Infinity Love - Curiosity

Infinity Love

>N7 Production<


  It was recess time. Min Ah, enthusiastic as always, exclaimed to Yura, "Come on, Yura! Our school cafeteria had been longing for us!" Her stomach growled. "Ugh. I'm so hungry."

   Yura just smiled to her. Min Ah noticed about her weird behavior today and knew that she was hiding something from her but she still waited for Yura's own willingness to tell her anything.

   As soon as they both reach the cafeteria, Min Ah grabbed Yura's hand and dragged her to the line of students queuing to take trays and the dishes provided. After they had done taking a tray of food respectively, Min Ah quickly searched for an empty table while Yura was lost in thought. She can see everything but she just can't seem to think of anything.

   Min Ah's thought was all about the empty table for her and Yura that she forgot to drag Yura along when she found the empty table. Yura's mind was all blank that she realized Min Ah's gone only a few minutes later. Yura started to panic because the cafeteria was quite big, anyone could get lost especially when it's crowded.

   Yura's eyes searched everywhere. She started to walk around the cafeteria and as soon as she saw Min Ah's worried face, she was so excited that she just want to appear right in front of Min Ah. Yura was so relief so she quickly walk towards her. She didn't see banana peel lying on the ground. Right after she stepped on it, her body was collapsing when somebody appeared at the nick of the time to catch her thus, preventing her from falling.

   It was as if the time had been stopped. Her shocked eyes stared at her savior's eyes. As soon as she saw the beautiful eyes, she was stunned once again. The eyes she will never forget. That deep look her heart would always pound at. Her heart skipped a beat when she ran her eyes to his perfect nose and lips.

   Her mind was back to reality when she heard Min Ah's voice calling her name, "Yura-sshi!"

   It was him again. Yura was very sure of it. And it was him again gently putting her down again. Min Ah quickly help Yura to gain her balance back. Her face was so concern. "Omo! Your food was scattered all over the floor!" Min Ah started to get down to pick up the mess but Yura immediately stopped her.

   "Here," he said and turned away instantly. Yura could only managed to catch a glimpse of his back because he was too fast. 

   Min Ah got up slowly and all she see was someone handing a tray of food to Yura. You both looked up. Yura definitely thought it was him but she started to doubt when she saw his hairstyle. She swore that this morning it was different! Was it truly him? Or was it someone else? But that eyes..

   Yura was too lost in her own thought that her mind only came to reality when she heard Min Ah's voice. "Kenchana? (are you okay?)"

   Yura replied with a nod. Min Ah rubbed her arm and smiled sweetly to Yura before holding her hand and brought Yura with her towards the table.


Up until end of school time, Yura stayed silent that Min Ah was getting crazy. Not that she is not use to Yura's silent behavior but she only said that when she's with acquaintances and definitely not when she's with Min Ah.

   It was Thursday. Min Ah had planned that she was going to have a sleep-over at your house. Min Ah was determined that if Yura still haven't made any conversation with her, she decided to face her and make her confess about what was bothering her.

   Right after Yura had her bath and was going to lie on her bed that Min Ah, hands on waist with demanding face looked straight to her. Yura sit up, no longer caring to lie on her bed even though she felt that day was the most tiring day she just want to sleep for the rest of her day.

   But looking at Min Ah's face, Yura knew Min Ah would do anything including strangling Yura to make her hear what she wants to say. Well, she only did that to Yura only. Min Ah raised an eyebrow to Yura. Yura knew that she needed to tell everything to her eventually. It had always been like that.  

   It was late at night that Kim Myungsoo or L, entered his dorm. He immediately went to bath and cleared his mind inside the bath tub for about an hour. He got dresses in pajamas and walked silently to the balcony.

   The view from the balcony was so beautiful especially at night. Even though their dorm was quite small, their CEO had chosen a very nice place and scenery for them to live at so that if they were too tensed with all the practices, they could enjoy the beautiful scenery from their dorm.

   Moments passed by. He was sunk in his own thought. Later then, somebody went to the balcony too. It was Lee Sungyeol. L's best friend.

   "You were home quite late," Sungyeol noted and stood beside L.

   L stayed silent. They both stared into the beautiful scenery from their dorm. Sungyeol stayed silent too. It was only a matter of time till L spilled out his problems to Sungyeol. It had always been like that. 


-To be continued-

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ah, pls update soon author...
the story is nice~
Chapter 8: awwwwhhhh please update soon eventhough this comment is so late.... kekekeke~~~
uh.. nice story ! keep updating. ^^ author.
ktothepop #4
i can imagined already she's dancing & myungsoo opens the door! HAHAHAHA ROFL!
Why is L kissing her??
If I was the fan, I would slap her already!!!
I can't wait to see Ki bum reaction
L is always acting cool<br />
But I can't!!<br />
Ahhh!!!<br />
Why KIBUM!!!!<br />
Why not L!!??<br />
@ktothepop haha no. L's going to kill Ki Bum if he knows.
saranghaedongho #9
Yay Yay.!!<br />
Update soon..
ktothepop #10
OH. MY. GOSH! Ki Bum kissed Yura? Does L know this?