Secret Initial

Prediction of Destiny
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Sehun’s small feet padded on the hallway, making a turn towards his grandfather’s study –which the old man warns him to never set foot in the room. Upon reaching the restricted area, Sehun giggled as he never felt this rebellious before.

His grandfather forbid him from eating another ice cream after dinner, telling him that sweets won’t do him any good. And as means to prove him wrong, little Sehun turned into a bratty monster and ran off the dining hall and locked himself in his room. It was only in late night that the idea to rebel struck him.

Here he stands, brown eyes staring at the doorknob. He was only eight –curios and mischievous. Sehun shakily rummaged his pocket, careful not to let the keys rattle between his small fingers. His head swept right and left, as if he’s trying to steal a precious gem that lies within the study room.

He slowly insert the key in, turning it with cautious. A click was heard, echoed around the silent hallway. Sehun smiled sheepishly and start his attempt to enter the room. He started to push the wooden door open, only to flinch hard when he felt a large hand that jerk him backwards.

“I’ve warn you, Sehun!” His grandfather grumbled. “Get back in your room and sleep, boy!” He dragged the boy back into his room, retrieving the keys back in his hand. Sehun watched the set of keys clutched hard in the old man’s fists, wondering the secrecy behind it.

And that was the only memory he could think of as his thirteen year old self sat on the plush seating of the study room. Though his grandfather appear rough around him, he knew they were the act of tough love. The old man was tender, even if his shell was hard as a rock.

Sehun found himself mourning on the seats, remembering how much his late grandfather spends his time in the room. In his sick bed, his grandfather granted him full property of the house, knowing that his time was close. Sehun was there, clutching on the old man’s hand because he was the only family he had left.

Just as his grandfather exhaled his last breath, Sehun knew it was the last of him before he sleeps in eternal slumber. It took him a lot of patience before he broke down, shaking his grandfather back to life even if he understands that the dead can never be brought back to life.

From the pulling of the nurses, Sehun finally stopped trashing his body before he learn that he will have to face the world alone. Nothing was left except an old house in a remote peaceful town and an old set of keys. It was then he realized, he was no longer important.

What a harsh truth it is to discover that Sehun worth more than he ever think. And in his almost eighteen body, Sehun was seated back in the mourning seat. Before, he was upset and lost. But that was years ago, when he started to pick up life and lock the study room away for good.

Legs crossed and resting on top of a low coffee table, Sehun lean back and breathed hard. The amount of dust around the room tickles his nostrils, making him sneeze a few. But that didn’t matter. He wanted to understand the secrecy of the room.

He remembered one of those days, where angers consume his thirteen year old body. Younger version of Sehun was searching for clues –anything to keep him distracted. The lost boy was throwing the neatly arranged books out of its shelves, papers on the desk were torn as it is a useless hint.

He was mad, screaming in frustration as he let tears roll down his cheeks. What could his grandfather hide? The secrecy drove him to the edge, keeping his sanity away. The set of keys rattle when he slump heavily on the seats. His eyes caught an old and petite embroidered jewelry chest.

Sehun immediately reach for it, placing it on his lap. He took the keys, trying each one until one of it fits. And when it does, it refuse to reveal the inside. Sehun examined it carefully, eyes narrowed to understand the mechanism. What lies with the lock is a circular dent around it. It could probably means that the chest require two keys to make it open.

But what kind of key is it? The ends must be somewhat circular. It was rare. No keys he encountered have that kind of design. Unless his grandfather hid it within the room or took it in his grave. Surely the idea of digging the old man’s grave is outrageous, therefore he let it slide.

Once again leaving the study room locked, taking the chest out and place it on a desk in his room. Years of abandonment, collecting dusts which lessen the shine of the embroidered chest, Sehun forgot its existence.

Not until this very day. Sehun took the chest back in his lap, studying the chest once again. He shakes it, slowly then hard. Nothing was heard except a soft rustle, probably letters containing important information. But what is it? Will of more fortune? The rights to took over the company? Or an old and crumpled folds of letters?

It couldn’t be true. Before him, lied on the study desk, are documents of his rights and fortune in hand. Personal letters are out of question, because his late grandfather is a man who keeps his journal safe in a black book. Sehun found it within the shelves, read every word of it and toss it aside as soon as he reads that it was the tale of the old man’s budding romance with his wife.

Sehun narrowed his eyes, caught the sight of the mysterious circular dent again. It took him couple of hours before he gave up and strut out of the study room, working his life back as he did before. Abandoning the past, live with the present and prepare for the future.



Sunlight reflect in the eyes of Park Chanyeol, narrowing his open eyelids to block out the extra light. Baekhyun left his scattered belongings on their table before he make a run to the toilet. Weeks passed since their terrible argument, which leads to more than shouting and bantering of curses. Chanyeol earned himself a bruise on his back and a muscle pain in his left calf while Baekhyun received a good punch in the jawline from his giant hands.

