Part Four

Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever

[his POV]

The car swerved as I barely dodged a bright yellow vehicle. The driver gave me the finger, and I just let it pass. “Destination on the left.”  The monotone voice of my GPS announched. Dong Yu Bar’s neon side was clearly in need of a new one. Some of the letters had faded leaving it read as Do-u-r. I pulled off my seatbelt, and ran towards the entrance of the bar. I whipped open the door and my eyes darted throughout the tiny room. The dim lights made it hard to see, so I stepped into the dingy bar. Jazz music played in the background combined with laughter and the clink of glasses. My eyes soon adjusted to the dark room, and I peered around the room. There was a couple making out in a booth in a corner, but she had brown hair, not blonde. Thank god. A few people were sitting at the actual bar, and a lady with auburn hair and a glimmering midnight blue dress looked wasted. There was an array of men playing poker, but other than that, nothing.

“Have you seen a girl about my height with bare feet? Oh, and long blonde hair?” “No I haven’t.” The bar tender replied as he cleaned a glass mug with a old rag. “Are you sure?” I asked. “I would remember a girl with blonde hair and no shoes. Trust me, she wasn’t here.” He solemnly said.  ”Thanks anyway.” I said before I felt a tug on my sleeve. I whipped my head around and saw it was the auburn haired girl. Makeup piled on her face made her look like a clown. Not to mention, black lines ran down her face. most probably where her mascara smeared when she was crying. "Want to have a drink with me handsome?" The line however was slurred and I had difficulty understanding her. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around my torso, and leaned on me. "C'mon." She said, stretching the word out. "I don't have time for this!" I snapped before I stormed out of the bar. I kicked a garbage can in frustration. A rather stout man with a large beer belly immerged from behind it. Wisps of smoke wrapped around him like snakes as he took a long drag of his cigarette.  He shot an evil glare at me. “Sorry.” I apologized. I looked at the back alley behind the bar, but there was only the one man. Where was Jessica then? This was the right location.

I looked around, searching for any signs that she was here. There were strange red prints on the floor and as I went to examine them, I realized it was Jessica’s bloody footsteps. “Are you looking for a blondie?” The man asked. “What do you know?” I demanded. “It depends on what you’re willing to give up.” 

[her POV]

I just couldn't get away from him, and my legs were screaming at me to stop while my brain was telling me to get away. My bangs were plastered to my sweat covered forehead, and I couldn't be bothered to fix it like I'd normally do. My hand was throbbing from punching Tae Kyung, and I was growing weary. I glanced behind me, and was semi-relieved that there wasn't a trail of blood behind me. I can’t go on. My breath came out ragged and uneven. This couldn't be the end. I can't die yet, there's so much I haven't done, so much I haven't said.

A boom sounded and I felt a sharp object graze my cheek. I put my hand to my cheek. My fingers were red and moist. Blood was seeping from the cut. A trickle of blood fell down my cheek, and I quickly swipped it again. Tae Kyung had fired another bullet. I knew I had to try to hide if I wanted to live. Without realizing it, I had ran out of town into a more secluded area. The commercial buildings and houses disappeared from sight and were replaced with looming factories and grassy plains. After running through the tall grass, I stumbled upon something. I had found a tiny cave where I stopped to catch my breath. 

I sank down to the sandy floor, and fought against the thought of just giving myself up to this psycho maniac killer. I had already lost the person I cared most about in the world as well as my best friend. I didn’t have anything left, so why not end it? I shook my head at this ridiculous thought. No, I had to fight to survive. I pumped my fist in the air as I cheered, “Hwaiting!”An object sank into the sand when I raised my hand. I picked it up, it was my phone! I had forgotten about it as I was running from that madman. I flipped open the lid, and dialed his number. I was in desperate need of a someone strong who could get me out of here safely. 

“Yeboseyo? Jonghyun?” I struggled to breathe. I paused, waiting eagerly to hear Jonghyun's voice, waiting for him to assure me that he'd be here soon. Waiting for him to come get me away from the psycho who wanted to kill me. But he didn't tell me any of those things, he didn't tell me anything as I heard nothing but static.  Frustrated, I banged the back of my head against the stone wall of the small cave. An echo sounded, and I put my head into my hands. What else could go wrong? 

Crunch crunch.

I could hear the fumbling footsteps of Tae Kyung stepping on crisp leaves. I looked up, and I held my breath. "Come out come out wherever you are~" He cooed. The footsteps were drawing closer to the cave. He came closer and closer and closer. My heart was beating a thousand times per minute, and I was struggling not to start hyperventilating. I glanced out to see he was in a few feet distance of my hiding spot. My hand slid back across the rough floor, trying to go deeper into the cave. My hand pressed onto my phone, but I paid it no mind. I blinked my eyes shut and wished he would pass by. Please god, let him not find me! The footsteps faded away, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"THAT WRENCH HURT ME! NOW YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR IT!" A rugged voice echoed throughout the cave followed by a clang and a yowl. I spun around wildly, trying to locate the owner of the voice. “Don’t you ever call my Jessica that again!" A familiar voice chimed in after. It was his voice, Jonghyun's voice; the voice I'd been longing to hear.I found the source of the sound, my phone. Someone else found the source of the sound too.

Tae Kyung had found me.

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update soon ! ^~^
Annalise93 #2
it's so good...i can't believe jessica overreacted at first lol..please update :)
sweetsurrender #3
Update is coming ASAP !<br />
I want to thank all my subscribers for their support !<br />
Kamsamnida ~
Emily239 #4
Update please. Love it soooooooo much. Hwaiting :)
sweetsurrender #5
awh.<br />
Thank you so much for your support! ♥
Gosh. This is so nice! I love your fanfic. Kamsahamida~
sweetsurrender #7
oh thank you ! ^^<br />
I'm glad you're enjoying it.<br />
at last i have time to read this -.-<br />
i read the 1st chapter and fall in love but i had so many hw that i have to push this story till today love subscribed can't wait for next chapter