The arrangement

Re-reading the last chapter (Married to... My EX!)

My heart felt pain as soon as my eyes set on him, sitting there; knees speard apart, back arched forward and hands together with this fingers tapping against each other. He looked up revealing those dark brown eyes that made me tingle and jumped on his feet. And so did everyone else. Out of everyone he stood out. Not because he is the only one my age or that he was my ex but his posture seemed nervous... just like me. He didn't keep still and his head was arched forward with this hands in his pocket. He looked embarressed not wanting to be here... he ain't the only one.  The headmaster directed me to sit next to my parents. As I passed them I gave them a 'what's going on' expression. While the head master took his chair at the top of the table with the deputy heads and school counselor at his sides, my family and Luhan's family was opposit them. 

"Now that we have eveyone is here, lets get started" He announced, directed at my pressence 

"This is not an unusual case and has been done a few times at this school but not so often with the younger students" His hands faced the younger audience in the room. 

Mrs Xi spoke first showing her authority in the room. 

"Yes, and we have reason for this but it is quite a personal one, I... I mean we would like to keep it to ourselves and the children and counselor ofcourse. But the age restriction in the UK is 16 with parent consent which Seohyun will be in a couple of months."  She placed her hand in my direction which made me jump . When Luhan and I were going out she was nice and treated me like her own daughter even though she already had two. 

"Yes Mrs Xi, we respect your privacy but we would like to know the reason for peace of mind and as this concerns one of our students, we would surley need a reason if the board of education or reporters would become involved as this has happened in the past" The deputy head has explained with a calm soft voice of knowledge and caution.  The parents looked at each other wilth me looking at them. I couldn't make out where Luhan was looking. I didn't want to face him anyways. It makes me panic. As my father Mr Seo gave a sign and cleared his throat I assumed that our parents reached a decision. 

"The reason is at the up most personal and importance. Seohyun and Luhan are decendents of two great families in Korea and China and no one cared about family and lineage more than my great grandfater and Mr Xi's great grandfather. During their time they were friends and started two seperate companies. They served in the army together in which my great grandfather left his wife, his only son and his company. With Xi's company growing powerful in China and Seo's company growing powerful in Korea they planned to combine their companies but they were traditional. They believe that merging the companies through business wasn't a strong bond therefore they wanted to merge their companies through matrimony. Unfortunately he suffered an injury and during his weakess moment our grandfathers decleared that their families shall one day join along with their companies. Not any other company and not by any other way. It became Mr Xi's great grandfather's misson to fullfill after my great grandfather died. He soon got married and were expecting a daughter to marry the son of my great grandfather but his wife gave birth to a son. Time passed and he did not fulfill the mission. On his death bed he told his son and the son of my great grandfather to continue the mission. But through time the line only bore sons until now where we have ... Seohyun and Luhan, and their age different is perfect, I believe it was fate, our great grandfathers doing" The last bit he said quietly and had a croak in his voice. His hand was placed on my shoulder and everyone's eye were set on Luhan and I with their mouthes gaping at the story. I too was shocked at this story that I have never heard before and shakened to how Luhan and I  were the ones both families were waiting for. I was confused enough to look at him to find him looking down at his hands with guilt. Wait. Did he know? He knew! 

"Oh well I see" The headmaster looked to his sides to be responded by nodds. "We will accept this marriage and will provide a counselor to help if any of your children have a problem .... oh yes and Luhan your school's headmaster have been alerted about the situation and as our schools our bonded we share the same counselor. As an older student in our college you have classes in both campus here, am I correct?" 

"...ahh yes sir" Luhan said. His voice croaked. I haven't heard it in a long while. That tearing motion happening in my chest just dug deeper. 

"Well this clears up everything. We will not intrude any further. Thankyou Mr Xi, Mrs Xi. Mr Seo, Mrs Seo.... we leave you here with your children to have a moment please excuse us"  The facilty shook our parents hands and left the room. 

"Honey, I know you are really confused but we will explain everything when you get home. We just had to deal with the school" My mother held both my hands in a panicked manner. As an obedient child I just nodded my head. 

"We have to go know, dear, bye sweetheart" My father said holding my mother's hand. My mother hugged me and they left the room saying good bye giving hugs and shook hands to the Xis'. Leaving me in the room with them. 

"I'm sorry Seohyun love but your parents will explain everything and don't worry Luhan will take good care of you" Mrs Xi hugged me and held Luhan's arm pulling him closer. Again I nodded. I was dumbstruck. The Xi's said bye leaving me in the room with Luhan. Oh no. I picked up my things while Luhan stood 60 cm away from me looking down with this hands in his pocket. I headed for the door as if Luhan was the shark and the door was shore. 

"Seo.." Luhan called but it was too late the door closed and I headed to my next class.


At lunchtime I sat with Minzy and CL. 

"I heard the headmaster took you out of class" CL asked digging information out of me 

"It's probaly a good reason, won an award? picked to do something?" Minzy announced like she knew she was right 

"No.... it's issue" I stuttered 

"is everything okay?" Minzy asked 

"Yh fine, a little frightening but it sorted itself out in the end" I assured them after all I was telling the truth. 

As my friends continued to gossip I started blankly into space re-living the 30 minutes I spent in the meeting room. Everything that was said; matrimoney, family and 'Luhan will take good care of you'. I can't tell how I feel. And I couldn't wait for school to be over so I could go home and get to the bottom of this. 


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Chapter 17: Um is it me or did I just read 2 chapters that are the same 15 & 16.?
seohan_irish #2
Chapter 15: what happen??! who is yelling?!!! thx 4 update anyway,authornim...curious..hehe >o<
loikyungsoo #3
Patiently waiting authornim ☺️
Chapter 13: Well Luhan is still MIA , Seohyun's friends are finally updated on her situation, now she's moving oh boy! I'm curious in her friends reaction. Why hasn't Luhan responded to Seohyun? Hmm.
Can't wait for the next update. Thanks!
ambai90 #5
Chapter 13: I like seohan n snsd
kinda sad soshi girls dislike seohyun...
let's seohyun moved on
Chapter 12: :( it says there is an update but nothing.
Chapter 12: No luhan is not the father right
you said Seohyun was pregnant before what happen to her baby and why she broke up with luhan???