Informal dance

May the B2ST SHINee girl win

No school today tee hee, this is my 2nd last chapter btw so i'll finish it today  then heh

*The SHINee dorm*

*Beep beep beep* went Taemin's alarm, he reached over and pressed the button that turned his alarm off

" Wait..... I don't remember putting on an alarm... I don't even have a alarm clock.." Taemin got out of his bed and rushed out of his bedroom to find the living room full of girly things

" AH!!! Taemin!! You're awake!!" exclaimed Onew


" The Alarm clock woke me up......"

" Oh we know" Key smirked " Today is your big day and we want you to look PREETTIIFFUULLLL"

" Cordi Rue is coming later on to put on your makeup" said Minho

" What?" Taemin gasped

" Today is your dance REMEMBER!!!" Jonghyun reminded him " And I'm your hot date"

" Oh goodness me...." Taemin sighed


*knock knock*

" That must be Cordi-Rue" said Onew

" What happened to the door bell" Taemin asked

" Oh we got rid of it" Onew smiled

" Too many bad memories" Minho added


Key opened the door

" Noona!!"


" Hello Kids, Is Taemin up?"

" Yup he is!"

" Okay then lets get down to business"

Cordi Rue sat Taemin down on a pink chair

" WHAA? have we always had this pink chair?" Taemin looked worried


" Shush darling, don't interupt me"

" I feel uneasy...."


She put bright red lipstick on Taemin followed by some gloss to make his lips look shiny, then added some eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow and blush.

" Done with your face! Now the hair!"


Cordi Rue grabbed the curling iron, she tied Taemin's hair up and curled it while leaving bits of curled hair on the side and pinned a large bow on his head

" I guess we're done" Cordi Rue said excitedly " You look like a princess now"

Jonghyun's eyes lit up " Ohhhh, forget about Natalee, I may just wanna take you home tonight"

" Are you forgetting that you two live with eachother?" said Minho

" Oh I know" Jonghyun winked at Taemin


" But but... all my effort" Cordi-Rue sighed


" Oh but I did" Cordi- Rue smiled

The SHINee members looked at eachother and quickly grabbed the phone

" CALL DOO JOON'S MOBILE!!!! DO IT DO IT!!!!" Key shouted histerically

Onew dialled


*The Beast dorm*


~~ Hey Doo Joon~~ Hey Key~~ Let's go for a ride~~ Okay !~~~ I'm a Beasty girl in a Beastly world~~ Life with Key~~ It's fantastic~~Come on Key lets go party~~ ah ah ah yea~~~

The Beast members stared at Doo Joon's phone as the ringtone went off

" @%&^*&@$^$#!&*%#!*&%" Doo Joon mumbled to himself

" Umm.... Hyung.... what's up with your ring tone?" Dong Woon asked

" Yeah.. are you in a relationship with Key?" Said Junhyung

" @#%$^@@$*%&@%@*%@*!!! HOW DID HE GET A HOLD OF MY PHONE!!!??"

Hyunseung started to sing " I'm a Beasty girl, In Beastly world!!!"

Doo Joon glared at Hyunseung " Do you want to die?"


" Well you have to admit, Key does have a lovely voice" Gikwang laughed


~~ Hey Doo Joon~~ Hey Key~~ Let's go for a ri~~~~~~~~

Doo Joon picked up his mobile which cut off the ringtone

" HELLOOOO??!!!!! IS THIS KEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Doo Joon raged

" Hey Doo Joon, it's Onew"

" PUT KEY ON THE PHONE"  Demanded Doo Joon

" Um... Okay"

" Hello Doo Joon it's Key, did you want to take me for a ride?"


" Why do you need to know?? Aren't you happy that our ringtone's match now?"

" Grrrr.......... Put Onew back on"

" It's Onew speaking"

" AIshhh... tell Key I'm gonna murder him..... oh and why did you call?"

" Did Cordi-Rue come over before to do Yoseob's make-up?"

