
I promise to let go

As an idol, to Baekhyun´s eyes, Taeyeon was the embodiment of perfection, as a girlfriend, she was just as amazing. She would be supportive of him, a fun date, always have the right words, she was everything he needed, and he was sure she came to him when he most needed her. That was why he felt like he cared for her more as each day passed by. 

They had bumped into each other inside the company's building, it was a normal day, nothing had made the dark haired boy assume something would be different that day, but destiny had a surprise on it's way.

"Hey Baekhyun" the idol waved across the hall, stopping in front of him and embracing him.

"Hello Taeyeon" he replied happily as usual, it always cheered him up, even though at that precise moment he was in the gutter. 

She stared at him for a few seconds, keeping silent, something unusual in her "I was wondering, you wanna hang out one of these days?"

He accepted without hesitation, would anyone think twice if Taeyeon would ask to spend time together? He thought not, it was almost a once in a lifetime opportunity, he could not turn his back on it. 

Their first date was amazing, they had fun, drank a bit, danced, sang, talked about everything and nothing, laughed until the the night was almost over and when it was time to say goodbye, maybe because he was still heartbroken over his recent break-up or maybe because it was a special night, he leaned in for a kiss. She could've pushed him away, after all, he had just told her how much he still cared for Chanyeol, but she didn't, she answered right away and they kissed until their bodies begged for air.

That was how it began, it was pure passion, it was great, and it still was, it had to be, and he was unsure as to why he felt the need to search for reassurance that he was happy. 

"Baek?" a feminine voice interrupted his thoughts, "you did great baby!" The short girl threw herself atop of him before he could react.

He stood from his seat and embraced her. He was tired, what he wanted was to be at home in his bed getting some sleep, but his girlfriend said they needed to celebrate, after all, it was his first musical. 

"Here, for you" she excitingly shoved a big bouquet of flowers in his face "I'm so happy for you, you did amazing! Really, I think everyone enjoyed it" she chatted away buoyantly. 

They talked the hours away that night, in the comfort of the cozy restaurant-bar "Low Key" it was a funny name Baekhyun thought, considering that's exactly what they did. The tables were set  in rooms depending on the amount of people attending, rather than having them spread out in the open. It was all very personal, and the staff very discreet, it was the perfect place for idols to go on dates or meet up with friends, and it was where the couple always attended.

"Hey, I'm sorry for making you come even though you were so tired" the singer offered as she dropped her lover off.

"Huh?" the boy barely murmured, as though being brought back from a dream. 

The brunette sighed defeated, but decided she couldn't leave without talking about it, "Baek, you've been weird all night, is something bothering you? You can tell me anything you know?" She focused her eyes on his, trying hard to break through the barrier he had put up. 

The dark haired boy shrugged "it's nothing I'm just tired" he answered nonchalantly, kissing her goodbye and getting out of the car. 

Truth was, there was something bothering him, it's just he couldn't tell her, he couldn't tell anyone, because then there would be questions and not even he knew the answer to them all. It was his first musical, the first day and somehow, he thought the giant would make an appearance. The whole group went, they spent some time with him after the show, but the happy virus was no where in sight. 

He walked into the dorm, leaving his flowers on the sofa, he was headed straight to the balcony, fresh air was necessary. He stopped in his tracks, a lone figure could be made out, just leaning on the railing and staring at the sky. Should he go out or should he head to his room? The debate didn't last long, as his body moved with total liberty towards the door leading to the balcony.

Was Chanyeol waiting for him? He was sure the tall male knew him well enough and knew that he would head straight to the balcony upon arriving at the apartment. Maybe he was thinking too much of it and the kid with big ears was just having his own time, he knew full well that the giant also adored spending time in the balcony. The short boy walked until he stood silently next to his group mate. 

After what seemed like hours of standing next to each other studying the sky and the city below them, the taller of the two broke the silence. "You did great today" he mused.

Baekhyun swore he felt his heart skip a beat, he was happy, Chanyeol was indeed waiting for him, "you went?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world" The clumsy kid faced him, a smile across his face. 

The older male beamed of happiness, so the helpless guy next to him had gone to see him after all. 

"Oh, here, congratulations." The rapper extended one of his big hands, which held a box, and after the short male received it, made way into the apartment. 

Chocolates. Baekhyun had a thing for chocolates, each variety of chocolate was used for a different occasion. Almonds. It was the type he consumed when celebrating. Something only the giant could know, it was by far the best gift he had been offered that night and even though he didn't like the thought of it, somehow now his day felt more than perfect, he would fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating away happily. 


A/N: Okay, sorry for typos and ummm and well i don't know anything else that might be ugly(?). Hahahah, i was really tired as i wrote this, but i hadn't updated in a long time and felt the need to do so. Thanks to those of you reading, subscribing and commenting, -green hearts for you- <3

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So i just remembered my account (yes, i'm a loser like that) and probably no one is even interested in this, but i feel like finishing this off...


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Fangirl_ggexo #1
Chapter 7: I like this fic... no bitter feelings about taeyeon :) thanks...
Don't make Chanyeol suffer, he deserve to be happy too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts just looking at the title. I subbed and I just wanna say I almost cried reading your fic... Keep up the good work though! Hwaiting! xx
jesselee #3
Chapter 7: My poor baekyeol heart ><
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 7: ....... I'm waiting... maybe for a miracle.... -_- but since baek 'loves' taeyeon this much i think my hoping is useless...:'D anyway... please update soon...
yodabaek #5
Chapter 6: will this have a happy ending for chanbaek ? :( i hope it doesnt hurt taeyeon's heart though.
update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmm so they aren't tgt? I wish they were
jesselee #7
Chapter 6: My heart just hurts knowing they aren't together. But I want Chanyeol to be happy
Chapter 5: Yey. You updated! ^^ lovin your story. Please keep updating.
Chapter 5: New reader here! :) It's sad seeing both of them hurting inside yet still loving each other even if Baekhyun denies it.. Hope you update soon! :)