
I promise to let go

Baekhyun felt dumfounded. Chanyeol had been acting strange, it was so obvious he was seeing someone and even though at one point he thought it was Kyungsoo, by now he was sure it wasn't. A few months back though, the other singer was one of the big reasons the short male ended his relationship with the giant.He was too jealous maybe, it was that, it had to be that.

Every time he would see the rapper with the big eyed male, he felt something churn inside, his will being overcome, breaking things, kicking, he was at war, modern warfare on a sunday afternoon, except the enemy was just a civilian, something defenseless, the breakable objects in his room. Deciding it was far too stupid to keep it up, he ended the relationship. How could he keep up with his boyfriend when he was so emotionally hurt? He didn't even feel like he trusted the rapper any longer, to Baekhyun there was nothing left. He was just a box full of resentment and he thought they needed time away from each other. 

So, even though he was the one who had ended the relationship, and had no issue knowing who it was the happy virus was seeing, he was still interested. It was obvious the tall male was seeing someone, but who on earth was it? The singer grunted and rolled onto his stomach, burying his face in the pillow. It was a waste of sleep time, staying up just to play detective, but his curiosity had been triggered. 

The phone rang. A message. It was that particular ring, he know who's it was. Without hesitation the diva turned around and held his phone up to see a picture of his girlfriend with an eerie pose. He chuckled hope to be your nightmare tonight, it read. He threw his head back, his girl was awesome, he definitely adored her, maybe it was best to just sleep and hope to dream with the girl group leader. With a loud sigh and a half convinced assurance that it didn't really matter what Chanyeol did with his life, the small male closed his eyes and dozed off.


It had been a particularly hot thursday, but being five in the afternoon, the wind was blowing shyly through the streets, like not wanting to madden anyone, when it was what every one was praying for. After falling asleep the night before, soundlessly, Baekhyun awoke to messages of his girlfriend. Taeyeon, had that special touch, she just made him smile, it could be a dot only text, but it was sure to brighten anyone's day. After going back and forth, they finally decided to meet up that afternoon. 

Being idols, it was hard to find any free time, and even harder to actually find free time early in the day, so they had to take advantage of that beautiful chance. Movies and a dinner, definitely cliché, but when nothing was normal in your life, it was these moments that brought you down to reality, when you felt most human, not an entertainment robot as usual. 

As always, Taeyeon picked up the male from his dorm building. He was casual, a normal shirt, nice fitted jeans, sneakers and no makeup. He was known within his group's fans to be a lover of eyeliner and whatnot, but when being with the petite girl waiting for him in her car, he wanted to be himself, not a shallow diva, which was far from who he was. He wanted to be just a regular guy dating a wonderful girl, it was the truth, in some parallel universe, so he wanted to believe he was part of that far away desire. 

"Hey love!" The female leaned in to steal a kiss as soon as Baekhyun got into the car and he gave in without hesitation. The longing, the fingers through their hair, head tilted to the side, it was all there and the short male smiled inside. She separated and cleaned off the smeared lipstick on her boyfriend's lips with her thumb, not losing her smile. "Ready for a night of adventure?"

The singer nodded, although -adventure- itself was far off their menu, he liked to think that maybe it was possible to create their own kind. "I'm so ready, have you decided on the movie?" 

As she was driving off, her head bobbled up and down "I've bought the tickets, junk is on you!" She turned around and winked at the disheveled male. 

The movie itself was fine, but Taeyeon's laughter was pure bliss, she loved action movies with a bit of humor, moping around in theaters wasn't an interest. They both walked out of the place fully satisfied, and even though they had bought a little to eat, by now they were ready for dinner, and Low Key was the perfect place to be at. 

They walked hand in hand towards the entrance, it was a hallway, that leaded to a waiting room where a waiter would ask you how many people where attending and take you to your room. The breeze felt just right as they stepped in through the double doors, a few steps in and Baekhyun froze, his breath cut short. Before him, waiting to get a table was Park Chanyeol, it was only his back, but the short male could recognize him from any side.

Even passing saliva was hard and he tightened his grip on his girlfriend's hand just a bit too hard, because then, right there, on a thursday afternoon at around eight in the night, he finally found the answer to what had been bothering him. Woojin. Woojin the dancer. Woojin who was now pointing at him at a distance. Woojin who was saying something as the giant turned around and smiled uncomfortably. Woojin.

It all happened too fast, there were smiles, waves, the fastened pace of his companion, someone saying four. Baekhyun was still in shock, not knowing quite well where he was, or what he was doing, he just kept on repeating -Woojin- over and over again. Once back in reality, the short male was sitting across a just as stiff Chanyeol, wondering how it'd all turned out this way. One moment he was on a date with his girlfriend, the next, he was on a double date with his ex boyfriend and his possibly current partner. 


A/N: Well first of all, sorry for typos, errors and anything that could be wrong(?). Second, I don't know, strangely, I had that last scene all played out in the morning, I went out, had a long and fun day and I forgot the exact words, so it came out a bit differently than desired, but well, I just feel like putting it out there either way :3 xD

​Thanks so much to all of you who have been reading, commenting, subscribing, it's very motivating green hearts for you all <3. 

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So i just remembered my account (yes, i'm a loser like that) and probably no one is even interested in this, but i feel like finishing this off...


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Fangirl_ggexo #1
Chapter 7: I like this fic... no bitter feelings about taeyeon :) thanks...
Don't make Chanyeol suffer, he deserve to be happy too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts just looking at the title. I subbed and I just wanna say I almost cried reading your fic... Keep up the good work though! Hwaiting! xx
jesselee #3
Chapter 7: My poor baekyeol heart ><
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 7: ....... I'm waiting... maybe for a miracle.... -_- but since baek 'loves' taeyeon this much i think my hoping is useless...:'D anyway... please update soon...
yodabaek #5
Chapter 6: will this have a happy ending for chanbaek ? :( i hope it doesnt hurt taeyeon's heart though.
update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmm so they aren't tgt? I wish they were
jesselee #7
Chapter 6: My heart just hurts knowing they aren't together. But I want Chanyeol to be happy
Chapter 5: Yey. You updated! ^^ lovin your story. Please keep updating.
Chapter 5: New reader here! :) It's sad seeing both of them hurting inside yet still loving each other even if Baekhyun denies it.. Hope you update soon! :)