
I promise to let go

"So how long have you two been together?" Taeyeon, her sheepish smile and distasteful words were quick to interrupt the overwhelming silence that had yet lasted a few seconds. 

Chanyeol coughed. Woojin coughed. Or was it Baekhyun? He recognized his cough, it was him, but why would he cough? The tall male lead his pleading eyes to the older male. Like he was waiting for him to answer, like he would most times he knew Chanyeol felt uncomfortable. He was really the smooth talker after all. Yet nothing, instead all he found were two eyeballs throwing daggers at him as they awaited an answer. 

"Well we... we've just gone on a couple of dates."

Woojin broke the silence and Chanyeol stared at him like he was a hero, his hero. The male across the table recognized that look, he used to get it all the time. It made him feel uneasy, was it really that easy for his giant to stare at other people that way? Had he always done it while the shorter one was oblivious to it?

"Well I wasn't expecting that." Baekhyun finally spoke making the younger of the lot feel even more uneasy. He was poking at Chanyeol's ribs and although he was unsure of what he would get, he had to put it out there. Sure, his words slid with a taint of fun but in reality they were all but. 

"Yeah I understand that feeling" the happy virus was quick to shoot back, not like he was gonna let the singer take the win without a fight. 

"Should we see what we want?" Taeyeon shot the menu up, thinking maybe she should've not spoken in the first place, did her boyfriend still have feelings for the rapper? 

"Good idea" Woojin smiled with ease, not really understanding what was going on in that precise moment. 

The waiter came and went, the soft music playing in the background, was there anything even left to talk about? Luckily Taeyeon saved the moment by asking Woojin about dancing. That was enough for the elder to feel excited and talk about his career and how he had to present a really elaborate choreography, that kid you not, no one understood but got him the job. 

With that, the uneasiness had left and Chanyeol later had sauce on his cheek which Woojin dutifully took care of and Taeyeon and Baekhyun ate from each other's plates like they had known one another their whole life. And words were exchanged with laughter and small glances were stolen and a few punches to their stomachs were also received.

However, dessert came around rather too rapidly and soon someone was mentioning about setting a date next week and heads were shaking yes and everything seemed perfect. Chanyeol ate nonchalantly turning his head just enough to send Woojin a shy smile as Taeyeon fed Baekhyun some cheesecake. And so that distinctive strum of chords came in through the speakers achingly high and Chanyeol and Baekhyun stood straight looking into each others eyes without judgment for the first time that night. 

Instinctively their lips began moving, gazes locked as they shared a memory. Their sixth month anniversary to be exact, they could see it in each other's eyes, they were both on their building's rooftop. "Light reflects from your shadow it is more than I thought could exist"~

Chanyeol being the closet romantic he was had set up a dinner date that night. He led the shorter male from their room up the stairs, sweaty palms, hearts pounding, expectant smiles and a few trips from the clumsy one. 

They were in love back then and as soon as Baekhyun saw what his giant had done, he had to laugh to set back the imminent tears that had crouched up at the wing of his eyes. They way he took his hand to his mouth had made the tall male's heart flutter, his smile stood dumb across his face. 

"Do you like it?" He almost stuttered as his body shook nervously.

"Chanyeol do you realize how beautiful you are?" 

"I can't when you are here to outshine me my love." So he was cheesy, but only the singer made him act like that. 

And Baekhyun knew as he threw himself into the younger's arms that he would probably never feel as happy elsewhere. They ate lasagna which Kyungsoo had most likely prepared and had strawberry cake for dessert. The wind had been blowing nicely and felt fresh on their rosy cheeks due to the wine that by now was running through their system. 

"There's a song" Chanyeol cleared his throat, eyes wide open and dimple visible as he smiled "that I want to dedicate to you." He got up and clumsily shook the table as he hit his knee on it. The diva smiled briefly thinking there could not be someone more adorable than that, he was happy to share dreams and every single thought with him, in his eyes the rapper was perfect. 

"Now, I didn't write this but it doesn't make it any less special, it's just that I can't possibly put into words how beautiful you are and how you make me feel." Chanyeol grabbed his guitar which Baekhyun hadn't noticed before and began playing for him. 

The wind took the music and the words from Chanyeol and rushed them to the elder of the two who swore he would never forget the words nor the moment. 

"Then let me just say you dumb giant" Baekhyun trembled as he spoke holding back the tears "that I want to dedicate the song to you as well." He ended, officially making it "their song". 

Soon their kisses turned into groping and that led them to undress and become one under the covers, it was the most perfect moment either of them had experienced. Their love had been consumed and that had become a memory both would cherish and remember every single time their song played. 

Being as in love, love, love~ The song finally ended and both turned away, Baekhyun his upper lip before biting his lower one as he turned away and dabbed at his eyes hoping no one would see. Why was he acting this way? Chanyeol was quick to finish his cake and ask if they should get going, to which everyone agreed. 

(Song: The xx - Angels)

Each member went their own way with their respective partners and when Baekhyun opened the door to their apartment, he went quickly to the balcony wishing to find the taller male there and he did. 



"That was" Baekhyun bit his lip smiling dumbfoundly "weird." 

"Do you love her?" Chanyeol asked abruptly startling the older of the two. 

"Yes" the shorter male answered not confident in his words and Chanyeol swore he had to hold back the tears. "Do you love Woojin?"

"No" Chanyeol answered bluntly, Baekhyun staring at him in awe and feeling unusually happy. "But I like him" 

With that said Chanyeol retreated to his room, both of them feeling a bit more shattered than intended. 


A/N: Please do not kill me, not even I know what I just wrote and I wasn't even supposed to finish this chapter until i finished the one from my other fic but oh well... I know this is horribly and I'm sorry for any mistakes, typos, bad spelling and grammer. Thanks to those of you who read and comment and well green hearts for everyone(?). <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

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So i just remembered my account (yes, i'm a loser like that) and probably no one is even interested in this, but i feel like finishing this off...


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Fangirl_ggexo #1
Chapter 7: I like this fic... no bitter feelings about taeyeon :) thanks...
Don't make Chanyeol suffer, he deserve to be happy too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts just looking at the title. I subbed and I just wanna say I almost cried reading your fic... Keep up the good work though! Hwaiting! xx
jesselee #3
Chapter 7: My poor baekyeol heart ><
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 7: ....... I'm waiting... maybe for a miracle.... -_- but since baek 'loves' taeyeon this much i think my hoping is useless...:'D anyway... please update soon...
yodabaek #5
Chapter 6: will this have a happy ending for chanbaek ? :( i hope it doesnt hurt taeyeon's heart though.
update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmm so they aren't tgt? I wish they were
jesselee #7
Chapter 6: My heart just hurts knowing they aren't together. But I want Chanyeol to be happy
Chapter 5: Yey. You updated! ^^ lovin your story. Please keep updating.
Chapter 5: New reader here! :) It's sad seeing both of them hurting inside yet still loving each other even if Baekhyun denies it.. Hope you update soon! :)