Chapter five.

Bangtan In Love

We reached my house in an awkward walk from the cafeteria. The whole situation was awkward. Like this boys from my new class that i've knew for like five or six weeks is now coming to my house, the only place I feel save in this country to help me with my minimal history in' weird. We sat on the ground because the desk wouldn't fit both of us an i got my history books. It turned out he really is good. He told me all the dates I had to remember for the test and i wrote them down then told me the material like a story and made it actually interesting and easy to understand so I remembered it all. The exam included a test and an essay so he told me to write one now and just write what i remember tomorrow. When i started writing he helped me and corrected my mistakes. 
I was here helping her for a few hours now. We were still in our school uniforms .. Her legs are so long like damn.. She sat there writing and I was here thinking why is she the only who doesn't fall in my feet. It was so weird. I was the maknae of the school'a kingkas and I was maybe the most famous one but she ...all she did was nag me and not want to talk me most of the time. She talked mostly to J Hope and sometimes to the leader i don't understand her. Maybe i should make a move? I moved and sat next to her pretending to look at her essay. I moved closer.. I slowly moved my hand touching her thigh and got closer to her neck. She wasn't even reacting, i guessed she liked it. 'So you are just playing tuff, huh?' I thought. I smirked and was just going to kiss her neck when i felt a sharp and painful pain on my right cheek. She just slapped me.. I looked really shocked. My eyes met hers while was holding my red cheek, showing the obvious shock that I felt. "What the was that for?! I thought you liked it." even my voice was trembling..
 "Look now scumbag! I am not even close to those girls who are ready to jump in bed with you just because you are a kingka! I am not interested in how famous you are, how handsome and cool you think you are and your fake player personality, this stuff ain't going to work on me. So okay player boy, If you wanna play let's play a game" she almost shouted but she sounded so sure of herself..what game .. What did she mean..I felt my cheek getting red, I felt embarassed and she was really mad and she was right I wasnt used to this kind of reactions from a girl 
 "And by game you mean?"
 -HER P.O.V-
 I was so mad the words were coming by them selfs. I hate guys like him. They are used to using the girls, having them do what they want. Well I'm sorry Jung Kook I'm not that kind of a girl. I sighed trying to calm my self down and behave properly.  Hmm so you wanna play huh okay I can play. I can win too. "A game. Let's talk sweet, let's play fight let's talk 24/7, let's tell each other good morning and goodnight everyday. Let's have walks together, give each other nicknames and go on dates. Let's talk on the phone all night long. Let's hug and cuddle and hold each other's hands and whoever falls in love first? Loses."
-HIS P. O. V.-
Did she really just say that? Wow that girl is..amazing..but not that amazing she is just a girl afterall once she kiss me she will be all over me and she is going to lose her own game. No, its not that..SHe is obviously smart and is not going to give herself to me so easily I have to make her fall in love with me with something more.
"So what do you think?" she broke my thoughts with her cold and obviouslt irritated voice. I nodded because I wasn't really sure whats the best answer here to show her that I will do it. I was actually kinda confident with that. There was no way she could resist me.  I got up and left. Tommorow was going to be interesting..

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I will try soon. I just started school and I dont have much time :( I will try my best!
BangtansFam #2
Chapter 6: *GASP*
So a date with Jungkook after school? Awesome XD
And about the dancing team.... How about joining the school's singing team too?!
Wow... Then that'd be super awesome **eyes start shining like frick**
ChoSaku_ #3
Chapter 6: Update plzzzz~~~
yasmin_yeol #4
Chapter 6: Update soon pleasee
ChoSaku_ #5
Chapter 5: OMG! WOW i cant wait for the game to begins!!! ><
BangtansFam #6
update soon, I really enjoyed reading your story...
until I went back to the foreword, and found out that your last chapter was updated around a month ago o.O
please update soon, it really hooks readers and the contents really good
I hope you can update this as soon you can get any ideas of how to continue the next chapter
BAOZItics #7
Chapter 3: wow ~ awesome :D
Just before reading your story, I began to write fiction about a BTS or they were kingkas ~ T3T
BAOZItics #8
Chapter 2: I like this story ! :D Update please ! :D