
I promise to let go

The rain splashed onto his umbrella, and he just stared at it. Getting wet was a better option, he felt the water sink into his clothes, sink into his skin; thick, merciless raindrops kept falling from above. The water blended with his tears, it was easier this way, which is why without second thought he threw the umbrella to the ground and became one with the world around him. 

It was mid-day, however it seemed as though night was creeping at the corner, with the dark clouds hovering above the streets. He was in love with the short dark haired boy. He had been ever since they met, even after breaking up, his love had no end, yet here he was, crying his soul out in the middle of the street, while the other was happily walking hand in hand with his girlfriend.

Girlfriend, the tall male let out a laugh in mockery of such a situation. He kicked the ground, splashing water on himself, not that he could feel it. By now he was numb to the water, his whole body could not detain one more drop, it slid all the way to the asphalt beneath him. Out of all the people he could be with, he had to go be with a girl, and such a pretty girl, he kicked the ground once more, he was no match for her.

Unrequited love was, the worst possible type of love that existed. It wretched your soul, skinned your body, left you at nothing, but a longing, a desire of something unattainable, and many cold nights to remember it. Chanyeol knew his love was unrequited and it hurt him, but seeing Baekhyun with someone else was to a point unbearable. 

Now he wondered how it was possible that he had not taken notice, surely everyone else from the group knew, he was the only fool. He knew he would get in trouble for running out of the company building without saying a word and skipping practice, but he did not feel in the mood for it, and the streets were lonely as opposed to other days, it was a perfect day to be out.

He walked begrudgingly, without a destination in mind, he thought maybe he could walk until the tears stopped scurrying down his cheeks. The scenery reminded him of his very first kiss with Baekhyun. That memorable day two years back, when he confessed his undying love and took the smaller male into his arms, and pressed their lips together, umbrella falling to the ground, the world around them fading.

He ran his long fingers against his mouth, savoring the soft touch of the elder's lips against his own, how long ago it had been, yet the taste was still so present. He shook his head, he had to stop thinking about such things, there was no use in reminiscing any longer, he had to move on. 

By nighttime he arrived at the dorm, hungry, tired and drenched. He opened the door quietly, wishing no one was around to see him, he wanted to jump in the shower and wash away the residue of such a sour day. But luck was not on his side that night, and as soon as he opened the door a short male came running over to him.

"Where have you been? I was calling your cell phone like crazy and it turns out you left it here, we've been worried you know, why did you run off like that?" A bewildered Kyungsoo was quick at calling his attention, waving, his phone at him, a frown shading his face.

"I just needed to walk a bit, I'm going to go shower." He barely had any strength left in him to talk, it was overwhelming.

"A walk? So you run off all day just to walk? And to get soaked, mind you, you could get sick!" The doe-eyed male sighed "have you eaten anything? While you shower I'll warm you up something to eat," he had a motherly instinct in him, especially when it came to the tall male, he felt the need to protect him after he had his heart broken.

Chanyeol nodded, and headed straight to the bathroom. He knew by now Kyungsoo understood why he needed the walk, and he also knew that no more questions were going to be asked for him to answer. This was enough, for tonight it was enough knowing he had a friend he could count on, someone that understood him through the silence.


A/N: Well, it's decided, this is how chapters will be, since I wanted it to be a one-shot, every chapter will be small and just like a scene, not much, maybe afterwards I can just paste all the chapters together and get the one-shot(?) I don't know xD Comments on that are accepted(?) xDDD I hope it will be of someone's interest, and thank you to those of you who take your time to read! ^^ 

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So i just remembered my account (yes, i'm a loser like that) and probably no one is even interested in this, but i feel like finishing this off...


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Fangirl_ggexo #1
Chapter 7: I like this fic... no bitter feelings about taeyeon :) thanks...
Don't make Chanyeol suffer, he deserve to be happy too.
Chapter 2: My heart hurts just looking at the title. I subbed and I just wanna say I almost cried reading your fic... Keep up the good work though! Hwaiting! xx
jesselee #3
Chapter 7: My poor baekyeol heart ><
xiuhanislove #4
Chapter 7: ....... I'm waiting... maybe for a miracle.... -_- but since baek 'loves' taeyeon this much i think my hoping is useless...:'D anyway... please update soon...
yodabaek #5
Chapter 6: will this have a happy ending for chanbaek ? :( i hope it doesnt hurt taeyeon's heart though.
update soon author-nim!!^^
Chapter 6: Hmmmmmm so they aren't tgt? I wish they were
jesselee #7
Chapter 6: My heart just hurts knowing they aren't together. But I want Chanyeol to be happy
Chapter 5: Yey. You updated! ^^ lovin your story. Please keep updating.
Chapter 5: New reader here! :) It's sad seeing both of them hurting inside yet still loving each other even if Baekhyun denies it.. Hope you update soon! :)