Part Eight

Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever

[her POV]

I did it. I had actually pulled the trigger. Tae Kyung looked at me with hatred blazing in his eyes before he fell over. I could see the blood gushing out from his foreleg. Oh god, that's a lot of blood. My eyes widen, was this the right thing to do? “Of course it was. Number one rule to survival: kill or be killed.” A voice in my mind whispered. Would he die? Was the wound fatal? Had I just taken a life? Am I murderer? These thoughts that popped into my mind were too overwhelming.

My legs gave out underneath me and I fell to the ground. I tossed the gun aside – it felt filthy. I felt filthy. The waterworks started before I could stop them. I gave in to it – will God forgive me for hurting another human being?  The wave of guilt swarm over me, flooding me nothing but remorse. Even if Tae Kyung was trying to kill me, this wasn't the way to solve my problem. " But it was the only way." The annoying voice said. Confusion, frustration, and fatigue took over my body and I just couldn't hold back any of the tears from this emotional day. Warm, strong hands wrapped around me. I could feel his muscles inside his jacket, the smell of his cologne ‘Night Rider’.  It comforted me while I listened to him whisper words of everything being all right. But was it really?  My sobbing soon subsided to mere hiccups. I gazed into his big, round eyes. “You found me.” I whispered, my finger trailing on the cut on his face. He shifted and I heard him wince. My eyes drifted to his left arm. OMO!

My eyes widened, “What happened?!”  “I got into a little fight. Ahaha, you know, a guy thing.” He smiled and laughed. “Yah! This isn’t a joke!” I said, worried.  I propped myself with my elbows, examining the gash. My fingers glided across his arm, tracing the massive cut.  It started at his shoulder and ended about an inch above his elbow. “You need to see a doctor!” I cried.  This could be serious, and staying here wasn’t going to help anyone. “Don’t worry I’m fine. I just glad you’re okay.”  I opened my mouth to argue, but thought better of it. There was no use trying to persuade Jonghyun after he had made a decision.  Oh, I know what would help.

I slid off his lap. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my silk white handkerchief. Using my teeth, I tore it into tiny strips. “What are you doing?” Jonghyun asked, puzzled. “Just hold still.”  I began to tie it around his arm quickly while being careful to not touch his wound. Once done, I tied a knot to hold it together. “All done.” “Thanks honey.” He flashed a radiant smile at me. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about what happened.” I said, remembering the pain I had felt only a little while ago. “Just listen for a sec. It’s not like what it looked like. I was proposing to Hyorin because I was practicing for when I was going to propose to you.”  He stared at me with his big, round, puppy dog eyes that were filled with sincerity. My mouth gaped open, “Chinja? I-I didn’t know…” I hung my head, guilty. I should have listened to him when he said it wasn’t like that. “It’s okay.” He ruffled my hair, causing it to become tangled and messy. “Aigoo!” I pouted, sliding my fingers through my hair. “Mianhe.” I apologized, throwing my arms around his neck. “It’s okay baby.” He said, hugging me back. “So Jessica –“ Another voice cut Jonghyun off before he could finish.  We both turned our heads to see Tae Kyung had gotten to his feet. “Aw, what a happy reunion. Too bad it ends here.” I saw his finger on the trigger – he pulled it.


Author Note 

I hope you guys enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy writing it. With all the school work [three projects] keeping me occupied, there's no time left for writing fanfic. ; ____; I promise I'll update as often as I can, which would probably once a week. The story is also nearing the end if any of you are wondering. I'm still a bit puzzled on how to end it exactly, I have an outlne, but not an actual ending. Wish me luck everyone ~ P.S. I'm thinking of joining chapter six & seven to make one chapter, so it'd become chapter six, and chapter eight would be chapter seven. Should I do that? Or just leave it? 

s w e e t s u r r e n d e r 

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update soon ! ^~^
Annalise93 #2
it's so good...i can't believe jessica overreacted at first lol..please update :)
sweetsurrender #3
Update is coming ASAP !<br />
I want to thank all my subscribers for their support !<br />
Kamsamnida ~
Emily239 #4
Update please. Love it soooooooo much. Hwaiting :)
sweetsurrender #5
awh.<br />
Thank you so much for your support! ♥
Gosh. This is so nice! I love your fanfic. Kamsahamida~
sweetsurrender #7
oh thank you ! ^^<br />
I'm glad you're enjoying it.<br />
at last i have time to read this -.-<br />
i read the 1st chapter and fall in love but i had so many hw that i have to push this story till today love subscribed can't wait for next chapter