Part Nine

Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever

[his POV]

I could feel happiness spreading throughout me. The truth has come out and she believed me. But my happiness was cut short, just when I was going to ask her… I gasped. The barrel was pointed straight at Jessica – straight at her forehead. I pushed Jessica down while rolling away, covering her with my body. As I was moving, I felt the bullet making contact with my back. A sudden burst of pain shot through my back like a whip. I looked back, relieved that there was nothing more than a slash. “Darn, I missed.” Tae Kyung said, laughing. I saw the light shine on the barrel of the gun, highlighting something etched into it. J T K.

“Who are you?” I asked, afraid.  I think I’ve figured out who he was, but I hope I was wrong about my suspicions. “Jin Tae Kyung. Maybe you’ve heard of me?”  “The Jin Tae Kyung?” I stammered. “Is there another?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. “W-who’s Jin Tae Kyung?!” Jessica asked, confusion crossing her face. “Who’s Jin Tae Kyung?” Tae Kyung bellowed. “He’s-I’M just the most wanted serial killer in Seoul.”  “He’s known for slowly torturing people to death before taking all their money.” I murmured. “He’s also notorious for having many disguises.

“Correct, but don’t worry. Your torture won’t be too harsh – how about a game of hide and seek?” He suggested, a grin spreading across his wicked face. I knew we had to get out, fast. I staggered to my feet, pulling Jessica with me. “C’mon, we can get away if we make it to my car.” I wheezed. Hand in hand, we ran out of there as if the devil was after us. “I’ll give you a ten second head start.” I heard him call out to us while we pushed through the lofty undergrowth and debris. “Things are getting better and better.” Tae Kyung chuckled as he pulled off his beard, throwing it to the ground. He peeled back his ‘bald head’ to reveal a full set of jet black tousles. “I haven’t had this much fun in so long. Better stretch first.”

The distance between the cave and my car was extremely far.  One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Time was up. I prayed that he wouldn’t catch up. Please don’t let him. I was pulled out of my daze by Jessica’s worried tone.  “Jonghyun. What’ll we… do if …Tae Kyung…catches up to…us before we….reach the car?” Jessica asked, her breath heaving after a few words each time. “I-I don’t know.” I answered truthfully. Who was to say we were going to make it out alive, but who was to say we weren’t? No, I need to be positive. “We’re going to make it through this. We are. We have to.” “There’s still so much that I still want to do with you.” “There’s still so much I still want to say to you.” I replied, knowing the velvet blue box was hidden safe in my jean pocket.

Just then, I felt something drag down on my arm. Turning around, I saw Jessica on the floor. With a heave, I pulled her to her feet. I saw she had scraped her knee against a sharp rock. “Are you okay?”  “Neh, just a little scratch, that’s all.” She answered. We were so close to being ‘home free’.  The outline of the factory could be seen, and hope fluttered in me. Almost there.” I called back to her. We’re almost there. “Don’t forget about me.” I heard a voice behind us. My heart beat accelerated. With a burst of speed I didn’t know I still had, I dragged Jessica along. Stealing a glance by, I saw his silhouette in the distance – far, but within shooting distance.

There! I see it! The hood of my midnight black car reflected the light from the full moon shining above. "We’re practically there. Just a little farther.” I said, trying to encourage Jessica. I could sense that she wanted to just stop now by her dragging feet. Tiredness spread throughout my body, and I felt weary from the blood lost and the constant running. This wasn’t the time to give up, not when we are so close to getting away. The lush green grass turned to a rough trail of grit and pebbles, leading towards the car. We let go of each other’s hands as we were right beside my car.

“We made it!” Jessica shouted triumphantly.  “Once we make it back to Seoul, we need to contact the police.” Fumbling for the keys, I unlocked the car. The car doors on either side flew open, and we hastily sat down. With quivering hands, I inserted the car key and turned it. The car roared for a moment before going silent. “Jonghyun… Why isn’t the car starting? “I-I don’t know. Let me try again.” I answered, panicked.  I tried a few more times, hoping it was just a fluke. Jessica’s finger shakily pointed at something I had overlooked – gas. The gas tank was empty, and we had just returned to square one – trying to escape being killed. I slammed my fist against the wheel with frustration, anger, and fear. What was there left to do?  

