
It's the After School Club!

   I'm in a dream. I know I am. This cannot be happening! It's just too perfect!

   "Oh, really? Thank you so much!" I bow repeatedly trying to show my thanks to their manager. I'm still completely starstruck with multiple Exo members, their manager, and Kevin all being around me. I honestly am having a hard time believing any of this.

   The members keep talking to one another while I'm standing, practically shaking with the passes in my hand.

   "Hey, you okay? You're shaking a lot." Kevin says quietly as not to catch the attention of the others. Thank god he is considerate of people's emotions.

   "Yeah. I'm just so excited. So much has happened today." He nods in understanding and turns to face me more.

   "Hey, since we've had a good time talking today, and I'm sure you would like someone to show you around and stuff, why don't you give me your number and I'll text or call you whenever I'm free to see if you want to do something together, just hang out as friends." ARE YOU SERIOUS?! ANOTHER AMAZING THING?! My friends will never believe me.

   "Okay! That sounds great!"

   "I'm sorry if it'll be super late when I do. I don't have much free time during the day." HE SAID WHEN AND NOT IF. OH MY GOD.

   "No! That's okay! I'm a night owl anyway, so it's totally fine!" Good job at playing it cool. I should be an actress.

   "Great! I'll go ahead and text you so you can have my number." No more than a few seconds later I feel my phone buzz, signalling that I got his text.

   "Got it! But yeah, you have a much busier schedule than I do, so just text me whenever you want to hang out." I tell him where my hotel is so he knows around where we should meet up.

   "Sounds good. But I need to go to another schedule so I'll text you soon!" He walks away, giving a final wave to me and the Exo members who turn their attention back to me.

   "We also have to leave, but we could take you to your hotel if you need a ride. We caught where you told Kevin hyung and it isn't too far from where we're going." Suho tells me. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO COINCIDENTAL. THIS CANNOT BE REAL LIFE.

   "Umm...sure, if it's not too much trouble. The subway system is still very new to me."

   "Great! We'll wait here while you get your things and then we'll go!" I nod and walk to the backstage room where my bag was. I take off my honbok and put it into a nice pile and then gently place it into my bag. I make sure not to bend it  or mess up it's perfection. I walk back out and see them still standing there. Kai notices me first.

   "Noona! You're back!" He prances up to me and takes my wrist.

   "Wait, you are my noona, right?" I shake my head.

   "No, I'm actually a year younger than you."

   "Oh...okay! Dongsaengie~" The weird feelings I felt when he called me that were probably very evident on my face, but no one said anything for a while.

   Their manager called the other members over. I introduced myself, making them remember something and then pointing out that I was the girl Chanyeol always spoke about. Wow, he must have really spoken about me. I notice him shushing them and hiding his face as he turns to start wlaking to the door. Their manager laughs as we all start walking, me behind everyone else. When we walk outside, we see a huge mass of fans.

   ". I forgot about them. How are we going to get Vera into the van?" Suho looks at his manager.

   "Vera, you come with me. We're going to drive off first, make them think that it was just someone leaving from the same spot, and then pick up Exo. " I just nodded and came where he pulled me. The fans must not have recognized their manager and most certainly didn't recognize me because they payed no attention to us. I swiftly got into the van with the manager, pulled out, drove around the lot, and then pulled back around. Their manager signaled to them to come. They managed to all get outside before fans started screaming and pushing, giving them enough time to have body guards around them. Just seeing that in person makes me feel so much guilt for them. I really hope that they didn't think of me as some annoying fan.


   It's about a twenty minute ride to my hotel, giving them plenty of time to ask about me questions about myself and tease Chanyeol more.

   "So, since I know we'll be seeing you more, what should we call you? Dongsaeng? Vera-ssi? Chanyeol's girlfriend? Your pick." Both Chanyeol and I almost choke on air when Sehun says the last suggestion. I'm left speechless as they all just stare at me. It's much more awkward considering I'm sitting right inbetween Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

   "Vera is fine." I quietly tell them as I see Chanyeol just hiding his face, once again.

   "Okay! That sounds good. Do you not add anything at the end?"

   "No. I just call people their first name. So I would call you Sehun instead of Sehun oppa or something like that."

   "That's so weird." Baekhyun mutters. I know he didn't mean it in an insulting way, so I just nod.

   "Well Vera, since you do martial arts, maybe you and Tao-ya can spar!" Kai speaks up. I just repeatedly nod my head.

   "No way. He's been doing it a lot longer and I know he could easily win over me. My hand just healed, I don't want another accident."

   "I'm sure you could take him. You seem pretty tough." Suho says to me with an endearing smile.

   "Thanks....but I don't think that wold be good. He's been doing it for so much longer. I've only done it for a couple of years."

   "She's so modest! I like it! Chanyeollie, you may have to hide her from me." Kai says while doing his squishy hand thing. Chanyeol kicks Kai's seat hand as Suho gives Kai a judging look.

   "They haven't even started dating yet and you're already jealous. Come on Jongin-ah. At least give them a chance and see how they turn out." Baekhyun jokes with Kai. Chanyeol turns to look out the window.

   "I hate you both sooooo much." He mutters.

   "You adore us, just like you adore Vera." Kai says, winking at me. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD?!

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Chapter 21: Welcome back author nim. I will wait for your next update. Take your time.
Chapter 19: Ugh, Eli pls
Goldie #3
Chapter 14: Update soon authornim!
Chapter 14: Please stay safe author nim
Chapter 13: Ayyy, so baby! XP
Chapter 10: Ehehehe Kevin hopefully = Eli which = a happy "Nay". Bl
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh, this is killing me with its cuteness! XD
Chapter 7: Kyaa so cute please update soon author nim...
Chapter 5: I'm finally catching up with this! It's so cute! XD
Ohhh gosh, Chanyeol and his fan service. :P