Meeting The Family


*WARNING: There's one f's not used in an innopropriate term though*

Seoyoun's P.O.V

"Seoyoun!! You're here! Finally!! I'd like to introduce you to my son, Shin Jiho! Come!" My mother rushed me after she hugged me.

"Aha, alright..let me just take my shoes off." After I took my shoes off, she held my hands and rushed me in.

"Jiho, this is-"

"You!" I suddenly pointed at him, but didn't move.


"You-you-you're the one that! You were there when I-you-I. UGH." I rolled my eyes in disbelieve.

"Whatever. Freak show." 

"Jiho! Be nice to your new sister and if you don't be nice to her, I will make sure you get the appropriate punishment." Our mother said sternly.

"Yea, yea, yea. I'll go get the door." He waved our mother off to get the door.

"Hey, you switched clothes." Youngjae oppa noticed.

"Yea..I went to the mall with Han-"

"OMG!!! WE MISSED YOU!!!!" I was suddenly attacked with hugs. D'awee my girls decided to visit me.

"I missed you too!!" 

" loud.." Jiho said loudly on purpose.

"Try dealing with them for 4 years." Youngjae oppa said as he went to his side.

"Uhmm..girls? This is all nice, but you do have to get going. We were in the middle of something important." My mom pointed out.

"I don't get what's so much more important than gretting te most popular and precious student from Arcadia High School."

"Lilly! That was rude! Say sorry. She is my new mom and yea..say sorry and go on your way." 

"Fine fine..Sorry." She bowed properly.

"Oh and Seoyoun..there's someone else that came along with us even though we tried to stop him..Lilly even kicked him tons of times, but he didn't really listen.." Daphne told me cautiously.

"Oh really? Who?" I asked.

"He's a student at our school..come in.." Kelly told him. Don't tell me it's another admir-

"Joe.." He came closer and out his hand on my arm.

"Hey baby-"

"No! I am not your baby or babygirl or anything! Get away from me this instant or I won't hesitate on calling the cops!"

"Joe? What's wrong with Joe? I thought-"

"" Both Jiho and Youngjae oppa stated.

"I thought what we had was special..we even-"

"NO! NO! That was before you decided to cheat on me with 3 different girls!"

"No, it's not! Will you listen to me?!" Joe grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall with my wrists on top of my head. I was really scared now. I didn't what to do. I felt so vulnerable.

"Listen punk. I was there when she had the phone call with you this morning. I heard her breaking up with you. So, I suggets ou get out of here before I throw you out." I heard Jiho stand up for me. He glared at Joe and put hand on his shoulder.

"How old are you and who are you to speak to me like that?"

"17 and Xero. That's all you need to know. So get off of my ing sister!" I was too scared to think. Jiho oppa shoved Joe's shoulder with using his hand and then punched him. Suddenly, I was terrified of Jiho oppa and what was going to happen next.

"Joe! You get out of this house right now. Or else, I'm going to call your parents." Lilly yelled at him.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Yes I would." She took ehr phone out and started dialing.

"Fine. Have a good life Seoyoun." With that, everyone walked out.

"Youngjae..have something you want to tell us?" My dad strictly said.

"Xero, why don't you stay here and I'll go tell them upstairs.

"Fine.." He walked towards me as they went up the stairs.

"Th-thank you." I said when I was sure they couldn't hear us.

"It's okay..I don't like him me Jiho or Xero, I don't care, but make sure to put oppa after.." I looked at him, confused.

"O-okay.." I said awkwarddly and he came closer to me and hugged me.

"I'll take good care of and Youngjae will protect you from any harm." 

"T-thank you." I hugged him back and smiled.

"Now..shall we eat and then watch a movie??" I heard our mom say. 

"I'm hungry so I'm in for that!" Our dad said and we all agreed. After we ate, we enjoyed the rest of night with a movie. I had a really good feeling about my new family.




I'll try to update again later this week^^

Toodles lovelies~

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wintxry #1
Chapter 6: That was some intense stuff... Don't get me wrong, I really like your story and just finished reading what you have so far... Honestly I thought she was going to just and when they get to the apartment just hang out, maybe watch a movie? I don't know, I'm not really a writer.
Anyways really enjoyed reading what you have so far