The Bouquet of Black and Red


Note: Those who are uncomfortable with reading about gore and bloody scenes, please dont read this. I don't wish to be the reason for your nightmares. Thank you. I have warned you


His arms encircled her torso. Tightly.

That she remembered.

She remembered him lightly kissing her hair; him holding her hands, grasping it gently; the caresses on her cheeks that lingers on;

And that crisp scent of oak and mint when she hugged him.

But it's too late now. She don't have the power to rewind back time. To turn the clocks back to that day of pain, love;

And  choice.


He's gone.

And its all my fault...


That very moment, I swore I heard him;


"I am sorry to bring you into this."

But that's not what I want to hear...



Hey there readers, thanks for reading 'The bouquet of Black and Red'! :)


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