" Sadly Yes... Yoseob is sobbing in his room right now, we're trying to tell him to stop, it's ruining his make-up"


" I BLOODY LOOK LIKE BARBIE!!!!!!! HAVEN'T I ALWAYS SAID THAT I WANTED TO BE KEN??!!!! Yoseob called out from his room

" Yoseob CHILL!!!!!" Hyunseung tried cooling Yoseob down

" Well I can hear that Yoseob is going through a Diva stage" Onew stated

" I know right!!" Doo Joon laughed " Well I better go, Talk to you later"


"Okay then, good luck" Onew hung up the phone


*The SHINee dorm*

Onew giggled" Yoseob is apparently sobbing in his room, It sounds like Jurassic park over there"

Cordi-Rue gasped " OMO!! I better get calm him down!! he's gonna ruin his make-up!!"

Cordi- Rue said good-bye and rushed out of the dorm

" Okay since everything is done, put on your dress Taemin!!" The SHINee members demanded



*At the dance*

" Whaoooo"

" Tammy looks so good"


" I'm soo jealous"

" Her dress is gorgeous"


Taemin sat at a table quietly while everyone stared " Why is this happening to me?? Why is everyone staring??.... Where is Natalee??" Taemin questioned himself

Meanwhile all the girls were crowding around Jonghyun

" Girls girls, there's enough of me for everyone, since there are about one hundred of you girls, I can only dance for 1 minute with each of you, who wants to go first?"

" ME!!"

" ME!!!"

" NO MEE!!"

Taemin watched as Jonghyun danced with a different girl every minute and was wondering where Yoseob was. Taemin decided to call him

*ring ring*

" He....helllo??" Yoseob answered

" Yoseob? are you crying?"

" I..... LOOK HIDEOUS!!! ARGHHH" Yoseob sobbed


" What? So you're still at home?"


" Yeah,  and I'm not coming, SO DON'T FORCE ME!!" Yoseob hung up


" wha... okay I understand why Yoseob didn't show up but where is Natalee"

Suddenly a huge crowd formed around

" WHAOO...."


" Tammy's got some competition"

" WOW!!!"

Taemin decided to see what was going on, as he walked towards the large crowd, standing in the middle being crowded was Samantha

" Samantha?.."

And there she stood, wearing Natalee's dress

Taemin grabbed Samantha by the arm and pulled her outside

" Oh Taemin? you can't resist me can you?" Samantha smiled

" What are you doing wearing Natalee's dress?"

" What are you talking about? This dress is mine!"

" No it isn't!!! I was with Natalee when she bought that dress, and i specifically remember that it was the last one!"


Samantha said nothing

" No wonder Natalee isn't here" thought Taemin

Taemin let go of Samantha's arm and hurried away

" Where are you going Taemin!!! YOU'RE MY DATE!!!" Samantha cried

" I'm going away from you!, why would you think I'd ever stay with a witch like you?"

Samantha fell to the ground and cried

" All I wanted was for him to look at me, like the way he looks at Natalee.."

(A/N sorry, is it too cliche?)


Hi everyone, since the next chapter is the last one, I'd especially love to hear what the silent readers think of my story.

So please leave comments, any criticism is fine with me

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Keke! You unknowingly used my name (Natalee) XD Shinee & B2st two of my three fave bands! Anyway,I'mma start reading it now ^.-
haha great story^^ can't believe that SHINee had to suffer XD haha yoseob's all like caitlin really had to go open her big mouth XD
Angelxoxoluvskey #3
seobster #4
it's a really nice story! love it <3 and thank you for letting Beast win the bet kekeke devoted b2uty here <3333
Ashazeki #5
I really love it...cant stop laughing while reading it....hope u will write a comedy about yoseob...junghyun was so funny and also key....
Uhmm... I'm going to start reading now XD<br />
Can't believe I found this when is already the end *pouts*<br />
Oh well... XD
I'm at chapter 32 right now and...Key is hilarious...'dids u wanna take me for a ride?' lmfao
LOL. Nice ending.. If i was SHINee, i'll make them dress as girls twice to make up/revenge :L Thanks for writing for me and i loved it :D
B2STHart #9
Sorry but I don't think I can do a sequel... cus idk how I would continue it :(