A Little Time In The Little Room

One Last Dance With You

Tae Kyung was totally infuriated at the thought that Chung Hee tried to harass their Noona. For him, it was totally unforgivable. The model could be one of the A.N Jell fans, but it doesn't mean that he would have to act in a brutal way. His thoughts were cut short when the stylist said to him.

"Tae Kyung, could you please drop me off at my pad?"

He knew where it was, so he drove there. He totally forgot that Shin Woo might not be taking care of Mi Nyu, whom he had left at the forest. As they got to the pad, the stylist invited him to come over, as it was starting to drizzle.


Noona's pad was stylish in a simple way, unlike his room which was uber stylish. But he liked the place because it was totally clean.

"Would you want some coffee, tea, juice?" Noona asked.

"Mul jom juseyo (Please give me water)," he responded.

As the stylist went to her kitchen, Tae Kyung smirked. He knew that she was being hospitable, but that is what he wanted: just water. He only preferred coffee if he wanted to stay up late working on his compositions. When Noona came holding a glass of water, he thanked her. Good thing, the water tasted as great as the bottled water he always drinks.

"I guess the rain is gonna be heavy," Noona told him dryly. "I think I should invite you for dinner instead."

"Thanks," he said dryly, in that dominant way of his. Even if it was free dinner, he still had the usual scowl.

As Noona was about to go back to the kitchen, Tae Kyung stood up and spoke. "On the other hand, I will help you cook."


Her kitchen was the exact opposite of her simple living room. Her kitchen had a lot of gadgets and machines, one might think that this is a restaurant. Tae Kyung saw this kind of kitchen in his childhood, but not when he was living in the simple dorm. He helped the stylist peel some vegetables, as she was making some marinade while waiting for the chicken to thaw. It was difficult to thaw such a cold food as the weather was totally cold as well.

"Well, I guess that Chung Hee is totally crazy," Coordi Wang told Tae Kyung, then proceeding to tell him what happened before Shin Woo interrupted them.

"But why were you there?" he asked.

She happened to pass by the forest after looking at the lake when Chung Hee, who was driving his car past the area, saw her walking. There, he got out and dragged her to the forest for a talk. She did not notice the tree house from above, and she did not know that Shin Woo had been there all along.

"How come I never knew that place?" Tae Kyung asked.

"Well, beats me," Noona answered. "All I know is that I discovered it a week before and found the lake beautiful. That is why I visit sometimes on my break hours. I did not know that Shin Woo also knew of the place."

"Well, I guess he had somewhere to loiter aside from the balcony at the dorm," he replied.

They ended their conversation about Chung Hee. They were talking about a lot of stuff, and the latest was about He Yi.

"That's odd, I never saw the National Fairy around," Tae Kyung said.

"Well, she went to America to study for the next school year," she told him as she was beating a bowl of eggs.

Tae Kyung pursed his lips and cocked his eyebrows. "Well, that is good news for me, then. I can totally rejoice."

The stylist laughed at his comment. She had hated how the celebrity used her knowledge on Go Mi Nyu to manipulate everybody, and she was totally angry at herself for trusting He Yi. She was so gullible.

"Well, one reason I know why she went to abroad is because of Reporter Kim," Noona said.

"Omo? What about that nasty reporter?" he asked.

He remembered being stalked by that reporter, and he really hated him.

"Well, top secret information has it, and it was not leaked to just anybody to feast on," the stylist said. "Yoo He Yi is his distant cousin...Around, fourth-degree."

"Haha! No wonder they are swimming in the same blood!" was his mocking reply. "They love to dwell on scandals. Sheesh, they are relatives, after all."

"And because of that knowledge, He Yi thought that the reporter might use the kinship issue to gather some juicy rumors from her. Because of that, she decided to quit show business and pursue her studies," she explained.

Tae Kyung digested the information. No wonder the fake fairy was nowhere to be seen. The last news about her was about her three consecutive oversea concerts: Singapore, America, and Hong Kong. She was using those as excuses to leave Korea and showbiz.

"Anyhoo, let's not dwell on her. I'm sick of her," Noona coolly told him.

"Arasseo (I understand)," Tae Kyung responded.

When the chicken was finally thawed, he helped her cut up the pieces nicely. They cooked chicken stew and sweet and sour chicken. Tae Kyung also assisted the stylist in cooking rice.

"At least it is not spaghetti," he told her, remembering how He Yi used to fuss about not being able to eat spaghetti.