“Jonghyun, we’re going to die!” Jessica wailed beside me, crouching into a small ball. “No, he’s not here yet, we can still get away.” “Where can we go? I’m too tired to go running into town.” “There’s still hope.” “What hope? We’re doomed, we might as well say goodbye now.” She replied, defeat evident in her voice. “No, it’s not our time yet. I think I have an idea.” “Oh? What is it?” She asked, sitting up straight. “We’ll play hide and seek, just like he wanted.” Jessica looked at me like I had just suggested the idea that we fly away on a pig-drawn carriage. “Listen, here’s the plan.”



[her POV]

“…then we go around the back, got it?” He said while we were dashing towards the warehouses. I nodded; my heart’s racing and my adrenaline pumping. Jonghyun had given back my red heels, and I was thankful because the welts on my feet were extremely painful.  I stole a glance back to see…nothing. “Where’d he go?” I asked, confused and apprehensive.  I felt scared, not knowing where my enemy could be. Where he was lurking, and when he'd pop out of nowhere like the first couple of times. I felt a tug on my hand, and I saw Jonghyun’s eyes gaze into mine.“It’s going to be okay. It really is.”And for a moment, I believed him. 

“There’s an entrance!” I exclaimed, pointing to a faded grey door. We quickly scrambled towards it, knowing that Tae Kyung could be here at any given moment.  “Ugh, it won’t budge.” Jonghyun huffed, trying to push open the door with all his strength. “Now what?” I asked, biting my lower lip. “The door is definitely rusty,” he said, pointing at the brown edges on the hinges of the door.  “Maybe if we both ram into the wall with our combined strength, it’ll break down the door.” He suggested. I nodded, agreeing that would be our best choice at this point. “Wait!” He looked at me with a baffled look, silently saying that we’re wasting precious time. “We can’t ram it.” “Why not?” He raised an eyebrow. “Y-your arm.” I gently laid a hand on it, and stared into his eyes, willing him to not do it. “Alright, alright." He let out a sigh, and scratched his head while thinking of another way inside. After a few moments, he said, "I have another idea. On three, we’ll kick it.” Jonghyun instructed.

We both moved a little distance away from the door. The momentum from running from our current location to the door will make it easier to break down.  I moved my body into a running position, as if I was about to run a marathon. “Hana.” I took a deep breath, getting ready. “Tul.” “Set.” As he said that, I bolted towards the iron door. Then, we both kicked it with full force. I bounced off the door, and fell down, my hands fell back against the rough ashpalt to soften the blow. There was a dent in the door, but other than that, it didn’t budge. Jonghyun staggered to his feet, and extended his hand to help me up. I gripped his large, firm hands as he said, “Okay, let’s try that again. We’ll surely knock it down after a couple of more tries.” I nodded in agreement. We can do this.


The door came crashing down, and Jonghyun and I shared a triumph smile. I peered into the gloomy darkness and noticed a large mountain of crates lined up where the door used to be. So that’s why it was so difficult to knock down. I thought as I walked in. The crates blocked out the rest of the warehouse and the only way would be to climb up the mountain. I stared up in horror in realization that what goes up, must come down. “It’s not that bad Jessica.” Jonghyun said gently, as if he could read my thoughts. I froze, and I shook my head. “I can’t do it. I just can’t.” I whispered, tears in my eyes. My fear of heights could really be troublesome at times. “Don’t worry, I’m here.” Jonghyun’s arms wrapped around me and I hugged him back. “You went on The Bat at that amusement park, and you didn’t die.” He reasoned, rubbing my back with his good hand. “I know.” I replied. But this time was different; we were running from a crazed criminal and not for the entertainment of almost dying. I could feel his steady heartbeat through his thin dress shirt which helped me to calm down. After a few moments of taking deep breaths, I pulled away and reluctantly nodded. Jonghyun understood and together, we clambered over the crates. It felt like that one time we went wall climbing at that gym and I'd barely gone a meter up before the instructor had to get me down. Not this time. I’ll do it.

