Chapter 1

The Bouquet of Black and Red

Her pov 
I took down another man, determined to complete this mission, determined to save my friends and family
from this misery. This misery of constantly fearing for each other’s safety; 

But not mine. 

They know I am capable to save myself from any situation, they know I will do anything in my power to keep 
them safe; 

Not myself. 

They think they know me; mind and heart. But they only know my heart; 

Not my mind. 

There I stood, in the middle of what used to be a grass field, surrounded by fallen lifeless dolls. Their eyes 
were wide open, mouths agaped as crimson liquid flow freely out of their wounds and their mouths. In their 
hands, they each hold a tattered piece of a rope. 

Surrounding them is black rose petals. 

I stared at them; they used to be so carefree, so happy, and so alive. In contrast, they look like vampires. 
The flush in their cheeks, the flesh that protects their bones; gone and torn. They lay limp on the ground, 
lay in a pool of red.


I looked at the corpse around me. Each and every one of them wore the same attire, an entirely dark suit. 


This very night, the moon is full; it hung high on this very night. The sky is painted velvet red. Clouds once 
overcasted the heaven above; But that was moments ago. 


I looked down at my hands, the weapon held in them;

A red sword. 

Not just any red sword, blood is dripping from the blade of the sword, staining both the handle and my white 
dress crimson red. I felt dirty, tainted. 

My hands, tainted by the blood of theirs, tightly grasped the handle of the weapon. I am now tainted by 
blood, touched by death; 

Tainted by murder. 

This massacre is caused by me, and yet, I don’t feel regret or remorse for it. 


Earlier that day 

Their screams of pain, the blood that splashed onto the green grass this cold night excites me. That glint of 
fear in their eyes before it lost its glow of life intrigues me. 

More men surrounded me, creating a barrier that separates me from escaping this war field. In their eyes, I 
am just another prey, just another victim of this massacre. 

All my companions had scrambled away in fear, only to be brought down by hands and weapons. Heads, limbs, 
broken body part lying everywhere. Blood stained the earth beneath, the white carnations painted rose red 
from its pigment. 

This night leeched away so many lives, both my companions and my opponents. 

Surrounding me, weapons intact. Hands kept busy. In their eyes, it tells me clearly;

They know who I am, 

What I did, 

Who I was; 

They know me. 

They know this female standing before them; Past and future. 

I felt vulnerable. It is not like I had not felt this way before, but this is a new reality for me. Back in my 
school, I was always the one being picked by the vultures. 

I am scrutinize by their piercing gaze. 

They loathe me for what I did, for who I am, for my presence. 

They loathe me because I took away someone that is important to them.

They hated me because I took his life with my bare hands. 


Hey there! How are you readers? Well, I hope you like this chapter. Well, I do have more but I think it is enough for now. I did leak out quite a bit of who is going to die and all, I guess... Anyways, I am still writing this chapter. And this is kind of a new style for me since I'm writing about deaths and all. I usually am one to write about sad things but not killings... So its different and all. Do tell me how i can improve in the comments below, I will be more than happy to address them. :)

So see ya later fellow readers~!

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