Infinity Love - Another Prince?

Infinity Love

>N7 Production<


   The sky was bright that Yura woke up with the sun shining brightly at her face. Though the sky was clear and blue, Yura woke up with the same bad feeling. The miserable, the heart-throbbing feeling. Heart-sickening. Painful. A teribble and terrifying feeling she had been feeling all these weeks.

   But it was Monday. She had school today. And so she dressed up unwillingly in her school clothes. But something made her feeling slightly different. She heard her dad's voices in the dining room and also.. another person. Who was dad talking to? He could not be on the phone, didn't he? That's impossible. So Yura made her way downstairs and froze at the door to the dining room. 

   There was an ahjusshi there and also.. a boy. The ahjusshi turned around to look at Yura but the latter didn't.

   "Ah, Yura! Come and have your breakfast. Appa made these specially for our guests!" He pointed at the small plate of kimchi, rice and also a soup of vegetables. Wow. Appa rarely served kimchi in the morning. Yura bowed to the ahjusshi and he replied with a nod.

   "Aigoo.. What a good child she is, Yura came to take the only available seat, in front of the boy. She was curious though to how the boy looked like because he didn't turn around when Yura entered the dining room. 

   But Yura froze when she saw the boy's face.. He was very beautiful. But then he looked up. He smiled. Yura's eyes widened. His smile.. Yura looked down. She tried to calm her already pounding heart so hard it hurted her chest. She didn't want to remember the smile that made her heart pounds yet also the one that broke her heart. Why..  Their smile resembled so much. Yura smiled to him but looked down again almost in an instant. She did not want him to think bad of her on their first meet. From the corner of her eyes, her dad and the boy's father were still talking.

   Yura stood up. They stopped talking almost immediately. The boy looked up to Yura. He didn't smile or did anything but his expression was so soft Yura can't help but to force herself to look away. "I'm late so I better got going." Yura bowed again to the ahjusshi and also her dad.

   "Aigoo Yura, it's rude not to help the new student.." Yura's dad looked at the boy. Yura looked at him too. Damn, how can I not notice he was wearing the my school boys' uniform? "Ki Bum-a, don't be shy with our Yura. Just ask her anything you want to know, ara-chi?"

   The boy nodded. Wow, dad was already using banmal (not using honorifics) with him. Who is he? Dad looked like he already knew the boy for years. They then walked silently during their way to school. Where is Min Ah? Why can't she be here when I needed her the most. Yura checked her watch. Serves you right, Yura. You are totally late, no wonder Min Ah went ahead first. And after that.. you're going to be punish by the prefects. Worst of the worse, I may happened to meet a strict prefect today and is going to be put in detention. So great. And the fault all came from.. him.

   He looked at Yura at the exact time Yura turned to look at her. Yura flushed and looked away immediately. She could see him smiling from the corner of her eye. Oh no. Not that smile again. Yura let out a long breath. She placed her right hand at her chest to keep it calm. His eyes flickered at Yura.

   "Gwaenchanna? (are you okay)" He asked.

   Oh no. His. Voice. Honestly. Dazzled. Me. Yura abruptly started walking. Something flowed from Yura's eyes but she immediately wiped it away. Ki Bum who saw it wanted to ask right away but they had already arrived in front of the school gate. One of the prefect came near him and asked for his reason to be late.

   "Mianhe. I'm a new student here. She was asked to keep my company that's why she was late too." He pointed at Yura who already started walking as soon as the prefect let them in. Ki Bum really wanted to talk to Yura but felt that it will do no good right now. She might be late for her class too so that will cause her more trouble. Ki Bum then asked for the prefect's assistant to guide him through the school.

   The lifeless life Yura had been feeling lately had worn out Min Ah's spirit to make Yura feeling alive again. But Min Ah looked so surprised when Yura started talking about Ki Bum. Glad but also surprised about the story, Min Ah decided to pursue asking about Ki Bum. They spent the day discussing how the boy could relate with Yura's dad. Or maybe he was just a neighbor next to their house?

   During recess, Yura had avoided bumping into Ki Bum but everything didn’t go according to her plan when Ki Bum waved at her during recess. Due to his cuteness, Min Ah was already enthusiastically complimenting his features on their way back to class after Yura told her that he was the Ki Bum they were actually talking about.

    Min Ah kept talking about Ki Bum but Yura always tried to avoid the subject. And so Yura spent the day thinking for an interesting topic for her to talk about to keep Min Ah from spazzing about Ki Bum. But then Yura ran out of idea so she just let Min Ah trailed herself away.

   “Aaah, Yura, why won’t you care about the handsome and cute guys that rarely exist?” Min Ah said. They were on their way out of the school that evening.

   Yura just rolled her eyes.

   “You can just take Ki Bum and forget him you know. He’s so-“

   There stood Ki Bum. Leaning against the school wall coolly. A bright smile crossed his face when he caught Yura’s eyes. Min Ah who was not like Yura (already went into shock) understood the situation completely.

   “Ah, Yura-ah, I forgot my literature notebook in the class. You go back first. Don’t wait for me.” Min Ah quickly took action.

   Min Ah was about to ran inside the school but Yura grabbed her wrist. “No, I’ll wait for you out here.”

   “Aigoo, Yura.. Na gwaenchanna.. (I’m okay) You go ahead first. You can go with Ki Bum. I don’t want you to wait for me. I’ll catch up with you later.”

   Yura hesitantly nodded. Min Ah’s inside exclaimed but did not show it in front of Yura. Aigoo Yura.. Go have some fun.. Don’t ruin yourself just because of a guy named L. Min Ah just had a feeling that Ki Bum likes Yura. I must help him. He could help Yura forget about L and give her her happiness back. Yes, that’s what I must do.


-To be continued-

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ah, pls update soon author...
the story is nice~
Chapter 8: awwwwhhhh please update soon eventhough this comment is so late.... kekekeke~~~
uh.. nice story ! keep updating. ^^ author.
ktothepop #4
i can imagined already she's dancing & myungsoo opens the door! HAHAHAHA ROFL!
Why is L kissing her??
If I was the fan, I would slap her already!!!
I can't wait to see Ki bum reaction
L is always acting cool<br />
But I can't!!<br />
Ahhh!!!<br />
Why KIBUM!!!!<br />
Why not L!!??<br />
@ktothepop haha no. L's going to kill Ki Bum if he knows.
saranghaedongho #9
Yay Yay.!!<br />
Update soon..
ktothepop #10
OH. MY. GOSH! Ki Bum kissed Yura? Does L know this?