Chapter one.

Bangtan In Love

You were finally getting out of your small and boring country at the age of 16. Oh the life there was killing you since you became a teenager. You didn't have many friends but you had two three you could talk to from time to time. But they weren't that important so you wouldn't miss them after you went abroad. Not anywhere else but to Korea. Your parents decided you should go there because they had family members living in Seoul. You were going to live in a dorm near your future school and they were going to check up on you from time to time.


The alarm clock killed me. ' Why did I hacve to get up so early?' I asked myself and then remebered-school. First day. One of the many downsides was that the school year has already started and all the new classmated already got to know eachother, groups were already formed, thought not that you would be in any group even if I were there from the beginning of the year. Why? Because Im so ing antisocial. Even when boys have tried to flirt with me I wpuld just stare at them poker faced, not even caring. The truth is that I have never had a big interest in a boy. No one has me intrigued. The boys where I lived were too boring anyway. The were all the same.


I got up and took a fast shower, I brushed my teeth and hair. I put on my make up, like always only eye liner and straightened my hair. I act like I don't care about people's opnion but honestly I would like to make good impretion atleast for my looks.

''Alright! It's time for me to meet new people and try not to scare them!'' I said and put my fist in the air.


Aaah, Seoul arts academy you're finally here. Five minutes had passed as you crossed the school gates and people are already watching you strangely. You runned a hand through your hair, smoothing it nerviously all this glances on you were killing your confidence. 'Will you all stop looking at me already!' you screamed in your mind trying to avoid any eye contact. Heading towards the teachers's office so you can have your program. You knocked the big woodened door and opened it slightly. The door made a loud noise and everyone inside the room looked at you. You felt uncomfortable again and shrugged your sholders. "Um miyane, Im the new student Park Ji Yah and Im here to get my program." you bowed politely to all the teachers.A very charming lady, maximum 30 years old came to you and smiled greeting you with a small bow. "Ah welcome Ji Yah ssi. I was expecting you." 

You talked with the nice lady for about 10 minutes. She discussed with you your program and told you about your dance classes. She also told you to buy a uniform and that today was the last day you could come without it. She escorted you out of the teachers room and stopped some random boy. "Ah, Kin Nam Joon can you this lady to her next class. She is your new classmate thank care of her." she said to him and smiled as if the boy had no choice. 'God this woman is more beautiful than most of the girls in this school!' you thought to yourself. It kinda made you feel awkward.


"Yes miss." he bowed and started walking ahead of me. After few second I realised I should follow him. "So what's your name, new classmate? " I introduced myself with the most calmed voice while not even making eye contact. He nodded and continued walking in an awkward silence. Well awkward for me, he didn;t seem bothered. 'What a serious guy ..'i thought to myself. We reached our location and he opened history's class door. Nam Joon enetered and I followed him like a little scared puppy. The whole class's eyes were on me. The boy got on infront of the board and hit it with a hand as strong as possible. The strong noise made the class look at him. "This is our new classmate. She's not from here. Treat her well ! '' he then nodded to me, giving me a sign to introduce myself.
I bowed awkwardly and looked the students "Im Park Ji Yah, sixteen years old and Im a dancer."

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I will try soon. I just started school and I dont have much time :( I will try my best!
BangtansFam #2
Chapter 6: *GASP*
So a date with Jungkook after school? Awesome XD
And about the dancing team.... How about joining the school's singing team too?!
Wow... Then that'd be super awesome **eyes start shining like frick**
ChoSaku_ #3
Chapter 6: Update plzzzz~~~
yasmin_yeol #4
Chapter 6: Update soon pleasee
ChoSaku_ #5
Chapter 5: OMG! WOW i cant wait for the game to begins!!! ><
BangtansFam #6
update soon, I really enjoyed reading your story...
until I went back to the foreword, and found out that your last chapter was updated around a month ago o.O
please update soon, it really hooks readers and the contents really good
I hope you can update this as soon you can get any ideas of how to continue the next chapter
BAOZItics #7
Chapter 3: wow ~ awesome :D
Just before reading your story, I began to write fiction about a BTS or they were kingkas ~ T3T
BAOZItics #8
Chapter 2: I like this story ! :D Update please ! :D