"I love spaghetti too, but I have not bought any mozarella cheese. I love mine with lots and lots of cheese," Noona said.

Tae Kyung grimaced behind her back. He hated cheese.

"Oh, by the way, please tell everybody that I am inviting all of you here tomorrow, lunch time," she told him. "Please let Mi Ja-ajumma come along."

"What's the ocassion?" Tae Kyung asked.

"My birthday," she smiled.

"Omo, I had totally forgotten, I'm sorry," he apologized.

Unlike her love life, her birthday was known to everyone in the company. The president was planning to have dinner with everybody, evening the next day.

"That's all right, Tae Kyung. Chung Hee was a jinx before my birthday, but you and Shin Woo came in time for me. That is a birthday gift to me," she said.

"Tsk, how corny! For me, birthdays are all about food, celebrations, and gifts," Tae Kyung said. But deep inside, for him, birthday was one thing he hope he could forget. He was still pining for his mother, Mo Hwa Ran, to remember his birthday. That is why he tends to forget everyone else's  birthday.

But Noona did not notice the sad note of his face while he was thinking of it. It was good for him that only Mi Nyu knew of that fact and nobody else.

Then, his cellphone rang, and it was Go Mi Nam. He had been looking for his sister, and he said he she is with Shin Woo. After the brief call, he went back to helping in the kitchen.

"Sigh, I wish I could invite everybody, but with all this heavy rain, I doubt," she told him crisply.

Tae Kyung suddenly got worried. He left Mi Nyu. Knowing that Chung Hee would leave, it leaves Mi Nyu and Shin Woo alone in the forest. He worried that Shin Woo would leave her behind. If only he had pulled her hand as well...

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Tae Kyung usually bottled things up inside himself, but he found himself opening up to Noona. He shared to her his fear that Mi Nyu might be left alone in the forest.

"Well, I notice it too. Shin Woo was not the usual cool boy he once was. Well, seeing that he rescued me, I am sure that he will not leave her alone," she positively replied.

"Aish...how could I trust him?" he gritted his teeth in slight anger.

"Just trust him, OK?" Noona coaxed him. "Despite his coldness, I am sure he is still a gentleman."

He looked at her skeptically. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Positively," she told him. "My woman instincts tells me that he will take care of Mi Nyu. Ahawhawhawhaw...."

She was totally laughing like a true bruja. Then, her phone rang. When Noona got it, she was talking nonstop. It was Joon. Tae Kyung examined Noona talking happily with her boyfriend on the phone. Why was he separated with his love? Why was he talking with Noona? Why was she giving him advices? He could not think clearly without a clean and wrinkle-free piece of paper and a newly sharpened pencil.


During dinner time, as the two of them were having their own "dinner date", Tae Kyung could not help but be annoyed as to why she would sometimes ask him for love advices.

"How would I know?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, I think I should answer my own questions, right? After all, I have been in a complicated love triangle, and I am in love twice," Noona replied.

Tae Kyung was also caught up in a love triangle too--love square, if Jeremy was to be included. Of course, he did not know that. All he knew is that the casts were him, Mi Nyu and Shin Woo. But he could not give her much complicated advices, as her love story was worse complicated than his ever was.

"Ya! You should be able to give me love advices!" Noona shot back. "After all, you were about to propose to Mi Nyu."

Why did she have to tackle on such a touchy subject? Not only was Noona gullible and brutal, she was also tactless.

"You don't have to remind me that," he replied rudely.

"Oh, mian (sorry)!" she replied with that rude way of hers too. Then, getting back to being polite, she said. "Mianhae..."

Tae Kyung accepted it, since she was being sincere about it.


After helping the coordinator do the dishes, Tae Kyung looked outside the window. The rain had stopped, and the way was bright. At least, he could go home safely. He was about to disturb Noona, who was busy putting aside the miyeok that she will be using tomorrow.

"Oh, I love miyeok. I love miyeok... Oh, 미역국," Noona sang. "Gosh, I hate turning old!"

"Noona, I think I should get on the road. And thanks for everything," he said with a bit of smile.

"Well, see you tomorrow, then," Noona said. "Thanks also for accompanying me today. Joon is thankful that you came to rescue me."

"Well, I feel totally flattered. I promised to myself that we will be loyal to one another," he replied.

The stylist smiled when he said that. She felt she can truely trust him now. So, she accompanied him to the door and saw him off.

"Be careful," she called out, waving goodbye.

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marliR #1
Chapter 15: Awww please make a Shinwoo and Min Nyu fanfic.