Chapter 2

The Bouquet of Black and Red

Flashback, remains as her Point of View

2 years ago; I was just a mere 15 year old, he was a year older. 

He was one of the school dark knights; Tall, dark and handsome. He had sharp eyes that pierce straight into your soul, a sharp nose that shows his aristocracy and long raven locks that only left his left eyes exposed no matter how much time his hair is being ruffled by his gang of friends.

I was just one of the girls in his class; just a classmate of his, a really insignificant one.

I had my own gang of friends too, just that we are pretty much all outcasts; with the exception of my younger sister, Hana. 

She can be with the group of girls and boys in the school. She has the looks, the attitude and personality. Not to mention the latest style.

But the only reason why she is with us is that it is our biological parent's last wish. 

When I was born into the Sung family, just my birth caused chaos, it brought this family down.

I am the cause of this downfall.

The person whom I thought was my father is not my father. The blood that flowed in my veins and artery was not his own.

I am an unwanted child.

My mother was before she was married to my father. No one managed to find that , she has no idea who it was. After all, she was drunk.

She thought that it was my supposed to be father's child since they had pre-marital . But she was wrong.

My appearance matched neither of them.

I took after the person who 'donated'  his genes to me. 

I took after the . Dark mocha skin, dark brown curls, a full figure.

My parents didn't mind that. They didn't mind the fact that I was not the fruit that they wanted.

They embraced the fact that I was not.

They are the first few who fully accepted me in the family.

My grandparents, my aunts, my uncles and cousins, they resented my presence. 

They said I was disgrace to the family, that I have to agree. So I did something stupid, I ran away from home.

For the very first time.

I remembered the looks on their face when they found me. My parents, my cousins, my friends, my relatives;

My sister.

Sung Hana. The first born of them. The true heir. Not me. She is a mix of both my parents. Dark brown eyes, fair clear skin, long luscious straight raven locks.

I am not her, and for that I am jealous.

She is everything I'm not. She had everything. She is my ultimate foe but I love her.

She is the only one who gives me attention other than my parents. 

My relatives always favour her, she is adored by every one;

Unlike me.

I am just a shadow.

No one knows I exist, except my family.


The day I ran away, it was a quiet evening. My grandparents were here. Unlike Hana, I stayed in my bedroom.


My grandparents do not want to see me, to see this ugly face of mine is bad luck, that they always say. "One day, that unholy offspring of yours will be out of this place."

I have grown to accept the fact that I will never belong to this family. That's why I left.

This dreadful place behind me. 

This dirty past of mine.

I am sick and tired of this nonsense.

The day I left was the day I felt like a load was lifted off my shoulders. I felt light like a feather.

The further I walked, away from where all my sorrows were kept, the more relief I felt coursing through my blood.

When the sky starts to darken, the stars and moon are the only light source for me. I was walking on a path to nowhere.

In a forest.

Dark green shrubs, long black silhouettes of the tall trees, a sweet scent filled the air.


I always loved roses, especially white roses. It brings me a sense of security no one has ever given to me. 

This scent surrounded me. I know for sure I was near a wild rose garden. There, I started walking aimlessly, to search for that white rose I yearned so deeply for.

But what I found was something I never really expected to find.

I did managed to find a white rose shrub, but amongst the white roses, this single rose stood out in this dark night.

With the stars and moon as the only light source, a single black rose, amongst the pure white.

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