We reached the top of the crates and slowly began to edge our way towards the bottom. Jonghyun leapt down first, his knees bending when he landed to absorb the shock of falling at such a high altitude. I reached the same place where Jonghyun had jumped down and knew I too had to jump. There were no more leg holds to allow me to climb down. I gulped; the distance from the top to the ground was extremely far. My vision blurred for a second, and I had to shake my head to refocus. “Don’t worry! I’m here! Just fall into my arms.” He opened his arms, showing me that he really would catch me. My whole body shook like a leaf barely clinging onto the tree as the wind tries to pull it off its hold during the windy autumn days. My body was tense, but I just closed my eyes and jumped. The air whooshed around me, and it felt like I was falling for such a long one before I felt the strong hold of Jonghyun’s toned arms. He grunted from the my weight, but managed a smiled and said, “See? That wasn’t so bad was it?” “Never again.” I solemnly replied, and he laughed.

We quickly scanned the room and it seemed like it hadn’t been used in a long time. “Let’s split up for now and see what we can find.” He suggested and then left before I could agree. I went in the opposite direction and scoped out a strange, large box with a red x painted onto one of the sides. Curious, I strolled up to it. The lid wasn’t completely on top, and a tiny crevice allowed me to take a glimpse into the contents of the box. Pitch black darkness stared back at me. With a heave, the lid easily slid off and clattered onto the barren floor noisily. The moonlight that filtered through the sunroof sent a glint off something inside. I squinted and realized that this whole box was filled with daggers. I backed away from the box as if it was filled with poisonous snakes. Knives wouldn’t exactly be considered useful for a bumbling idiot like me.


I wandered farther into the recessives of the warehouse and found a storage area that resembled high school lockers. Out of the five lined neatly along the wall, there was one in particular that stood out among the rest. It was painted a vibrant electric blue while the rest were a dull red with the paint peeling off. There was a sticky note stuck on the blue locker, and I plucked it off. ‘BEWARE: The contents inside this locker aren’t meant for those outside of the BCA.’ What does BCA mean? I pondered, and without giving it much thought, I threw open the locker door. What I saw sent shivers crawling up my spine. It was a little boy who looked so small and delicate, with the angelic face. Maybe 14?  He was gagged, and his wrists and ankles were bounded by rope. The areas tied by the ropes were lined with his blood from probably trying to break free of them. He had a black eye and looked injured. His milky white skin was filled with sudden bursts of purple and yellow bruises healing. I leaned into him to get a closer look. When I was mere inches from his face, he opened his eyes which caught me off guard. I stumbled back a bit, startled. “A-annaseyo…” I greeted, afraid. "Are you okay?" My hand reached out to him. I involuntarily let out a bloodcurdling scream as the boy launched himself on top of me, knocking me to the ground. 


Author's Note

I'm sorry if you guys didn't like how short the inital chapters were. I just didn't want to put too much, and then have to write a lot more. I just like to post frequently ... which if you guys haven't noticed, isn't happening as often as it used to. The chapters from chapter 9 to the end will all be long-ish, or at least longer than the first couple chapters. Also, do you guys prefer longer chapters but longer waiting time, or frequent chapters but are short? Enjoy this long-ish (longer than usual) chapter as I won't be updating for a couple of weeks. >_< 

♥ s w e e t s u r r e n d e r

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update soon ! ^~^
Annalise93 #2
it's so good...i can't believe jessica overreacted at first lol..please update :)
sweetsurrender #3
Update is coming ASAP !<br />
I want to thank all my subscribers for their support !<br />
Kamsamnida ~
Emily239 #4
Update please. Love it soooooooo much. Hwaiting :)
sweetsurrender #5
awh.<br />
Thank you so much for your support! ♥
Gosh. This is so nice! I love your fanfic. Kamsahamida~
sweetsurrender #7
oh thank you ! ^^<br />
I'm glad you're enjoying it.<br />
at last i have time to read this -.-<br />
i read the 1st chapter and fall in love but i had so many hw that i have to push this story till today love subscribed can't wait for next chapter