TOPP DOGG & Lizzy's History


*WARNING: Possible F-bombs and other words like b!tch and b@st@rd*

Seoyoun's P.O.V

I really did feel like a making her tell me everything at once. I wanted to know before, but I just felt that would just make our relationship more awkward. In some parts in all the reasons of why I wanted to know was that..I wanted to know now and not later was because I might hate her. Plus, before all the drama takes place with the brand new witch that may or may not be coming.

Lizzy's P.O.V

I took a deep breath and organized my thoughts. 'You're not going to cry.'

" had this huge obsession thing with Xero. As I mentioned in our first encounter, I was the Queenka. This happened about 2 years ago by the in elementary school, but almost everyone from grade school came to the same high school. Anyways..when I was younger, I had a personality disease. So, I became a bit crazy sometimes. If I took my medication, I would be fine. I didn't take my medication one day..I forgot to. There was another girl. She would always be around Topp Dogg, around Xero. I got jealous and my disease got the best of me. I slapped her and I warned her. She was scared of me, so I liked the feeling of being powerful- having power of her. So, I didn't take it again for 3 days straight. She didn't take my warning and I saw her around your brother. My hatred led to..craziness. I was going to kill the girl, but your brother..he took some of the damage and so did Hansol-ssi. Before the police got here, I killed the girl."

Seoyoun's P.O.V

She was just staring behind the wall  with a blank expression and tears. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't..I just couldn't deal with it.


"Be in jail? Yes, but since it was my disorder, they kept me inside a facility thing. I litterally came back 3 days ago."  I stood up from my seat and went to sit beside Lizzy. I put an arm around her and pulled  her into a hug.

"Go ahead..cry it all out..cry..I'm here for you. Thanks for telling me the truth. I know how hard it must've been." She stayed emotionless, but more tears fell. 

"I killed an innocent person..I killed Hansol-ssi's sister." No motion.

"I'm not saying it's okay, but I know how you feel- at least a little bit. I may not have gone through what all you guys went through, but..I can relate." She said the unexpected.

"I deserve to die." She stood up from her seat, breaking from my grip.

Lizzy's P.O.V

I broke out of her hug. I walked over to the table, where everyone was at. They got more quiet as I got closer, until I reached their table and it was comeplete silence.

"What are you doing here? No, what do you want?" I ignored P-Goon-ssi's snarl and turned to Hansol-ssi. 

"I just wanted to say sorry for killing your sister, again. I know it's not okay, so please don't say it is-"

"Then what is he supposed to say?! Oh, it's not your fault. Don't worry about. You only killed my sister." Yano mocked me.

"No. You don't have to say anything. I understand if you can't forgive me now, but I hope you do. If you can't maybe in the future-"

"What makes you think we or even he will ever-"

"When I'm dead." I cut him off and turned around.

"What?!" I hear oppa almost scream.

"I'm not going to ever be able to forgive myself. I'm also sorry to you Jiho-ssi and to you Youngjae-ssi. Hansol-ssi and Jiho-ssi..if you forgive me now, I'll feel better when I disapear from your lives forever." 

"You don't have to go that far Sooyoung-ssi, but-"

"No, I do. School will start soon and rather than all 13 of you sending me glares in every direction, I'd rather die." I whispered.

"Park Sooyoung. You will not." I heard Seoyoun's voice behind me.

Seoyoun's P.O.V

"Yes, yes I will. I well deserve it." I spoke up to her..or to anyone for the first time.

"No you will not. You're going to get soon as all 13 of you decide to ing mature and move on." I gritted the last part.

"Mature? Move on? She killed his sister, almost killed your brother and hurt Hansol hyung." B-Joo, who was always so happy and cheerful, said seriously.

"I forgave-"

"Joe? We've been over this. This is a far more sensitive topic than loosing your ity." Taeyang, also became serious.

"No. My mother."

"For marrying your dad?" Xero scofffed.

"No. Me." We turned to hear a voice. A voice that I heard for 14 years. Someone me, my dad and Youngjae oppa hated.


A shorter update..but I did it on purpose. If I combined the 2 parts, it would become too long.

So..sorry about that!

I shall also warn you guys..there will also be some serious cussing..but for all you drama're going to love it ;)

Until then~

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wintxry #1
Chapter 6: That was some intense stuff... Don't get me wrong, I really like your story and just finished reading what you have so far... Honestly I thought she was going to just and when they get to the apartment just hang out, maybe watch a movie? I don't know, I'm not really a writer.
Anyways really enjoyed reading what you have so far