
I promise to let go

Baekhyun let out a soft grunt when he heard Chanyeol's steps, it was funny, the way he identified the giant's steps, not that he didn't identify everyone else's, it's just, his senses were sharper when it came to the tall male. The way he chewed, the way he laughed, clapped, sipped, held his chopsticks, twitched, smiled, posed, every single detail about the rapper was a detail he was most familiar with, he had never stopped to consider how much he knew about him.

The paces stopped before the door, the short male was sure Chanyeol was having doubts about going into the room. More than that, having doubts about barging in and professing all his inner feelings, although he didn't have to say anything, Baekhyun already knew what the usually happy male was feeling and thinking, he knew him too well and given the circumstances, it was all too obvious.

A few days back Chanyeol had run off all day, skipping practice, skipping meals, getting soaked, and coming home at a late hour. That was not something the rowdy boy would have done any ordinary day, the fact was, it was the day the internet became crazy with news of his relationship with Taeyeon. The days after that were filled with tension and their relationship just didn't feel the same. He knew the tall male hated being kept in the dark, and he knew he should've been the one to deliver the news, but he didn't think there was a need for it.

Or maybe he was just a coward? That was also a possibility, he could not bear the fact to break Chanyeol's heart all over again. Six months back when they put an end to their relationship he knew the tall male had a hard time coping with it. He never made an attempt to hide his true feelings, and carried a moping face anywhere he went, he was so honest to the point it annoyed Baekhyun at times. 

Baekhyun closed his eyes and created the scene behind the door in his head. Chanyeol probably had his head tilted to the left, he usually tilted it that way when he was pondering about something important. He would most likely be chewing his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowed, right hand balled into a fist, held a few millimeters from the door, still debating whether or not to knock. His right foot would be making tiny circles, clashing every few seconds into his left foot. 

The short male smiled to himself at the image, so rare, yet so typical, because of course the strangeness of it all was so often found in the clumsy male. He sighed, why would he smile at such a thought? At times he missed it, he missed being the one to presence the daily pleasures of life presented to him through the happy virus, but he would never admit such a truth to himself, much less anyone else. 

The knock finally came. It was quick, sleek and barely audible. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. A second knock came, a bit louder this time around. He passed saliva. 

"Who is it?" How could he be such a hypocrite? He knew who it was, why lie about it? 

"Ummm... it's me." Was "me" even an answer? Of course it was, the baritone voice was one he knew by heart, whether he liked it or not.

"Oh... come in" why didn't he just hide or pretend he was elsewhere? He really didn't want to have to face the giant, especially not now with the musical around the corner, it agitated him, took all his energy and left him at nothing.

The door opened, slow as a turtle, so characteristic of the tall male when he was feeling nervous. 

"Hey, I just" Chanyeol stumbled in, tripping on his own feet, but quick to take a seat on the bed contrary to where Baekhyun sat, "well I feel like we need to talk."

Baekhyun had his best poker face on, he looked questioningly at the rapper, as if he had no idea what they had to talk about, so cynical.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Taeyeon?" The words slipped quickly out of the sad man's mouth. 

Baekhyun let his eyes wander elsewhere, "I didn't know I had to inform you about such things." Ouch! 

Chanyeol laughed nervously, playing with his hands in his lap, "yo...you don't, I just, well, we live in the same house, we're in the same group, we're friends, it feels kind of bad, to be the only one who didn't know, and it feels even worse to have found out through internet you know."

The short male gulped, " is that the reason you're about to cry? I didn't think there was a need to tell you, even if all the things you just mentioned are true, this was personal." Where did he even find the strength to be so harsh?

"I don't want to cry!" The tale male looked alarmed, his attempt to put on a straight face almost made Baekhyun laugh.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Baekhyun looked at the other male straight in the eye, he felt vulnerable at doing so, because maybe Chanyeol would be able to see the hurt in his eyes. "Better now?"

Chanyeol nodded once, not even fully, and stood up, heading for the door. "Two months! Wow, I had no idea I was so easy to forget Baek."

Finally it was there, what the giant really wanted to say. "Oh god Chanyeol..." Baekhyun groaned, but the door was closed, and there were no more words left to be said. The short male was sure of one thing though, things were going to become awkward all over again.


A/N: Okay, chapter two ended up being slightly longer than I had imagined. Well thanks to those of you who have read and thanks for the two comments I have received, so motivating! -Sends green hearts out to everyone-

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So i just remembered my account (yes, i'm a loser like that) and probably no one is even interested in this, but i feel like finishing this off...


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Fangirl_ggexo #1
Chapter 7: I like this fic... no bitter feelings about taeyeon :) thanks...
Don't make Chanyeol suffer, he deserve to be happy too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts just looking at the title. I subbed and I just wanna say I almost cried reading your fic... Keep up the good work though! Hwaiting! xx
jesselee #3
Chapter 7: My poor baekyeol heart ><
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 7: ....... I'm waiting... maybe for a miracle.... -_- but since baek 'loves' taeyeon this much i think my hoping is useless...:'D anyway... please update soon...
yodabaek #5
Chapter 6: will this have a happy ending for chanbaek ? :( i hope it doesnt hurt taeyeon's heart though.
update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmm so they aren't tgt? I wish they were
jesselee #7
Chapter 6: My heart just hurts knowing they aren't together. But I want Chanyeol to be happy
Chapter 5: Yey. You updated! ^^ lovin your story. Please keep updating.
Chapter 5: New reader here! :) It's sad seeing both of them hurting inside yet still loving each other even if Baekhyun denies it.. Hope you update soon! :)