The Dream

I Loved You, Do You Love Me?

“Dude you need to go home.” I watched the tall idiot sulk ever since Amber left, then again he was like this when the other one left too.

“Bro, you need to at least get out of this house.” I say as I plop on the sofa. He hasn’t left the house ever since Amber left. I told him to go after her, but he just said ‘No’. I think he doesn’t want to interfere, also to get his thoughts together. I saw him reading that same letter, but this time with the note as well. I heard him sigh as he collapsed on the sofa next to me.

“I know, but it seems that all the women in my life seem to leave me.” He was holding the note that Amber left.  “Even if they are 10 years old” To be honest, Kris had a point.

“In the next 5 months, we are going to be having a merger with some company in America. I’m not sure with whom” He gave a small nod.

“Kris I’m serious, I can’t keep covering your .” I say slightly frustrated.

“I know, Lu Han.” He stares at the note.

“Dude, as your best friend I have full rights to doing this.”

“What? Ouch!” I smiled and ran.

“The hell was that for.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Go to the wedding, she is your best friend, you owe it to yourself.” He gave a slight nod.

“Ok, well…I’ve got to go, got to get things for the wedding.” He didn’t move at all. Poor guy, it does seem that all the women leave him. Hey Kim, if you’re listening, can you send some sort of sign that Amber is ok.



I heard the door shut,

Hi Daddy,

First of all don’t freak out but I’ve gone to America to do something for Mummy. I’m sorry and I’ll be staying with Grandpa.

I Love You



I really hope that whatever you had to do was worth leaving me and not telling, I really so miss you Amber. I know Lu Han was right, but I couldn’t interfere, especially if it was Kim who asked. I would go to her wedding but it would be awkward if I did. I didn’t get an invite for freaking sake. I miss you too Amber. I didn’t know I was crying til I saw wet drops on the note. I look up and stare at the ceiling.

Best Friends






“Kim?” then I see her. That same beautiful face,

“I’ve missed you.” I see her smile and nod.

“You’ve been sooo brave, my love. But it’s time for your happiness again.” I’m sure my confusion seeped through my face. She just shook her head and smiled.


Kim slowly faded away, and a new figure appeared.

“Daddy?” it’s my little Amber. She rushes towards me, and I grab her in a big hug.

“I’m okay Daddy, but you really need a bath, a very long one.” She giggles, I sigh. “I’m okay Daddy, and I miss you too.” She squeezes my waist.

“Bye Daddy.” And like that she’s gone. Again

“Um hello?” A woman stands about 10 ft away from me. She has beautiful long hair, and lovely curves.

“Hello.” I  say calling to the woman. She turns and I’m stunned. She’s beautiful, stunning, absolutely amazing. 

“What’s your name?” I ask her. She says something, but it feels like everything has been placed on mute because I ask her again and she must have repeated what she said.

“I can’t hear you” I reply.

“WAKE UP!!!”



“Bro, wake up.” I opened my eyes, then realising where I was. I looked towards the voice.

“What happened? I don’t even remember falling asleep.” I say rubbing my eyes.

“Well…I came back and you were asleep.” I nod, what a crazy dream. But it felt so real. Damn, who was the girl though.

“Dude” I looked up at Lu Han, who was staring at me, expecting an answer.

“What?” I asked. He shook his head.

“I said, I’ve got something for you” He holds out the same envelope he got 5 days ago.  

“So are you gonna go?” I stare at the envelope,

To Kris Wu

That’s her horrible hand writing. I would know that had writing anywhere.

“I guess so.”


In California,

Little Amber sleeps on, just having the best dream ever. Of her hugging her Dad, telling him she was ok, and needing a bath.

While the Amber with beautiful long hair. Wakes up, having no clue as to who she was just talking to, but having the familiar voice stuck in her head, when he asked. “What’s your name?”


Sorry once again for not updating in sooo long. Here's a sorry gift from me.

Hope ya'll liked it. 

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Just finished the next chapter. This is me saying sorry for not updating in sooo long. Enjoy :)


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Are you okay?
Comeback pleaseeee...
Chapter 8: I'm just starting to read and already curious of what's gonna happen ><
Oh gosh! This is just too interesting!!
Will it be myungber or turned into krisber (again)?? -well, i hope it's krisber XD
anw, fighting!!
Chapter 8: Im waiting krisber to meet...
Just bring it on...
Its been too looonnngggg...
Chapter 7: Im cannot wait for krisber meeting each other after all this years...
Myungsoo is out of the picture for a 5 months...
Thats so freaking loooonnngggg...
With kris on the way... Many possibly could happen between krisber... With the help of our lil amber as a cupid XD

Better myungsoo comeback quickly or else... Amber will change her mind and kris stole her heart all over again..
Chapter 7: Myung is too perfect
Chapter 6: I'm seriously torn between wanting Myungber or Krisber to happen here! Also what will happen to little Amber?? Please update soon!
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Oh no I don't know where my heart should go >.< should I ship krisber or myungber? Myungsoo is just so sweet but I feel bad for kris >.<