Their friendship was violent even before then. But this was as much as he could do to fix it. Baekhyun’s betrayal no longer concern him. The physical beating was enough to settle their anger. And he found himself prodding Kyungsoo’s folded arms, lies above it is his sleeping head.

The trio decided to catch up on assignments and revisions, prior to their incoming exam week. The library was the best location to keep them out of any distraction. And it was quite rare to encounter Kyungsoo sleeping.

“Kyung, wake up. Everyone is glaring at you right now!” he whispered. Chanyeol once again poke the snoring male, but this time on his temple. “I’ll kiss you in any moment now unless–“

Kyungsoo groaned and glare at his boyfriend with his tired eyes. He straightened his body and lazily set his unwritten assignment before him. Chanyeol heard him mutter, “Baekhyun would want that more than anything though.”

And right on cue, Baekhyun reappear and sat next to Chanyeol. His face was clueless, not picking up the tension between the couple. “What do I miss?” he asked before the others dismissed him and went on with their work.

A torturing and long twenty minutes passed before Chanyeol whisper again, saying “Baek, clean up your space. You’re getting in my last nerve.”

Baekhyun shot him a look and start to push his stuff in his place. He was doing it hastily, shoving it rather harsh on his space and that was when the object responsible for Chanyeol’s narrowing eyes appear. Of course, it was the cliché and corny ring that he obtain from a pretty boy back in the café. How could he forget?

Baekhyun meant to return it but there was no luck to encounter the blonde male, even if he came by the café almost every day. It was that one afternoon when he nurses his injured face, flipping the pages of a magazine that belonged to his sister, that he stumble an article about the blonde boy.

Luhan was smiling in his suit as his mother cling

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[15/07/15] POD Chapter 15. Sorry that it takes a while to update! ♥


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boldted #1
Chapter 16: I agree with some other readers, Luhan should be there if Sehun is opening that chest!
CrazyShoe #2
Chapter 15: Can not wait for your next update
Chapter 16: sehun you're not allowed to open the chest without luhan beside you okay
Neverlander1997 #4
Chapter 15: +++

¤ luhan has a plan to i don't know destroy sehun but i don't understand why- if it's to redeem his family status than okay but he's confusing lmao. his dream implies that he somehow longs for a sense of security that perhaps sehun can give him. but as mentioned he has a cold world and wants to try to fix him. i'm not entirely sure if his nightmares we're happening waay before the story started so it's hard to say if the nightmares were meant to trigger something more
¤ sehun being a love clairvoyant is a bit of a mystery - was it something given through his genetics or something he gained out of the ordinary? he probably can't draw his own soulmate, in my opinion, is that luhan's closer to him than he think he is and that they were already tied down by fate
¤ what is in exactly the chest? mentions of perhaps the oh and luhan's family business papers could be sensible. perhaps another letter that sehun didn't seem to think about? or maybe it could be something his parents should have given down to him? what's also confusing is the meaning of I and C - something evident could have struck out but i'm assuming their initials of names so far

again they are speculations and a lot of it was guesswork and overthinking - if one guess was surprisingly right i'd be amazed lmao. can't wait for the next update though!
Neverlander1997 #5
Chapter 15: okay here are the speculations that i got from the story
¤ sehun has a sister. but he doesn't seem to remember or let alone know that he had one. but luhan had met her already and changed him into what seemed a very different person. this either means that sehun was born way too late to know about his sister, had an accident which caused him to forget a bit of his memory or maybe he's secretly adopted lmao but this is a bit eh cause apparently he has the oh genes.
¤ this is just another speculation but it was mentioned (if i can remember vaguely) that sehun's grandfather had something to do with Luhan's family business. if something were to happen to sehun's family, either it was an unfortunate accident or luhan's family had to do something with it as a way of revenge - again another speculation
¤ both the ring and key are the keys to the chest meaning luhan's and sehun's family are connected in more ways than one
¤ i'm not sure if this would apply to the story but people can only dream about people they've met before. sehun apparently seems like the guy he's dreaming about so they must have met before their first encounter
¤ jongin is a weird aspect to tackle. he must have known sehun through luhan but it was mentioned he helped him up with his upbringing. that could imply that something must have happened between sehun and luhan when they were younger for him to step in

Neverlander1997 #6
Chapter 10: so sehun's key and luhan's ring are both needed to open the chest-
Neverlander1997 #7
Chapter 16: i'm gonna re-read this again to understand the hints lmao
Lilyce-taoris #8
will there be ?
fafawinterlover #9
So this story have posted at my wall, and Im gonna read it...
Chapter 15: ooo.. this sure are so twist up.. but in an amazing way though.. i just cant wait for next update..~\(≧▽≦)/~