at Minho with an angry expression "Hmph, my acting skills are AWESOME alright??", he turned back to Taemin and noticed Natalee "Oh my... well you must be Natalee"
(A/N Minho was dressed up as Taemin's Dad)

Natalee smiled and bowed " Yes I am, thank-you for letting me come over" 

Minho responded " It's..."

"OUR PLEASURE!!" Key interupted


Taemin had a scared look on his face

Key grabbed Natalee's hand and pulled her to the living room where she sat down

"Now tell me about yourself"

Natalee with a surprised expression talked about her life story

"Wow...I see...... fascinating.....whaooo.....ahhhh...ohhh....awwwww" Key continued

Minho turned to Taemin and sighed "This is going to be a LONG day..."

"You got that right..... wait, so Key is my Mother and you're my Father yeah?"

" Yup"

" Then where did the others go? " asked Taemin looking around the room

" We locked them in the cupboard" Minho answered


" You WHAT? " Taemin's eyes went large

" Jonghyun kept whining about how much he wanted to see Natalee, and I could see the pedoness in his eyes so there was no way I was going to let him near her"

" and Onew?"

" Well he wanted to be the Dad but obviously I was the better choice since I'm the tallest, so then we just pushed them into the cupboard and locked it"

" I see.... they're not going to be happy when they're released" Taemin laughed

" Don't worry, we put a bucket of chicken inside the cupboard for Onew, but in Jonghyun's case, we didn't really care"

Meanwhile Key kept asking Natalee questions non-stop. Taemin saw the slightly annoyed face on Natalee and decided that he should step in and rescue her

" Um.. MUM!!, I think I should take Natalee into my room so we can work on your project"


Natalee nodded

" Oh.. ALRIGHT THEN...." Key said while pouting


" It's okay Honey Bun!! you still have me!!" Minho joked " but they're sure in for a surprise"

Taemin pulled Natalee to his room


" I'm sorry Tammy but your Mum sure talks A LOT!"

" Yea... i noticed that" Taemin laughed

Natalee and Taemin continued on with their work, they took videos, wrote down some information about eachother and talked for a while

But Natalee noticed something

" Um... Natalee.... is something wrong?" Taemin asked while panicking

" I......I..... smell chicken coming from your cupboard" Natalee said while continuing to sniff


" want some chicken?"

" NO!! stop bugging me, I'm trying to listen!!!"

" Good, I wasn't gonna let you have any anyways"

" Why is it so quiet? Onew stop chewing soo loudly!!"

" Uh oh, theres a stain on Taemin's white pants, all wells" 

The chattering continued from the cupboard

Natalee looked confused " I can hear something coming from the cupboard, What is it?" 

Natalee slowly walked towards the cupboard when Taemin stopped her


" i should better clean my room later.. OH WON'T YOU LOOK AT THE TIME!!!! hehe... I guess you better get going"

" Oh.. um...okay then, I'll see you at school next week okay Tammy? I had fun today" Natalee said as she leaned in to hug Taemin

Taemin's face felt warm and he started to blush

Natalee walked out of Taemin's roomed and said goodbye to Key and Minho and left.


Taemin marched out of his room and gave a deathly stare to Key and Minho, they looked back at Taemin and gave an awkward smile

" YOU LOCKED THEM IN MY CUPBOARD??!!!!!!" Yelled Taemin furiously

" Well.... hehe....." Key and Minho were speechless

Taemin rushed back into his roomed and unlocked his cupboard. Jonghyun jumped out and gasped for air while Onew was still eating his chicken

"AIR FINALLY CLEAN AIR!!!!!" shouted Jonghyun

" Oh Hi Taemin, how'd it go?" Onew asked while munching on his crispy chicken


" Sorry Taemin but I think I left some greasy stains on your clothes"

" YOU WHAT??!!!"


Sorry about the late update but what did you guys think??

I was writing from the top of my head because I wanted to write another chapter for you guys!!

Please leave comments!! it urges me to write more <3

Also check out my friend's new fanfic <3 :   Nataliette-  First in first loved?

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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(